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San Francisco Firm Announces Important New Connections

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- Reynier Lumber Company, San Francis,co, announce that they. have been appointed silling agents for Northern Cali- fornia for the West Waterway Lumber Co., Seattle, manu- facturers of Fir lumber and lath, and for Wasiiington V_e19e1 Co., Plant No. 2, Olympia, Wash., manufactu-rers of high grade Old Growth V-ettow Fir Finish, and mouldrngs.

Reynier Lumber Company are also Northern California sales agents for the Humboldt Redwood Co.. of Eureka. manufacturers of Redlvood lumber, and they are themselves producers of split Redwood ties, grape itakes, posts and other products.

"Mixin' in" Experiment Increases Orders

^ Eugene,. Oregon, June 30.-The Booth Kelly Lumber !91lanf is reaping a splendid harvest from an experiment tned ou.t recently in I ane County, Oregon, by geiting the personal element into lumber selling. n. C. Oiioi, *"iager of the com_pany and newly-elected fresident of the Natio"nal l-umber Manufacturers Association, expresses his belief in the need for intensive sales promotion in the lumber ind.u.stry as-follows. "We havi been trying an experiment this month and have had a retail saletmin who ^is quali- fied to mix with farmers, dairymen, etc., out on ;["-;;;l pra,ctically. every day covering a small proportion of thii county and, where he found no chance to sefi lumber (such as would be the case if -he were talking to a renter) tre has tried to make a friend-for our.o-p"nly and is thJtype;I rnan that would do that. He hai sbld something'over $1800.00 worth of lumber during the month, has th;riy-nine residence prospects who say they will build someti-" au.rng the^next year or so, seven schoolhouses in sight and ove.r lO0 barns, silos, brooder-houses and minor Uiitaingi atrd rather expects to sell to somewhere near half of a-ll this list later on."

Federal Funds For California Fire Prevention

The California State Division cif Forestry, Department of Natural Resources, will this year receive gi+Z,ZtS of F;a_ eral funds for forest fire prevention and suppressio.r, a._ cording to.advice just received from the Was'hington head_ q.uarters of the U. S. Forest Service by S. B. Shoiar, chief of the 9alifornia_-Region. This is an intrease oi $SZ,OOO ovei the t'ederal allotment for last year, and $90,000 more than rvas received by the State in 1928.

Federal fire funds are allotted to California each year under the terms of the Clarke-McNary law, to be used by the .State Forester, in conjunction wiih State fire -o"i.J, in the prevention and conirol of fires on some 19 million acres of private forest, brush and range lands valuable for l1n b-ergrgps, grazrng and watershed protection. The Clarke-McNary law provides that the Fediral Gov..nmerri shall ultimately pay one-fourth of the total cost to the State. tor preventing and suppressing fire on such lands, and the yearly in^crease in the fire allotment, foresters state, shows that the Government a_ppreciates the import""c. oi the State's fire problem in Cafifornia. Under the termi of the act, the funds allotted may be used in. employing adal_ tional State .rangers. purchasing fire equipmint'an? tanl< trucks, erecting fire lookout towers and for other fire pre_ ventlon measures.

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