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r' Change in Mana$ement of Nicolai Door Sales Company
Larue I'I/ oodson
Larue 'Woodson, Northern California representativg 9f the Wheeler Osgood Co.. Tacoma, became manager of the Nicolai Door SaJes Co., San Francisco, a subsidiary of the Wheeler Osgood Co., on July 1, succeeding J. C. Haring who recently resigned. Mr. Woodson, who for the_past lO years has represented the Wheeler Osgood Co. in Northern California, is well qualified for this position through his long experience in the industry.
Wm. H. Klingenberg, who is also well known to the sash and door trade bf California, has been appointed assistant manager in charge of sales.
Mr. Woodson told a representative of this paper that his new duties will in no way affect his past connections, as in addition to his new position he will continue as Northern California representative of the Wheeler Osgood Co., Elliot Bay Mill Co., Seattle, and Hardwood Products Corporation, Neenah. Wis.
He is ably assisted by Mr. Klingenberg, and by Miss Mae Hendri,cks, a young lady who has been in his office for the past several years, and who is most proficient in the sash. door and plywood business.
The offiie of the Nicolai Door Sales Co. is located at the warehouse at lgth and Harrison Streets. as before, which means that Mr. 'Woodson has given up his offices at ll2 Market Street where he has been located for a number of years, and is now making his headquarters at the 19th ancl Harrison Street address.
S. F. Hardwood Club Holds Meetings 'At Sea'
As chairman of the dry, J. E. "Ted" Higgins Jr.. of the J. E. Higgins Lumber Co., San Francisco, was responsible for the selection of the meeting place and for all arrang'ements for the June meeting of the San Francisco Hardwoocl Club.
History was made when Mr. Higgins arranged for the meeting to be held at the Southampton Lighthouse, located in San Francisco Bay, near Richmond, as this was surely the first time a group of lumbermen held their deliberations in such a place.
Boarding the speed boat especially chartered for the trip the 100 per cent attendance of members made fast time between the dock at San Francisco and the lighthouse, and after the business session was held there was an entertainment program followed by a banquet, which brought to an end a very enjoyable afternoon.
Fire Damages Kesterson Yard
Fire of undetermined origin destroyed lumber and equipment in the yard of the Kesterson Lumber Co., Dorris, with an estimated loss of $25,000, June 28.