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Don:tfihreit toStart,
Fires from spontaneous combustion don't "just start" by accident. Theyoriginate from well-defined causes. Behind every such fiie thele is some human carelessness or ignorance of chemical reactions. We study these and other fire causes and give direct counsel to policy-holders for safe handling and disposal'of oily rags, greasy clothing, waste and other materials in which spontaneous combustion may take ptace.
Lumber Mutual Insurance is specialized protection for the lumber industry, with expert counsel in fire prevention. with assuranie of prompt payment of losses, and with dividends which represent a saving of. about 4OVo in cost.
Any of our companies uill siae gou full informatioi about Lumber Mutual Insurance anil what it offers to the lunber industrg in protection and irt cost,
Northwestern Mutual Fire Assmiation, of Seattlc, Wash.
The Lumber Mutual Firc Insurancc Co., of Boaton, Mass.
The Lumbermens Mutual Insurane Co., of Manrfeld, Ohio
Pennsylvania Lumbermcns Mutual Firc fnsurane Co., of Philadelphia' Pa.
Central Manufacturers Mutual Insuiencc C.o., of van wert; ohio
Indiana Lumbermens Mutual Insurenc Co., of Indianapolia, Ind.