2 minute read
GilR0itATED Zll{C GH l0RlllE
"Lassie, I wad like to hear the bagpipes agin before I dee."
So they brought in a hieland piper to his bedside, who played to him as long and loud as he desired.
The Scot got well, but all the other patients died, so they say.
Defense Public Works
The President has approved and signed a bill for Defense Public Works expenditures amounting to $150,m0,000. This legislation provides for the creation of public works, including school buildings, community buildings, waterworks, etc., where required by expansion of the defense industry and housing program.
Mr. Lrumber Dealer:
Sell lumber thcl yields c prolit cnd leting satisldctton. CZC, the protected lunber, is cleo, odorless @d pd||tablc. It f! lerniie ond decqy r€sist@t ord fire retqdinE. You co gcll It for F.H.A., U. S. Govement, Los Angelcs City qd Couty cnd Unilorm Building Code iobs. CZC trectid lumber ii stocled lor immediate shipEent ln coEm.rcidl rizos qt l.onE Beoch od Alcmedo. Ast about our cxchange caroice cnral oill shipment plcm.
Ctlrnh Sda Agnb - U[ST-C0|ST t00D PRESERYIilG C0.. t dth
6{ll W. Filth St., Lor Aagclor, Cclil., Pbono Mlchlgcr 8391 33ll MontgoEcrt 3L, So Frocirco, Cst., Phoar DOuglar 38gl
California Lumber Census ]or 1940
California's lumber cut is almost back to the boom days of 'D according to the preliminary 194O statement of production of lumber, lath and shingles compiled by F. A. Gruenwald, Special Agent of the Bureau of the Census stationed at the California Forest and Range Experiment Station of the Forest Service, Berkeley.
Lumber production in 1940 showed an increase over 1939 of 272 and, a half million board feet or over 16 per cent. The total production for the year of 1,957,n1,m board feet was the largest in eleven years. Ponderosa pine formed 48.8 of the total production and shorved an increase over 1939 of 13.9 per cent. The redwood region had almost an equal gain, 13 per cent, while sugar pine. the third most important lumber tree of the state, gained 17.1 per cent. The detailed cut is as follo'r,r's:
Lumber Cut-M Ft. B. M. (Mills cutting 50 M or over)
(2) Includes California red fir (Abies magnifica), which is not produced in sufficient quantity to have established a separate market status.
(3) The pine region cut was incense cedar with the exception of 100 M feet of Port Orford and a very small amount of westerrt red cedar; all of the redwood re.gion cedar was Port Orford.
(a) Bigtree (Sequoia washingtoniana).
(5) Redwood of the coast (S,equoia sempervirens).
(6) Includes a,bout 18 million feet, mostly Douglas fir, cut from Oregon logs.
(z) Nesligible.
Gordon C. Estes Joins Certain-teed
Certain-teed Products Corporation has just announced the appointment of Gordon C. Estes as assistant to C. E. Stedman, vice president in charge of sales, with headquarters at 100 East 42nd Street, New York City. The appointment took effect June 16,1941.
Mr. Estes comes to Certain-teed from Chicago where for more than 20 years he was associated u'ith The Lehon Company as general sales manager and was an important factor in the growth, sales and distribution policies of that company during the past two decades.
The nineteen Wolmanizing plants operating through* out the country employ treating methods which have. beeu proved most effective in Srving Wolmani"ed Lumber its plus-ability to withstand decay and termite attack. One central laboratory checks their operation, assuring uniformity of product.
"Iilolmanized" applies to any h'rnhgr which has. been impregnated with Wolman Salts* preservative. by the vacuum-pressure process. Washing-out or leaching of the preservative is prevented by "fibre. fixation." Alter treahnent, the wood is clean and odorless, and it can be painted. It is easy to handle and erect.
Wolnanized !.rrrnhsJ is distributed lrom coast to coast through regular trade channels, under this one trade neme. AMERICAf.I LITMBER & TREATING COMPAIIY, 1648 McCormick Bldg., Chicago, IU. 'Regrirtered Trade-Marl
Ios Argeles: I03l South Broadway, PRoopect 4.360 San Francicco: I 16 New Montgomery St., SUtter 1225