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We Make Special Knives and RepairCircular Saws

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BAGAC Flooring FOR

BAGAC Flooring FOR





to a hair's in our modern and up-to-date shop we repair Grcular Saws and make apecial Kniveg for woodworking shops, in the shortest poseible time. We algo carry a full gtock of self-hardening, High-Speed Steel for ahaper knives and cutters.

Any two piecee. of "Ev3r. lastin-gt' dooring from any two bundles will match oct fcctly, side and end.


416 Eart Third St. SIMONDS l2.l,l Natone St.


Lor Angclcr, Cel. and STEEL CO.

- San Frencirco, 61.

Each. operator ir p-rovided with three tool cteel gauger tg chgck the width, thickneac, tongue and groove. I;p.c- uon tt conttnuous, to iruure cxact, unvatTing uniforrnity. NICHOLS & COX LUMBER CO.

Crrand Rapi&, Michigan

Ccrtet o1 pc od r,otlial


"Hank" Swafford Back From Foreign Jaunt

H. W. "I{ank" Swafiord, genial Vice President of E. J. Stanton & Son, Los Angeles, arrived home on July 14th, after a delightful four months' trip.

With Mrs. Swafford, Hank left Los Angeles on March l4th, going first to New York by rail, and from there they visited Frince, Italy, Switzerland, Belgium, Germany and the British Isles.

Their wanderings took them by separate automobile trips through the interior of various of these countries, and from his account it was a most wonderful trip.

$ank says that he did as the Romans did, in Italy, eating miies of spaghetti, burning lots of Roman candles and drinking of the multitude of appetizing drinkables that these folk know how to turn out.

He was particularly charmed with rural England.

Mr. H. M. Reynolls, New York representative for-E. J. Stanton & Son,-rettrrned with Mr. Swafford, and, after.a conference in Los Angeles, the two left for an extended trip to the Pine mills of northern California.

A. B. McAlpine, Chicago representative, left Los Angeles on the 23rd, lor his headquarters, after spending two weeks at the home office.

Northwest Lumbermen Will Play


A big entry is expected for the annual golf tournament of the Tacoma Lumbermen's Club to be held August 6. This is the day following the midsummer meeting of the directors of the National Lumber Manufacturers' Association, and it is certain that a large number of those gathered for this meeting will stay over for the golf game.

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