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They Have To Be
"Are politicians always good?" Asked little Jackie Story; "They have to be," said lJncle Zeke, And waxed explanatory; "Now listen to me, Jackie dear, And I will make the reason clear."
"Now when an able man steps forth To labor for the state, His past is public property, His friends investigate; And if his record bears a stain, Their search for it-is not in vain."
"Ife may seem meek and upright, dear, As any wooley sheep, But if he ever harmed a friend, Or failed a pledge to keep, There is no shadow of a doubt, But that his sin will find him out."
"The meddling voters will not let His past lie where it should, They magnify the ill he's done And over look the good; And that's the reason, Jackie lad, Men can't campaign if they've been bad."
-A. Merriam Conner.
Advance Nearly $50,0001000 for Home Financing First Six Months 1940
Washington, July 27,--:Ihe twelve Regional Banks of the Federal Home Loan Bank System advanced nearly $50,000,000 to their member institutions for home financing purposes in the first six months of 19.0, approximately 37 per cent more than during the same period of 1939, it was announced today.
Net advances of nearly $20,000,000 in June alone, marking a decided upsurge even considering the usual demand for money for fiscal year-end purposes, were being studied by officials of the Bank System as possible evidence of an unusually sharp increase in home building.
Repayments by member institutions to the Regional Banks in the first six months of the year totaled about $75,000,000. But whereas $23,500,000 was advanced in June, $3,600,000 in repayments were recorded.
Since the creation of the Bank System in L932, the Regional Banks have advanced $631,000,000 to their member institutions; approximately $157,000,000 now is outstanding. The System now serves more than 3,900 thrift and home-financing institutions, of which the great majority are savings and loan associations. As in the past several decades, savings and loan associations are currently accounting for a larger proportion of home mortgage financing than any other type of lender in the United States.