3 minute read
A Salesman's Best Characteristics
Every tinre you turn cround some young sale$nan asks 1Tilli question: "What crre the outstcnding chqrccteristics a young man should strive lor who wcmts to become cnr <rccomplished salesmcm?"
Here's cr quick cnswer to th<il one. 'TIe nuet be honorcble, he must be lovcrble, crnd he muet be helplul." Keep scrying those three ttrings over to yoursell Mister Youthlul Scrlesmqn There cre mcny sub-clcrssiliccrtions into which ecrch of those chcrccteristics ccrn be divided iI you get right down to ccsesi but thoee three lundcmrentcrls crre easy to remember:
He must be HONOBABLE.
He muEt be LOVABLE.
He must be HELPFIIL
The lirst is the most importcrnl To be honorcble medns to be honest, relicble, dependcrble in crll things. If men stry oI you-"you cqn cbsolutely detrrnd on ldnr"-*his word is cs good cs hiB bond"-"you clwcrys hrow where he stcmds without csking him"-then you hcrve cr long stqrt on your lile trip, cnrd it matters not where you cre cirning. There is no room in this modern business world lor cr dishonest m-'r. There ie no room even lor the "shcrp prtrctice" mcm-the mcn who stcys iust inside the written rules ol honesty, but cuts the conrers. Yes, to be in crll things honorcble, comes fitst.
To be LOVABLE is cr subiect on which librcnies hcve been cmd ccrn be written It hcrdly needs elcrboration Il your lrien&, your customers, your prospects, cnd your cssocicrtes ol qll sorts like to see you wcrlk in-you've got cnother business wedge whose power is inestimable. "Mcke'em like you," is c grrcmd slogcm lor salesnen BuL Ah, whcrt tr world ol brcdns, cmd inlelligence, cmd diplomcrcy, card tcrct, cmd genuine chqrcrcter is required to do thcrt. And, of course, this second lundcrmentcrl includes the first, beccruse who on ecrth loves cr crook, or c chect, or c "shcrlr prcrctice" mcm?
To be HELPFUT is c wonderlul selling lundmentcl. And this is more of cr physiccrl thing, thcn the otber two. Helplulness ccn be mcde to cover businesg, selling, economic, crs well cs personcl cnd emotioncrl mqtters. A mcm with cr wise word ol trdvice, crdministered in c tone oI voice thcrt proclcims its genuineness, is clwcrys welqome. So is cr mcrn wilh intelligent crnd prcrcticcrl suggestions thct the other lellow mcy incorporcrte into his business. Helplulness covers c brocd lield; too brocrd to be specilictrlly chcrrted.
I hcve belore me ct rhis moment the text ol cn cddress I delivered to a high school grrtrducting clcss twenty-five yecrs crgo. And I lind thct I told those boys cnd garls they should sbive lor NINE things in life: HONEStr, DEPEIIDABIUTY, ENEBGY, AMBITION, VISION, ENTHUSIASIVL COITRAGE, Pt NCII, dnd STICKTOITVENESS. But thct mcrkes cm interesting text for still qnother scrles tcrlk.
John W. \(/atzek, tr. Heads Lumber and Forest Products Division ol Delense Advisory Commrssion
Washington, D. C., luly 22, 19,1o.-Edward R. Stettinius, Jr., member of the National Defense Advisory Commission in charge of the Raw Materials Division, today announced the following appointments to his staff:
Henry M. McAdoo, president, United States Leather Company, New York, to be Group Executive on leather, industrial belting and related products.
Merrill A. Watson, executive vice president, Tanners Council of America, fnc., New York, to be an assistant to Mr. McAtloo.
John W. Watzek, Jr., of Chicago, to be Group Executive on lumber and lumber products. Mr. Watzek is president of the Jackson Lumber Company, Lockhart, Alabama, and vice president of the Fordyce Lumber Company, Fordyce, Arkansas; the Crossett Lumber Company, Crossett, Arkansas; Crossett Timber and Development Company, Bastrop, Louisiana; and Crossett Western Company, Wauna, Oregon. Since 1925, Mr. Watzek has been a resident of Chicago as a partner of the Crossett Watzek Gates Industries.
In 1935-36, he was president of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association of Washington, D. C., and since 1936 has been a director of the American Forestry Association. He is also a member of the Advisory Council of the Charles Lathrop Pack Forestry Foundation.
Red Cedar Shinsle Literature Available
Certigrade Handbook-An illustrated 96-page book which has come to be regarded as a red cedar shingle encyclopedia. In its fourth edition, over 250,000 copies have been distributed. Covers proper application, grades, uses, qualities, and other pertinent red cedar shingle data. Free of charge.
Extension Bulletin No. S4G-Entitled "Roofs and Exterior Walls of Red Cedar Shingles," this booklet is written by three Oregon State College agricultural engineers and gives valuable information on the variety of uses of red cedar shingles on farm buildings. Free of charge.
Ifome Protection-A beautifully illustrated booklet which graphically shows the attractive uses of red cedar shingles. Designed primarily for consumer distribution. 10d per copy.
Visit Redwood Empire
Lewis Godard, sales manager, and John Rhoda, plant superintendent of Hobbs Wall Lumber Co., San Francisco, left JuJy 24 for a week's business and pleasure trip in the Redwood Empire.
Attended Salinas Rodeo
Jas. E. "Jimmy" Atkinson and George Hawley of Atkinson-Stutz Co., San Francisco, were interested visitors at the annual Salinas Rodeo, wlt,th ended its four-day run July 2I.