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Hollvwood Door Plant Enlarged
A further step in the growth of the West Coast Screen Company, whose plant at 1145 East 63rd Street, Los Angeles, is illustrated above, is the recent addition of a new brick warehouse, giving the plant a total frontage of. 252 feet. The building has a depth of 145 feet. Across the street on trackage is a storage warehouse for lumber 450 feet long, where a stock varying from 1,000,000 to 2,W,000 feet is kept on hand.
The reason for keeping such a large stock of lumber is found in the fact that this concern "acclimates" its lumber for a period of at least 90 days before manufacturing it into finished products. This policy has been carried out over a period of years and has been proved to pay good dividends.
As is well known this company manuf'actures the nationally distributed Hollywood Combination Screen and Metal Sash Door, and the rapid and healthy growth of the business is a tribute to the genius and industry of the owner and founder, Francis G. Hanson, who long ago figured that the way to make a success of manufacturing was to