7 minute read
make something the public needs and then go ahead and tell the world about it. The West Coast Screen Company has done this very effectively, spending many thousands of dollars each year in promotion work and selling its preducts on merit rather than on a price basis. -
Mr. Hanson started in a small way in 1923 and the plant now employs 110 men. Some of the employes have been on the job from the start and many have been continuously employed for more than 10 years.
The plant is now in its fifth year of two-shift operation. It is one of the most modern in the United States, all of the machinery being of the latest type, and many machines having been specially built for this operation.
Warehouse stocks of Hollywood Doors are maintained at San Francisco, Portland, Or'e.; St. Paul, Minn.; Houston, Texas; Chicago, Ill.; Newark, N. J. and Brooklyn, N. Y.
West Coast Screen Company also manufactures louvre doors, shutters and screen doors.
The Wisdom Of Plato
The people have always some champion whom they set over them and nurse into greatness . . . This and no other is the root from which a tyrant springs; when he first appears he is a protector.***.
In the early days of his power, he is full of smiles, and he salutes every one whom he meets. rfrs*
Has he not also anotfier object which is that the people may be impoverished by payment of taxes, and thus compelled to devote themselves to their daily wants and therefore less likely to conspire against him?
Much Obliged For The Info
First Drunk, in street: Shay, pal, can you tell me what time it ish?
Second Drunk: Shertainly.
First Drunk (staggering away): Thanksh, pal.
In a way outlaws are better than in-laws; at least they never promise to pay you back.
When Strangers Meet
On a street in San Antonio
I asked the way to the Alamo.
"You are almost there," a stranger said, "You walk three blocks straight ahead."
A fleeting smilel as the dawn
Passed over his he was gone. Less than a mi we spoke together, Then parted to meet no more forever. But he had felt the sacred tie
Of a brotherhood that shall not die.
Thompson in Texas Outlook.
Wise Daughter
Dad: Did you give our daughter that copy of "\Mhat Every Girl Should Know"?
Mother: Yes, and she's writing a letter to the author suggesting a couple of dozen corrections and the addition of two new chapters.
And This From Dtmosthenes
Like the diet prescribed by doctors, which neither restores the strength of the patient nor allows him to succumb, so t'hese doles that you are now distributing neither suffice to ensure your safety nor allow you to renounce them and try something else.
Two Kinds
"There are two kinds of Lumbermen on earth today, (Just two kinds-no more, I say). Not the saint or sinner, for 'tis well understood, The good are haif bad and the bad half good. Not the rich or the poor, for to count a man's wealth, You must first know the state of his conscience and health. Not the happy or sad, for the swift flying years, Bring to each man his laughter and to each man his tears. No: the two kinds of people on earth I mean Are the people who lift and the people who lean, And where'er you go, you'll find the world's masses Are always divided into just these two classes. And, oddly enough, you'll find, too, I ween, There's only one lifter to twenty who lean ! In which class are you? Are you easing the load Of over-taxed lifters who toil down the road, Or are you a leaner, who makes others bear YOUR part of the labor, and worry and care?"
Teacher: What is it tfut binds us_.1p6fther, sustains us, and makes us even better \than Tommy: Girdles.
No Questtons Asked
A minister was loud in his praise of the fat and juicy bird his colored host served for dinner, and finally asked: "Where did you get such a fine goose as that?"
"Pahson," replied his host, "when you preaches a good serrnon Ah doan ax you whar you got it. Ah hopes you'll hab de same consideration foh me."
In Plain View
Fanny was thoroughly angry2t her swimming teacher. "The fresh thing( she /Iaimed. "After I won the race, he came to me a\d y{d,'My dear, you kept your end upmagnificently!'"V l
Graveg Company and Unions Reach Agreement
Graves Company, Los Angeles, announces the conclusion of a mutually satisfactory agreement which has settled their past differences with the Lumber and Sawmill 'Workers' IJnion, Local No. 2788, Truck Drivers, Union No. 420, and United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America.
The company sent out the following letter to their customers:
"It is with pleasure that Graves Company announces establishment of friendly relations with its employees, representative unions, Lumber and Sawmill Workers, IJnion, Local No. 2788, Truck Drivers' IJnion, Local No. 420, and United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America.
"An agreement based on good faith and understanding has brought to a close all formerly existing differences between the company and the above group to the mutual satisfaction of all concerned.
"We can now offer our customers not only an able and efficient service with the full and friendly cooperation of our employees and their representatives, but also the assurance of a friendly reception of our products on the job by their affiliates. Union label privileges have been accorded to the Graves Company mill and lumber products.
"Now that we are in a better position to meet your needs, may we cordially invite your patronage? Our representatives will be pleased to offer you the conscientious personal sort of service upon which they have built an enviable reputation in the past. Call on us."
Vacationed In Santa Crvz Mountains
Don F. White, White Brothers, San Francisco, returned first of last week from his vacation, spent in the Santa Cruz Mountains, where he made his headquarters at ..Galawater," country home of C. H. White.
The aristocrat ol plyuooils. The striking beauty of true ribbon grain Philippine Ma. hogany may now be obtained at low cost. Constructed by the LAMINEX process, the beauty of this superb hard- wood ig combined with the strength and workability of other Vheeler Osgood plywoods. Finish possibiliries are almost limitless-any tone from t'blond' mahogany to oak nay be easily obtained. Philippine Mahogany ig used efiectiveh and economically wherever richness and distinction are desired.
We also mcrnufccture other Hcrrdwood-Fcced pcrnets in Oak, Gun, WqlnuL Birch cnd poplcrr. Reler your inquiries to us.
Wheeler Osgood Sales Corporation
ltf,onufiacntrerc oJ Lqmincx pntr/luc]t FACTORIT TACOMA, WASHTNGTON
Srlor Ofricerr Srn Frrncircc rnd Lcr Angclcr
Door & Sash co., Los Angeles, was a recent visitor to the company's source of supply at Mt. Shasta, Weed and Tacoma. Mrs. pryor accompanied him on the trip.
George pryor,
Treaied Tutber
DIATE DEIJVENY TO LI'MEEN f*cb-ogr rorvlc>dodor,. ut €t.d IEE-
D.r lot our ChroEat.d Zbc Cbtorldo rtoci ptua cttotga lor iraatbg.
Tr.ctilg dcdcr'r on-lunbrr-alt rltp_
E.ntt. io our docl or trucl totr ttl qactct-l ycrC.
Philippine Mahogany Manufacturers' Donner Party Route Will Be Marked by lmporters Meet at Colorado Springs
The annual meeting of the Philippine Mahogany Manufacturers' Import Association Inc. was held at the Broadmoor Hotel, Colorado Springs, Colo., on Friday and Saturday, luly 1920.
Members of the Association, representing the industry on both the Atlantic and Pacific coasts, were in attendance. Members of the board of directors reelected for the ensuing year are as follows: W. G. Scrim, Findlay-Millar Tirnber Co., Los Angeles; Roy Barto, Cadwallader-Gibson Co. Inc., Los Angeles; H. R. Black, Black & Yates Inc., Brooklyn, N. Y.; Thomas E. Powe, Thomas E. Powe Lumber Co., St. Louis, Mo.; J. K. McCormick, Henry J. Winde Co., Charlestown, Mass.; Glenn W. Cheney, Dant & Russell, Portland, Ore.; and J. Raymond Peck, Insular Lumber Company, Philadelphia, Pa.
At a meeting of the board of directors W. G. Scrim was re-elected president for the eighth consecutive year. Other officers re-elected were H. R. Black, vice-president, Glenn W. Cheney, secretary-treasurer, and G. W. Purchase, Los Angeles, assistant secretary-treasurer.
Demand For Fha Continues At Lively Pace
That residential construction under Federal Housing Administration inspection will continue at the present lively pace is indicated by the substantial volume of applications for insured loans coming into the Los Angeles FHA office, as reported by Capt. Wilson G. Bingham, Southern California district director.
Three out of the four past weeks registered more than 500 applications each, with dollar volume amounting to well above the $2,000,000 mark each week. it was stated.
Trail Riders
A little known section 9f the old Emigrant Trail, tragic route of the Donner Party pioneers over the High Sierras during the winter of 1846-1847, will be mapped and signed by trail riding California historians.
Supervisor Guerdon Ellis of the Tahoe National Forest headquarters at Nevada City said the group will include Native Sons of the Golden West, journalist historians and United States Forest Service officials.
Starting early Sunday morning, July 28, from Bear Valley north of Emigrant Gap in the Tahoe National Forest, the saddle horse party rode west by way of Mule Springs and Nigger Jack Hill where emigrant trains frequently camped. The route is several miles to the north of and parallels the scenic Auburn-Truckee highway.
Terminus of thd trailmarking party will be at the foot of Steep Hollow north of Gold Run, 22 miles from the takeoff point at Bear Valley. Emigrant journals qay that Steep Hollow was so named because wagon wheels had to be locked and trees dragged behind in order to make the descent without total destruction of the wagon train.
W. A. Levee, old time resident of Liberty Hill in the Mother Lode country, was the guide for Sunday's saddle caravan. Wendell Robie, Auburn business man and a leader of the party, states that Mr. Levee "knows every foot of the Emigrant Trail westward from the Bear Valley crossing."
A similar trailmarking expedition in 1934 posted the route of the early day ernigrants between Donner Lake and Bear Valley. That party was led by R. L. P. Bigelow, former supervisor of the Tahoe National Forest, a post he held for 28 years. Mr. Bigelow also will accompany the group Sunday.
Sometime in the near future the Native Sons expect to conduct trailmarking parties between Steep Hollow and the lower end of Bear River. The final link of the historic route is between that point and Sutter's Fort in the Sacramento Valley.
Back From Northwest
Al Nolan, Western sales manager, The Pacific Lumber Company, San Francisco, returned luly 29 from a business trip to Portland and Seattle.