3 minute read
clrR0irATED zrl{c cHt0Rilrt
The speech ended, Mr. Lincoln approached her and courteously asked for the return of his hat. She rose, discovered the hat, and was all apologies.
"That's all right, Madam," said Mr. Lincoln. "Don't worry a bit about it. But I could have told you when you sat down, it wouldn't fit you."
Visiting Pacific Coast
Stanley Deas and Brooks Toler, staff members of the Southern Pine Association, New Orleans, who are on a visit to the Pacific Coast. visited San Francisco about two weeks ago.
Attending Radio School
Donald S. Winfree, son of Henry Winfree, Dant & Russell, Inc., Stockton, is now attending advanced radio school at Camp Crowder, Mo.
BRUSH II{DUSTRIAL TUMBER Ct|, 5901 South Centrcl Ave., los Angeles Phone CE 2-0188
Hardwoods and Softwoods
Scll lumbcr thdt yicl& a pro0t qnd laetlag caurlqclion. C2C. thc protcclcd lumbcr, ir clco, odorlcer cnd pclnpbtc, lt lr t.mit6 dtrd dccay rcllst(Erl <rrd flro rctdrding. You ccn dl
It lor F.H.A., U. S. Goverocnt, Ior Angclcr e.iry aDd Coulft od Unllorm Buildiag Codc lobr, C?C trccrtcd lunbor lr stoclcd lor illrEcdicrt. rhipEcnt ln coDDcrcial riar at lpag Bccch ord Alcrmcdq. ArL <$out our crchcurgc rrvlcc od aill rhipncnt plca.
CJm Edr tfb - IEST-GoIST l00D ?nE$NIXG G0. - tdlh ml W. Fllll EL, Lor llgdor, Ccl&. Phoao Mlchlgor tlll g}l lilotrtgo!.rt gt.. g.r Srodrco. Col., Ploor DOEglcr S
'!Ve hcrve a well rounded inventory of Fcrctory ond Better Grcrdes of Ponderosq crrd Sugcr Pine crrd Spruce. In Hcrdwoods-No. I Common ond Better Grqdes of Alder, Beech, Birch, Cedcr, Gum, Tobcsco Mcrhogcrry, Mcgnolic, Mcrple, Ock crrd Walnut.
Member Naianal Hmlwooil ltmbet Association
Wooden Container Material Price Change \7ood Pulp Control Announced by !(/PB
A change in OPA pricing provisions designed to permit producers of wooden container materials, particularly those used in the manufacture of cooperage products, to increase their prices under certain limited circumstances, was announced by the Office of Price Administration.
The producer of any wooden material subject to the general maximum price regulation which is to be used in manufacture of a container made principally of wood and which also is subject to the general maximum price regulation, may apply to OPA for an adjustment of prices under the following conditions :
1. When the unit cost of producing the miterial is higher than the maximum price permitted by the general maximum price regulatiori.
2. When the War Production Board has designated as essential both the container for which the material is to be used, and the product to be packaged.
3. When the buyer of the material has started he will not use the increased cost as the basis for asking an increase in the maximum price of his own products, or for resisting otherwise justifiable decreases in his maximum prices.
To permit such adjustments, OPA has issued amendment No. 7 to supplementary regulation No. 15 to the general maximum price regulation. The amendment becomes effective July 6, 1943.
Demands of the several claimant agencies for paper and paper products have become so insistent and the shortages of wood pulp so severe that the War Production Board has found it necessary to assume control over the use of all grades of wood pulp, it was announced.
The WPB Pulp and Paper Division is empowered to direct the use of any or all wood pulp by manufacturers of paper, paperboard and other products, under general preference order l\{-93 as amended and issued today. This will insure that sufficient wood pulp is reserved for the production of essential paper and paperboard products as well as for the manufacture of certain essential products of the chemical and textile industries.
Until May, 1943, War Production Board exercised control only over delivery of pulp and its acceptance by consumers. On May 4, 1943, however, the "withholding" clause of M-93 was invoked by the issuance of supplementary general preference order M-93-a, which enabled the Pulp and Paper Division to require the withholding of pulp by pulp producers for delivery as directed by WPB. Subsequently, producers of pulp were directed to withhold 20 per cent of all pulp produced during June and each month thereafter, and to make deliveries of such withheld pulp only at the direction of WPB. This action was prompted by the necessity for ensuring the availability of wood pulp for essential uses.