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Gm*lERsToN & Gnrrx LutrlBER Co.
Wholesale and Jobbing Yards
FirRedwoodPonderosaSugar Pine
San Francisco Oakland
lEfi) Army Street 2OOl Livi"gton Street
ATwater 13fl) KEllog 41884
Aircraft Plywood
Glider and cargo aircraft programs now being reconsidered indicate that there may be a slight increase in the demand for aircraft plywood, Government officials told the Hardwood Plywood Industry Advisory Committee of the War'Production Board at its meeting in Washington. It was pointed out, however, that production of aircraft plywood is at present, and will probably continue to be, in excess of requirements.
The industry's major problem is manpower and shortages are affecting production of hardwood plywood needed for ships, boxing and crating and other war uses, committee members stated. Lower wage rates as compared with those of some other war industries have caused a serious drain on personnel. Women are now being used in every capacity where their employment is feasible, but it has not been possible to replace lost manpower to a sufficient degree.
Reports on log supply, given for various parts of the country by industry members, brought out the fact that inventories are low, particularly for yellow birch and maple.
Adhesives used in manufacturing commercial grades of hardwood plywood are becoming increasingly critical, an official of the Chemical Division told the comrnittee. Casein, urea resins, and tapioca flour are controlled by WPB orclers and every effort should be made, the official stated, to conserve adhesives.
Clifford Setter, of WPB's Lumber and Lumber Protltrcls Division, presided at the meeting. The committee will lrolcl its next meeting in September.
O PA Food Nishtmare (From Advertising Age)
Castigated and calumniated, pilloried and pummeled, slandered and smacked from pillar to post, OPA can take it. But the most vituperative and acidulous barbs yet thrust at the OPAers came from the Piggly Wiggly Corporation, Atlanta, in a scathing denunciation of the nation's food program. A few choice tid-bits follow:
"The OPA food nightmare must go."
"fnept and inane administration by this wartime agency."
"Leon Henderson tried to do the right thing as well as he could. When Prentiss Brown, a political lame duck, took his place we suspected that OPA was being thrown to the dogs."
"We wanted to remain tolerant while OPA was going through its birth pains."
"Today OPA is a sorry spectacle. Hit-or-miss rulings issued today, amended tomorrow, and killed the week after."
"If there ever was a case of fiddling while Rome burned, this is it."
"The professors of philosophy, the welfare workers, and others of the long haired ilk, must go."
"This is war, and we don't have the time to act as guinea pigs for a lot of crackpots."
Lumber Production For May
Lumber production for May, totaling 2,958 million board feet, showed, a 4 per cent increase over April production, WPB reports.