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Logs for Victory

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How Lrumber Lrooks

How Lrumber Lrooks

Tbese cre buay dcyr in the Pcrcific Northwest lorest cl wood is needed vitctly lor the wcr effort. Thia big ftuehcul loggdng trailer is hculing

91100 leet ol Douglcr fir lor tbe Fischer Lumber Conpcrny ol Marcolcr, Ore.

Jerry Essley Now Tnstructor

Jerry Essley of D. C. Essley & Son, wholesale lumber dealers, Los Angeles, is now an instructor in the Army Overhaul Depot, San Bernardino, where he is instructing Army personnel in airplane engine overhaul.

In preparation for this work Jerry took an eight-months' course at the Curtis-Wright Airplane School, and followed with a field service course at North American Aviation. Inc.

Jack Brush In East

Jack Brush of the Brush Industrial Lumber Co., Los Angeles, left July 23 on an extended Eastern tour, He went direct to Washington Borough, Pa., to visit his mother, who is 82. Following his stay there he will call on many Northern and Appalachian hardwood mills, and will attend the war service conference and annual meeting of the National Hardwood Lumber Association at Chicago, September 1G17.

He will return by way of Seattle and Portland, and will call on Pine mills in Southern Oregon and Northern California on his way south to Los Angeles.


Additions and alterations to existing building amounting to $454,605 accounted for nearly half of the total valuation of 1,219 building permits totaling $1,U0,772 issued in Los Angeles in June. This compares with 1,181 permits with a valuation of $980,4O7 in May and 1,511 permits with a valuation of $1,969,523 in June, 1942.

Provision f.or 42 families was made by permits for 42 single dwellings. This compares with provisions lor 2lO families in May and 335 in June, 1942. Average cost of single dwellings in June was $2,037 as compared with $2,434 in May and $3,143 in June, 1942.

Tidewater Red Cypress Lumber Cetlings

Dollars-and-cents maximum prices for Tidewater red cypress lumber-a wood vital in the w21 sffe1f-ruere announced by the Office of Price Administration.

The specific ceilings are established in Maximum Price Regulation No. 412 (Tidewater Red Cypress Lumber), and became effective June D, 1943.

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