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Lumbermen to Play Gol[ on Hoo-Hoo D.y Sept. 9
A11 lumbermen and sash, door and millwork men are invited to attend the Hoo-Hoo golf tournament and dinner at the Southern California Golf & Country Club (Midwick). Monterey Park, on Thursday, September 9. Tee off will be at 1?:09 p.m., and there will be a big steak dinner at 7:39 p.m., followed by high class musical entertainment.
Those who do not play golf can attend the dinner, and for them there will be a special door price ol a $25.00 War Bond.
There 'ivill be many valuable prizes for the golfers, including two Hoo-Hoo golf cups.
In accordance with the plan of the International Order of Hoo-Hoo for the celebration of Hoo-Hoo Day, September 9.
Hardwood Men Attend Conference
J. E. Higgins, Jr., J. E. Higgins Lumber Co., San l.'rarrcisco, and Dallas Donnan of Ehrlich-Harrison Co., Seattle, left San Francisco August 26 on a business trip. They will call on hardwood lumber and flooring mills in the Middle West and South. and will attend the war service confer'ence and annual meeting of the National Hardlvood Lumber Association at Chicago, September 16 and 17.
In Australia
Maurice L. Euphrat, Jr., 18 year old son of Maurice L. (Duke) Euphrat, Wendling-Nathan Co., San Francisco, is now with the U. S. Army in Australia.
this tournament and dinner meeting has been arranged by the Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo Club, of which George E. Ream is president.
Dee Essley, Vicegerent Snark for the Southern California district, is chairman of the committee handling the affair. The other members are: LeRoy Stanton, Andy Donovan, Ed Bauer, Orrin Wright, Gene De Armond, Harvey \A/. Koll, Hervey Bowles, A. B. (Bert) McKee, W. B. Wickersham, R. S. (Bob) Osgood, W. T. Black.
Bob Osgood is chairman of the membership committee.
An appeal is being made by the committee to all the old cats in the district, asking them to reinstate their membership in Hoo-Hoo.
Stockton Lumber Company Sold
The old established yard of the Stockton Lumber Company, Stockton, has been sold to new owners. Elmore W. King of King Lumber Company, Bakersfield, is president, and A. J. Russell, Santa Fe Lumber Compar,y, San Franisco, is secretary of the new concern.
In The Army
John Osgood, son of Bob Osgood, Los Angeles wholesale lumberman, is in the army and with the A-12 Army Specialized Training Program, and is stationed at Fort McClellan, Amiston, Alabama. John just completed his first year at the University of California at Berkeley.