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BT]ILD A *FIJTT]RE WORK" FILE (Of Needs You Can't Srpply TODAY)

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How Lrumber Lrooks

How Lrumber Lrooks

Mcintcining a prospect list in normal times is iust good business. Why then isn't it iust crs good business to keep c record oI the needs you ccn't fill todcy -but which you ccn supply when the mctericls cre crgcrin crvcilcrble? Insteqd of closing the door to luture business by scrying, 'I{o, I'm sorry we hcven't this or that and cqn't get it," wouldn't it be better to scy, "V[fe hcven't such cnd such todqy, but we'll crdvise you when we ccn get it." Then iot it down cnd periodicclly check with your prospect to keep your records up-todcrte. Such c bcrcklog of luture scrles will ccrrry you well into the postwcrr period which lies checd.

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