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How Lrumber Lrooks

How Lrumber Lrooks


For years we have been able to say-"protnpt delivery, any amount of all types of doors." As America's largest door manufacturer we have always been able to make good on this statement. Flowever, for the present it is impossible for us to fulfill this service to our jobbers and deelers. And here's why-now it's

All OutforVirtory

There is only one thing that matters-win the war as quickly as possible. Ve know that this is uppermost in your minds, too. The great bulk of our output of doors and other kindred products is going into war housing and for othet war purposes. That will be the situation with this company until the enemies of our country are defeated.

Neut Horizons After tbeVar

Big things are-already plenned end develo,ped for the post-ward period. You well remember how Vheeler Osgood "Color Grading" revolutionized the door.industry. After the war look again for Vheeler Osgood to be first to give you major improvements and sensational new developments. Until then we will do our best to fulfill your urgent needs.

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