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How Lrumber Lrooks

How Lrumber Lrooks


Pope & Tablot, Inc., Luber Division

7i{ W. Otymplc Blvd. (rD ..'...PRotD.ct tzll

Rcd Rivcr Lrrnbcr Co.,

?c2 E. Slauroa (ff) ..'...........CEnturv 29O?r lGll S. Brcedway (f5) ..'.'........PRospect oitll tstE S. Cetrel Arc. ia) .....'...Rlchmond l14l r8m-A WilniDgton Rod (San Pcdre) ;............'......Su Pcdrc 22|10

Su Pcdre Lmbcr Co.

Santa Fc Lunbcr Co..

3ll Finucial Ccntir Bldg. (ra) ..VAndike {7r

Schafcr Brcr. Lumbs & Shinglc Co., rr? w. grh strut (r5) .............TRinitv {?r

Shwltn Pinc Salce Co.'

330 Pctmlun Bldg. (r5) ..........PRorp*t c6r5

Simprorr Indurtrlca, Inc.,

16ra E. Washington Blvd. (21) ...PRosFct 6tE3

Stetdr, E. J. & Son, 2050 E. ttlt St. (rr) ..'...'....'CEntury 29rr

Suddcn & Chrietcren' Inc.'

@ Bdrd of Tra& Bldg. (il) '.."TRinitv t84{

Taoma Lunbcr Saleg' t3? Pctrclcm Bldg. (fS) .'.......PRoepect llOt

Wcndlinr-Nathu Co.. 5225 flllhirc Blvd: (36) .YOrk ll6t

Wert Orcgon Lmbq Co., 127 Pctioleum Bldg. (r5) .......'.Rlchmond 02El

W. W. Wilkinson, 316 w. 9rb srrut (r5) ..TRinity 4613

Wcycrhaas Salee Ca., llrg w. M. Gulud Bldg. (15) ...Mlchigen 635{

E. K. Wood lanber ColTrC Sc Alamcda St. (51) .......JEfreron 3lll


Anericm Lumber & Trcating Co., lGtl S. Brcadrpay (f5) .,...........PRotpcct 1360

Butcr, J. H. & Co.. 6ll Wcrt sth Strcct (f3) ..,.Mlchlgel 62tM

Popc & Talbot, Inc., Lunbcr Divielon, 7U W. Olymplc Btvd. (r5) .....PRorpact t23l

*Postoffice Zone Number in Parenthesis.


Amsicm Hrdwod Co., rgn E. $th Strut (5,1) ......'..PRo.pct 1235

Brush Indu*rial Lmber Co.

5901 S. Ccntral Ave. (l) '..'.....CEntury 2'0ltt

Stero. E. J. & Son, A5O Eut llrt Strut (u) .......CEntury ztZU

TVcrtem Hardwood Luber Co., 20tl Eact lsth Stret (S5) .......PRospcct 616l


Back Pmel Cmpany' 310-31{ East 32nd Strect (rl) ...'....ADua {225 Cdtfomtr l)or Compaly' Thc

P. O. Bc 126, Vcmn Station (u) Klmball 2tll Calilornir Puel & Vaer Co-

P. O. Bq 2€5' Tmlnal . lanq (51) ........................TRlnity 005?

Cabb Co- T. M., sEtl0 Catral Amuc (lr) ...........ADm3 UU?

Euban} & Son, Inc., L H. (Inglcwmd) Eubank H. {33 W. Redondo Blvd. ... Halcy Brce. (Suta Monica) .1620 rlth Stret ..1626 rlrh Siret ....................AShIay {-z2it Kehl, Jno. W. & Son' 652 S. M:rerr Struct (23) ....,.....ANgclul El9l

Orogon-Wuhington Plywood Ca318 }1'6t Ninth StrFt (r5) ,.. ... .TRinitv 4613

Pacific Wood Productr Corporation, 360 Trdum Strut (26) ........'.Albuy0r0r

Pacific Mutual Dd Co., l6llo E. ll/aehingtm Blvd. (21) ..PRocFct 9523

Rem Compun C€. E' 235 S. Alucda Strtct (12) .....Mlchigan rE5{ Red River Lumber Co., ?@ S. Slaumn (lf) ..........'...CErhrrya0?f

Smpga Co. (Paredcna), 745 So. Raynond Avc. (2) ....'....RYu l-5!il9

Siuprcn Indu.trlo. Inc., 1610 E. wa3hlnsrron Blvd. (2r) ...PRorFct 6lt3

W6t Co.rt Ssrum Co.' U45 Eart dlrd StrG"t (r) ........ADamt llfG

\f,/estcm MiU & Mdldhs Co.' s9{r So. Wutcm Avc. (ll) ...,Tll/tukr le6l Wheler Oggmd Sales Corp., 922 So. Flower St. ................VAndike 6i126

Lumber, serving as the nation's No. L structural material for war, at the same time is creating for itself a vast postwar market. Under stimulus of America's finest engineeting talent and manufacturing skill, it not only is meeting every vital structural need, but also is proving its ready adaptability to new applications which are sure to gteady expand its use in future construction.

As a case in point, much of the lumber and timbers today leave the mills flameproofed by pressure-ffeatment with MINAIITH Fire Retardant. Other progressive and significant steps include fabrication into laminated trusses, arches, beams, and other structural members delivered to the job ready to erect and to be joined by Teco Ring Connectors which utilize 80 per cent or more of the working strength of wood.

In producing for war, Fordyce and Crossett are in full stride with these progressive developments of war will be ready, with the removal of wartime restrictions, to supply you with lumber and lumber products which will meet all requirements of the coming new markets.

To speed that comingr buy more 'V'ar Bonds.



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