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How Lrumber Lrooks

How Lrumber Lrooks

Helplng You Get Buclnegc Nowl

Gelotex is running the greatest advertisiog campaign in its history, urgiog Americans to keep their homes in good repair-totrunxraste slnce into rooms forwinworkers-to build and repairfarmbuild' i-"gr. Stilt another campign reaches -ili*t and induscial bulers, buildersr contract-ors' architects, roofers' lathers' and plas' t".".. Both programs are designed to help the industry and you' enen though some Celotet products rray not alwap be imme' diately available.

Results have been outstanding. Thousands of reguests have been received for the bookleg "!9'artime Guide to Better flones"' This is real proof that Crlotex advertising is setting the- pace for the industrland pda a kind of force that gea fast action'

Greotlng Posl-Wor Home Bulldlng for You

After the war, Americans will have billions of dolkars saved up to buy the things they need. Month after mooth, C-clotex is running the biggest campaign i" .hi -industry -t" ry1r5 dJlers a maJor-share of these saved up billious. llly rypl" in your territory willuant to build oew ho-mes with l?'ar Bon& bought today, Lec"ose Celotex national advertising is creating that dehe tmtt.

As a result of this advertising, lequesut for the booklet, 'Your Miracle Hone of Tomorow," have been received from tens of thousands of proopective hone'owners. The inqrliries from your territory *il]cooitiooe to be sent to yo]r to- enable you- to Yl developing new-home ProsPeco imneaiatety. Th- en, when *Y' a.y "tii"i, you ll be alt seifor I gpat buiness boom!

I. E. MARTIN MnncrginE Editor

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