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How Lrumber Lrooks

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How Lrumber Lrooks

How Lrumber Lrooks

Lumber shipments ol 46I mills reporting to the National Lumber Trade Barometer were 3.3 per cent below production for the week ended September 25, 1943. In the same week new orders of these mills were 2'6 per cent greater than production. Unfilled order files in the reporting mills amounted to 102 per cent of stocks. For reporting softwood mills, unfilled orders are equivalent to 40 days' production at the current rate, and gross stocks are equivalent to 37 days'production.

For the year to date, shipments of reporting identical mills exceeded production by 8.4 per cent; orders by 10.2 per cent.

Compared to the average corresponding week of 1935-39 production of reporting mills was l7.l per cent greatcr; shipments were 16.6 per cent greater; and orders were 17.8 per cent greater.

The Western Pine Association for the week ended September 25, t00 mills reporting, gave orders as 67,215,000 feet, shipments 79,466,000 feet, and production 87,348,000 feet. Orders on hand at the end of the week totaled 397,324,' 000 feet.

The Southern Pine Assocation for the week ended October 2,95 units (158 mills) reporting, gave orders as 19,203,000 feet, shipments 22,993,W feet, and production 20,969,'

000 feet. Orders on hand at the end of the week totaled 142,05O,000 feet.

The California Redwood Association reported production of twelve operations for the month of August 1943, as 38,528,000 feet, shipments 4O,212,00O feet, and orders received 30,731,000 feet. Orders on hand at the end of the month totaled 126,551,000 feet.

The West Coast Lumbermen's Association for the week ended September 25 reported orders as I47,671,W f'eet, shipments 116,825,000 feet, and production 1?f,702,Offi f.eet. For the week er,ded October 2 orders were reported as 122,800,000 feet, shipments 122,289,000 feet, and production 113,931,000 feet.

Red Cedar Shingles

Pending action on a petition filed by producers seeking higher ceiling prices, sellers of red cedar shingles are authorized by the OPA to make sales and deliveries on an adjustable pricing basis. Thus sales will be continued, OPA declares, with the understanding that prices will be adjusted after the OPA acts on the requested price increase. (Order I under Maxirnum Price Regulation 165), effective September 27.

Los Angeles Hoo-HooMeeting Oct. 26

The Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo committee appointed by Vicegerent Snark Dee Essley met at the University Club, Thursday noon, October 5, where they were the guests of Roy Stanton.

The committee included Roy Stanton, E. J. Stanton & Son, chairman; Bob Osgood; Ed Bauer, Bohnhoff Lumber Co., fnc.; W. B. Wickersham, Pope & Talbot, Inc., Lumber Division; Gene DeArmond, Pacific Cabinet Co.; Hervey Bowles, Long-Bell Lumber Co.; Ed Martin, The California Lumber Merchant. Dee Essley is ex-officio member of the committee.

Other committees appointed are: program, Ed Bauer, Bob Osgood and W. B. Wickersham; arrangements, Hervey Bowles and Gene DeArmond; announcements, Roy Stanton.

It was decided to hold Hoo-Hoo meetings once a month. The next meeting will be held Tuesday noon, October 26, 1943 at the Utriversity Club, 614 South Hope Street, Los Angeles. There will be a guest speaker. Luncheon will be served at l2:@ p.m.

The meetings are sponsored by Hoo-Hoo, and all members of the lumber, sash, door and millwork industries are invited to attend.

Plans are already under way for a Christmas party, and a golf tournament to be held after the first of the year. A concatenation was held at the Southern California Golf Ciub, Monterey Park, the evening of September 9, following the golf tournament, when 13 Kittens were initiated and 5 Old Cats reinstated.

Made Assistant to Precident

Carleton Smith has been appointed assistant to Bror Dahlberg, president of The Celotex Corporation, to assist in the company's crusade for better homes. Mr. Smith was Financial Research Adviser to the Rubber Development Corporation, a subsidiary of RFC, before joining Celotex. He has years of experience as an economist and analyst of foreign trade, and is an author and lecturer on business and political problems.

AA-Z Ratings Extended

AA-2 ratings on "Lumber for Farmers" will be continued for another 90 days without granting any additional quota of lumber. The original program and plan for allocating 500,000,000 feet of AA-2 farm lumber was scheduled to expire on September 30.


fn an effort to decentralize the pulpwood activities of the WPB and expedite production, seven regional aides charged with the responsibility of stimulating pulpwood cutting in the United States and Canada will be designated shortly.

Douglcrs Fir

The term "producer" is redefined by WPB in its Limitation Order L-218 controlling distribution of Douglas fir lumber to embrace only plants located in Oregon and Washington (Amendment I to Limitation Order L-218), issued September 23.

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