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Fir-Tex Co. Announces Sales Distributors For California
During his visit in California this week, J. H. Burnside, sales manager of Fir-Tex Insulating Board Co., the thriving new industry of St. Helens, Oregon, announced the company's distribution arrangements as perfected for this section.
Dant & Russell, Inc., of Portland, will be general distributors of Fir-Tex for California and Arizona. Agents in this state are Ralph C. Turner, &7 Call Bldg., San Francisco, and Thomas W. Dant, 606 Petroleum Securities Bldg., Los Angeles.
Exclusive jobbers for the territory north of Tehachapi are Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co.,2l5 Market St., San Francisco. and in the southern region representation will be divided between two Los Angeles concerns, Hammond Lumber Co., 2010 S., Alameda St., and Kerckhoff-Cvzner Mill & Lumber Co.,902 N. Alameda St.
Commenting on the interesting activities which have been focused at the big new St. Helens plant during the past few months, Mr. Burnside said:
"A new element has entered into the insulation field and one that is revolutionary inits importance. It is Fir-Tex Company's first creation, a one-inch not-laminated, semirigid wood fiber super-insulate, made in one piece, and it achieves, in a single stroke, something that many plants have been seeking for vears. putting millions into experiments to reach this objective.
"Only recently an authority who is personally acquainted with every major operation of this kind in the United States and Canada, cleclared after careful and exhaustive inspection of the Fir-Tex olant at St. Helens. that it is the best built and the most modern in the United States.
Harry A. Gorsrrch. Kansas City, Mo., has moved to Los Angeles where he rvill make his home in the future. Mr. Gorsuch has been associated with the lumber industry in the Middle West for many years. He is a former secretary of the Southrvestern Lumbermen's Association and served this organization in that capacity for eighteen years. For the past ten vears he has follorved trade iournal work.