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Maximum Price Rcgulation No. l3-Douglas Fir Plyrood

(Continued from Page 23)

(,f) AUTOMOBILE AND INDUSTRIAL PLYW(X)D RoUGH PAIIELS Maximun priccs for Automobile and fndustrial Plywod Rough Puels: Slzcr up to ,E :91' PrtccPcr M.Sq. Ft. F.OJ. MIt Stralght l.e.. Thll Carlodr CslDrdr ThlcLnata

& BrDdUrs li Pepc Peddry: $0.35 Pu l/16' it ThicL.ers Pcr lf, Sq. trt.

9. Wln c Twlnc Bnnl||n3! $0.50 Per U Sq. Ft. for small cut.to.sizc panck 3 Ply (codteiritrgi lc!! than 9 Sq, Ft. pcr pucl) ticd with eithcr twinc or wirc.

$1.0 Per M Sq. Ft. for emall cut-to.size paacls,5 Ply or hcavlcr (containing lcss than 9 Sq. Ft. per panel) ticd with cithcr twirc or wira

10. Sc8rrSatlng and,/or Lot-Mrr&lag on C.r of Two.c Moro latr:

9.50 Per l.ot for each tot ovcr onq

(c). The following deduction from the maximum prices for moisture resistant type Douglas Fir Plywoo.d stated in paragraph (a) of this section shall be made for unsanded stock in grades other than Plyscord and Automobile and Industrial Plvwood:



Maxium priccs for Plypancl-Sound 2 Sidcs in widths of A', W,36' and ,E and irl lagths of il',72', 844 end. 9(z f413.f3. Appendix B. Maximum prices for moisture resistant type Douglas Fir Plywood in grades and sizes not listed in paragraph 1276.1 (b) of Limitation Order L-150, ql9_ytti".tt qualifies as "Work in Process" under paragraph lz76.l (c), (1) of the Limitation Order.

Deduct $1.25 per M sq. ft. from the maximum price for the thickness to which the panel would regularly be sanded.

(d) No additions to the maximum prices for moisture resistant type Douglas Fir Plywobd stated in paragraph (a) of this section may be made for special extras not expressly provided for in this section: Provided, That the seller may apply to the Lumber Branch of the Office of Price Administration, Washington, D. C., for instructions as to additions for special extras for which no express provision has been made. Pending receipt of such instructions the seller may quote anii deliver at a price which is agreed by the parties to be subject lo adjustment to the price determined by the Office of Price Administration, but the seller miy not accept pay-ment and the purchaser may not make payment until such instructions have been received.

(a) The qraximum prices for moisture resistant type Doug- las Fir-Plywood in grades and sizes not listid in pari- graph 1276.1(b) of Limitation Order L-150, and which qu-allles as "'Work in Process" under paragraph 1276.1 (c) (1) of the Limitation Order, shall be the maximum prices established in Revised Price Schedule No. 13. 1413.14 Appendix C-Maximum prices for moisture resistant type Douglas Fir Plywood in grades and sizes not listed in paragraph 1U6.1 (b) of Limitation Order L-150, and which is shipped pursuant to a "Military Order" as defined in paragraph 1276.1 (c) (2),of the Limitation Order.

(a) The rya.imum price for moisture resistant type Douglas Fir Plvwood:

1. Ig grides and sizes not listed in paragraph t276.1 (b) of Limitation Order L-150,

2. Which does not qualify as "'Work in Process" under Section 1276.1 (c) (1) of the Limitation Order, and

(b) Thc following additions to the maximum price cstablishcd in paragraph

(a) of this section may be made for the spccificd spccial cxtras: f. Sclcctcd Sornd Coro and Croer-Bandt:

$ 2.50 Per M Sq. Ft. for 3 Ply.

$ 7.50 Per M Sq. Ft for 5 Ply.

$1250 Pcr M Sq. Ft. for 7 Ply.

2 Cm StocL: (In lcoeths rot over 48')

Add to maximum price fc Sound 2 Side in 48' widths:

$10.00 Per M Sq. Ft. for Widths up to 96'.

$15.(n Pcr M Sq. Ft. for Widths up to 108'.

$6.fi1 Per U Sq. Ft. for Widths up to 120'.

$25.fl) Pcr M Sq. Ft. for Widths up to 132'.

$$.m Pcr U Sq. Ft. fc Widths up to 1,14'.

3. Rdtytryr

$3.0() Pcr l[. Sq. Ft. (No addition lor lln or 3/16' Sanded Pancls).

4. Spcctrl Glulal Spcclfiotlmr:

$ 5.(X) Pcr M. Sq. Ft. for 3 Ply.

$10.(x) Per M Sq. tr.t. for 5 Ply.

$ts.q, Pcr M Sq. Ft. for 7 Ply.

NOTE: This ghall ilcludc all spccial gluc spccificaitons and assembly rcquircmcdts. Each pancl so maaufacturcd ehall be stamped with thc word "Spccial"

5. Trcrtln3 Panclr slth WatcrpIoofing &at (Otllng):

$2.50 Pcr M Sq. Ft. (This addition may not bc madc for Plyform).

5, Trcatlns Paacb wlth Edgr Scala: '

$1.00 Pcr M Sq. Ft. (This additio aay not bc made for Plyform).

7. Tratln3 Pmcb wlth Rstn Scals (ru c two ddca):

$10,50 Pcr l[ Sq. Ft.

3. Which is shipped pursuant to a "Military Order" as defined in paragraph 1276J (c) (2) of the Limitation Order, Shall be computed by adjusting the maximum prices established in paragraph 1413.12, Appendix A, of this Maximum Price Regulation No. 13 il accordance with the differentials which would have been recognized by the seller during the period of March l to 15;1941: P-rovided, That the seller must, within thirty days of,entering.into a contract for the sale of plywood subject to the provisions of this section, file a-notarized report with the Lumber Branch of the Office of Price Administration, Washington, D. C., setting forth full details of the transaction including the name and address of the purchaser, the point oforigin and the point of delivery of the plywbod, the sp-ecifications for the plywood, and the price charged. - Where the Office of Price Administration within thirty days of receipt of. the.report-rules tfrlt the seller has made an excessive charge for furnishing the plywood, the seller must readjust the sale price in accordance with the ruling of the Office of Price Administration. If the Office of Price Administration does not rule on the price within such time, the price submitted shall be considered approved.

1413.15 Appendix D-Maximum prices for moisture resistant type Douglas Fir Plywood in gmdes and sizes which are produced after July 1, 1942, upon specific written authorization of the Director of Industry Operations of the War Production Board, pursuant to paragraph 1276.1 (b) of Limitation Order L-l5b.

(a) On and after July 25, 1942, no person shall sell moisture resistant type Douglas Fir Plywood in grades and sizes which are produced after July 1, 1942 upon spe- cific written authorization of thi Director of indusiry Operatiogs o_! the War Production Board pursuant to paragraph 1276.1 (b) of Limitation Order-No. L-150, unless:

1. The producing mill files with the Lumber Branch of the Office of Price Administration, Washington, D. C., a notarized statement describing the spicial grade or size and the price at which It desiies to sell such plywood; and

2. The Office of Price Administration expressly approves such price.

1413.1.6 Appendix E.-Maximum prices for exterior type 'Douglas Fir Plywood.

(a) -The maximum prices -for exterior type Douglas Fir - Plywood in widths of. I?, to 4B', in even 2r, br&ks and in Iengths of. 9€, and shorter shall be as follows: Pcr M 3q. Ft. ln Cartoad btl F.O.B. Mtil Sound Indurtrial Smd 2 Sld.. Grado I Sldc Sandcd Unrandd l4l3.l7 Appendix F. Maximum delivered prices for Douglas Fir Plyu'ood. l. The computation of transportation costs on the basis of the applicable freight rate and a system of estimated average weights used by the seller during the month of July 1941: Provided, that a copy of such system of estimated average weights has been filed with the Lumber Branch of the Office of Price Administration, Washington, D. C., before the use of such system in a transaction subject to Maximum Price Regulation No. 13; and

(c) No additions to the maximum prices for exterior-type Douglas Fir Plywood stated in paragraph (a) of this section may be made for special extras not expressly provided for in this section: Provided, That the seller may apply to the Lumber Branch of the Office of Price administration, Washington, D C., for instructions as to additions for special extras for which no express provision has been made. Pending receipt of such instructions the seller may quote and deliver at a price which is agreed by the parties to be subject to adjustment to the price determined by the Office of Price Administration, but the seller may not accept payment and the purchaser may not make payment until such instructions have been received.

(a) A delivered price in excess of the maximum F'. O. B. mill prices set forth in paragraph l4l3J2 to 1413.16 inclusive, Appendices A to E, inclusive, may be charged by the seller and paid by the buyer, consisting of such maximum prices plus actual transportation costs paid or incurred by the seller in transporting the plywood from the mill to the location designated by the purchaser. However, for the purposes of this section, the following two practices shall not be deemed a deviation from the use of actual transportation costs.

(b) Tlre following additions to the muimu.m prices.estabrished in paragraph (a) oi -thi!_scctlqn _may bc made for thc specified "p.iijf &tr.", l. Wldc Wldthr: Add ro nuimui price fir lt'-wiaUi: ovcr 48' to 60', inclus-ive, sanded or unsanded..... .1.:t

2, The charging of a sum equivalent to the one-twentieth of a dollar nearest to the transportation costs per 1,000 square feet of plywood computed in accordance with subparagraph 1 above.

"* Over 60' to 72,, inctusive,' sanded ,a una;dea.::::

7^2.1to 8-4,,, inclusivc, unsanded mly :...:..::::.....:..:.:

U4" to y6", lndus-ive, unsanded only......................

U_p to ?6' wide'where lenlth is not moi6 thm +i;.....

2, Iang l*ngthr: Add to the nilinun pa.. i* *t-t"ig-tn.:

Over 96'to 108', inclusive, sanded or unsanded......,....Lt:Tff;""

(b) The seller must in all cases give the buyer the option of purchasing Douglas Fir Plywood F. O. B. the mill and making his own arrangements for transportation. Refusing to sell plywood except on a delivered basis is prohibited.

Issued this 20th day of laly 1942.

Leon Henderson,


DouElcs 3388

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