1 minute read
We have been engaged lor some time in the f<rbricction oI mcterials lor crrticles thcrt cre directly connec"ted with wcr needs. lll/e cre, therelore not able to lurnish any of the items lor which we had developed c wide mcrket-EubankIroning Boards, Ccbinets, or Mcrntels.
However, we cre clso plcrnning lor the Iuture, cnd when the time comes will cnnounce c new crnd more extensive line oI Eubcnk product$
lurnber is a Critical Tfar Material
crrd Uncle Scnn comes lirst. It must continue to hcrve the right-of-wcry lor wor needs.
We cre supplying moteriqls for mcrry wcr projects but wcrrt to serve the retqil hode too. If mcteriqls cre avoilcible, we will get them. For 60 yeors we hcrve been serving the Southern C,olifornia lumber trode.