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Parurr*l ttpltrl
C. H. White, r'ice-president and general manager ol White Brothers, San Francisco, and Mrs. White left August 29 to attend their daughter Shirley's wedding in New Jersey to Lieut. John Dudley Dozier, Jr., U. S. A. From there they traveled to Miami, Fla., to visit their son Don, who is a Lieutenant (J.G.) in the Navy, and is stationed there. After their Florida visit they returned to Nerv York and went on to Chicago, where they will attend the hardwood industry rvar conference, September 16 and 17, sponsored by the National Hardwood Lumber Association. They u'ill be gone about four weeks.
P. R. Kahn of Forsyth Hardu'ood Co., San Francisco, left September 5 on a business trip to Memphis, Tenn., and Louisville, Ky., and Chicago, where he will attend the war conference of the National Hardwood Lumber Association, September 16 and 17. He will be back about September 20.
Willard La Franchi, manager of the Fresno distributing yard of Hill & Morton, Inc., has returned from Oregon, where he called on a number of sawmills.
George C. Cornitius, George C. Cornitius Hardwood Co., San Francisco, will be in attendance at the war conference of the National Hardwood Lumber Association. to be held in Chicago, September 16 and 17. He will also call on mills in Virginia and West Virginia, and rvill visit Washington, D. C.
Nelson E. Jones, Jr., son of Nelson wood Co., San Francis'co, enlisted in tember 3.
E. Jones, Jones Hardthe Coast Guard Sep- sales manager, Pope & Talbot, Inc., Francisco, returned September 3 Angeles office. E. K. WOOD IUMBER GO.
Bob Raymer, Wendling-Nathan Co., San Francisco, has returned from a trip on which he ,called on the firm's Pine sawmill connections in Northern California and Oregon.
Nelson E. Jones, Jones Hardwood Co., San Francisco, left a r.veek ago on a business trip to Washington, D. C., Memphis and Chicago. He is accompanied by Mrs. Jones and will attend the hardrvood industry war conference of the National Hardwood Lumber Association at the La Salle Hotel, Chicago, September 16 and 17.
Lieutenant-Commander Henry N. Anderson of the Naval Procurement Office, Portland, was a recent visitor to San Francisco and Los Angeles.
H. W. Irwin, Irwin & Lyons, lumber manufacturers, North Bend, Ore., was a San Francisco visitor early this month. He made his headquarters at the office of J. E. Peggs, Northern California representative for his mill.
"l t/ao Uaaea"
Redwood Tree To Be Dediccted To A. Merriam Conner
Arrangements have been completed to dedicate a Redwood tree to A. Merriam Conner, poet laureate of the lumber industry, at Woodminster Park (Joaquin Miller Heights), Oakland, on Sunday, September 26, at 3:00 p.m.
Professor Woodbridge Metcalf, Associate Forester, IJniversity of California, and a member of Hoo-Hoo Club No. 39, will dedicate the tree in behalf of the Club and the lumber industry. Other trees will be dedicated to Jos. R. Knowland, Wells Drury, James Mclafferty and Herbert Coggins.
These ceremonies will be followed by a play by Juanita Miller, daughter of Joaquin Miller, entitled "I{er Diamond Dream," rvith music provided by the Oakland SymphonlOrchestra, ,conducted by Dr. Orley See, through the courtesy of the Board of Park Directors of the City of Oakland.
Scn Frcncisco Hoo-Hoo Celebrcrte
In line with the meetings being held simultaneously throughout the United States and Canada in observance of the 52nd Annual Meeting of International Hoo-Hoo, members of the Order held a luncheon meeting at El Jardin Restaurant, San Francisco, September 9.
Carl Warden, Vicegerent Snark of the San Francisco district, presided. Resolutions were passed expressing sympathy to the families of'members who have passed on during the year; congratulating the Snark of the lJniverse on the progress made, and thanking officers and directors for the work done. A resolution of thanks to the lumber trade press for their cooperation, was adopted. The subject ot' a change in the ritual was also discussed.
OPA Moves To Expedite Fir Boqrd Production
On September 6, OPA issued Amendment 3 to MPR-26, relieving all mills operating under WPB Circular No. 31 from securing certificates from CPA, WPB, and OPA, in order to make the price additions specified in that Circular for manufacturing rough Fir boards. The amendment is retroactive to August 24th.
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DOuglcr 3388