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Mrin OEco Hobrrt Bld3. SAN FRANCTSOO
Lor Aagclcr Offico 210 Kcrchhoff Bld3. Phorc, Brordwry tl8
Memberc California Reduood Aesociation
Redwood Durability
The Governmenf s figures as to the ilurobility, or lasthg qualities, of wooil (White Oah beig tafren as l0O%) cre crs f ollows:
Redwood-l25 to t75%o
Douglas Fire-75 to lOOVo.
Western Larch-75 to &SVo.
Western Hemloclr-3$ to 55Vo.
If it is necessary for you to furnish your trade with a cheaper siding, why not do so with our Redwood Garage Siding or Extra Merchantable Siding, either in lz4 to 5/sx6. You will then be protecting and increasing youi-good-will by selling eomething that will give permanent satisfaction.
SAT{ FRANCISiCO. LOS ANGELES 9l? Monednoch Bldg' 1025 Van Nuyr Bldg. Phonc Kcerny lll&| Phonc &l-752 MEMBER CAUFORNIA REDWOOD ASIIOCI.ATION
ITIFTY-THREE yeart aso .[. built this Catholic school California. It is now being Redwood lumber it contains.
Father boys at Alton, torn down for the
To Members: AssocIATIoN
Generally speaking there is plenty of business. Most of it is good.
No indications of a let up in sight yet;
Now that,vacation time is about over m,aybs a,'man who is not a prospective customer can get more that two consecutive minutes' talk with the "Bossee Man" when he goes around. But the sale is the thing when it can be made at a reasonable profit.
There is a .little more strength to the market' but not enough to warrant speculative buying. Orders taken by the mills are up to normal and so is the cut but the July and'August shipments are a little under the average for the year to June 30th. It looks an though there would not be as much random to be marketed in the near future.
Brother Hoag'of Spokane has been getting off sbme
"The man that 'cuts the price' isn't fooling anyone but himself ; however, the fellow 'not guilty' will pleaie throw the first rock."
He also gets off something good about trdde journals an'd Association gatherings /and takes a whack at the fellow who i,nsists on "flocking by himself," ibut "Gosh all Larch" I wonder will it do any good ?
This circular will go;to a number who are not on the membership list of this Association and this is an invitation to come in. I think vou are all familiar with our aims and some of our accomplishments. What we are doing is of real benefit to .the retail lumtrer industry. Please sigtr and return the en,closed card to the Secretary. If there is anything connected with the work which you want to know write .him. about it.
We have for sale three good yards. Capital required for each from $15,000 to $25,000.
F. L. MORGAN.iSecretary.
"Sawverbs" but he ought not to remind lumbermen that they ars liars-some of them. Best way.to get rid of a bad habit is'to forget it. He says:
"The best sales are those that are not made-sometimes.
"Every man hath his own price except lum,bermenthey sell below cost.
"Lumbermen /want very little here below and even take pleasure in giving most of that away.
The California Rail Trade
ir rolicitcd rcguhrly by OUR
If you crnnot vrit for bienril or wirc your ordcr or inquiria dircct to
Notthwertett Bank Btdg. - Portland, Ore. For rhipmcot out of Bay Dirtric
Wdtq Phonc or \f,firc our Oficc et Frederick & King Stl. - Oaklard, Cd.
Mr. Fred J. Bannister, who recently resigned the Presidency of the Long-Bell Lumber Company,. has been elected Fresident of the Edw. J. Bannister Lum,ber Company, Kansas City. This is a Missouri corporation dealing in West Coast products, and hardwoods.