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Want C/L prices on dry slabs or wood delivered Chula Vista.
Victory Lumber Company, Chula Vista, Calif.
Timber Structures Conserve Steel
Six thousand tons of steel will be saved by using wood in the construction of five new Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Company war production plants, according to a statement attributed to G. H. A. Parkman, construction director, by International News Service.
"Enough steel for 300 medium tanks would be required for the framework of plants we now are building in Maryland, Ohio, West Virginia, and Western Pennsylvania," Mr. Parkman declared. "We are doing the job with some 3,600,000 feet of wood. By joining the wood beams with steel joint connectors, the joints have about three times as much holding power as did the connections 20 years ago."
Ih addition to the framework, wood is being used instead of metal in window sash, drainage gutters, and similar applications. At one of the Westinghouse plants in West Virginia, a 100,00Ggallon water tank for fire protection is constructed of wood.
Mercury To Build Plywood Planes
Mercury Aircraft Corporation recently announced acquisition of a plant in the Los Angeles area with 30,000 square feet of floor space for the manufacture of a tandem canopy-type trainer plane.
The fully equipped plant will specialize in plastic-plywood .construction which its engineers assert produces stronger, faster-type models.
The company plans to be in operation by October 1 on its initial trainer with tentative plans calling for five planes daily coming off the line.
Sales Of Cement Regulated
In order to assure an adequate supply of cement in socalled "deficiency areas," as well as to provide a definite method of allocating recent increases in the cost of transporting cement, the OPA has issued MPR No. 224 (Cement), specifically setting a price regulation for sales of this product by manufacturers. Sales by dealers remain, with few exceptions, under the GMPR. A feature of the regulation is the establishment of specific "dollars and cents" maximum prices, on an f.o.b. mill basis, for cement shipped out of the territory not normally served by'the producer.
Farm Woodlots
Wood produced on American farm woodlots adds approximately 24O million dollars a year to the income of American farmers.
Second Hand Machinery Wanted
What have you to sell in woodworking machinery in good condition?
Twohy Lumber Co., Lumber Yard Brokers, 801 Petroleum Building, Los Angeles. Telephone PRospect 8746. Obituaries
Melvin G. Coe
Melvin Glenn Coe, well known Southern CBlifornia lumberman, passed away at his home in Compton, Calif., on September 16, following a heart attack. He was 55 years of age.
He was born in Odessa, Missouri. Coming to Los Angeles in 1908, he was connected with the retail and wholesale lumber business for a number of years, and later operated the Mel Coe Lumber Co. at Compton. He wai prominent in Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo affairs, a member of Moneta Lodge F. & A. M., and formerly secretary of the Compton Lumber Group.
He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Jessie Coe, and three sisters. Masonic funeral services were conducted at Compton, Saturday afternoon, September 19.
Benjamin E. Greenman
Benjamin E. Greenman, who was connected with the branch yard department of the E. K. Wood Lumber Company at Los Angeles for the past ten years, passed away on Thursday, September 17. He was 43 years of age, and a resident of South Gate.
Before coming to California, he was affiliated with the lumber business in Colorado. He was a veteran of the first World War. He is survived by his wife and a daughter. Funeral services were held on Septernber 19.
E. Stansbury !(/inchester
E. Stansbury Winchester,32, bookkeeper, Laguna Beach Lumber Co., Laguna Beach, Calif., passed away in Los Angeles, September 8.
He is survived by his widow and one child. Funeral services were held at Forest Lawn on Saturday, September 12.
John Cabral
John Cabral, well known lumber trucker, of Oakland, was killed in a collision between his truck and a train at Port Chicago, Calif., on September 14. He is survived by his widow.