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How Lumber Looks

Lumber ondeis booked at the mills dudng the week ended Septenrber 30, Irgtr, were higher than during any -week since mii-Yuly and production waE itightly above that of the-previous week- accordini to reportE to tf," National Lumber Manufac' turers Associaion ftlm regional associations covering tlre operations of 11106 hardwood and softwood mills. Production titata 1921164,000 feet; shipments 195,306,fl)0 feet and ordets 187,A2'OOO f.eet-

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A total of 376 down and operating mills which reported to the West Coast Associatiotr for the period ended September 30 produced 861906,o43 fieet

' N.w business reported by 714 mills for the same week was 8811251568 fea ajainst a prcduction o1 81,723,312 feet and rhiomerrts of gr,oi5,o74 f@t. Current sales wete over produc' tion by E36qo, and shipmenb were ovet the out-Put AV \'!?%' Ordeta boo[ed fot the week were 2rg77,O0o f*t, v )'5Wo, over the preceding week.

The Western Pine Association for the week ended Septem' 6et VO reported new business for 132 mills as 44r843rOOO f-e*; shipments 44,15E,0OO fleert, and" producftion 47,l72r00o feet; Orders wee'5/s-below production, and shipments werc 6ls below the cut.

New Manager of Chicago Office

Sherman A. Bishop, who recently left San Francisco to make his headquarters at the Chicago office of the Union Lumber Co., has been appointed manager of that office' Howard J. Abbott, for some years in the sales department in the head office at San Francisco, is now in charge of the work formerly handled by Mr. Bishop.

Leo T. Dernier

Leo T. Dernier of Dallas, Texas, was accidently killed on Friday, October 6. He was forty. years of age' Mr. Dernier was associated with his brother, Floyd Dernier, of the Lumbermen's Service Association, for many years both in California and Texas and was well known to the lumber and building material trade.

He is survived by his wife and one daughter of Dallas; a brother, Floyd Dernier of Los Angeles; and five sisters, Eda, Hazel, Nettie, Lena and Gertrude Dernier, all of Los Angeles. Miss Eda and Miss Lena Dernier and their funeral services

Unsold stocks on the public docks at Los Angeles harbor totaled 5l2roo} feet on Oitober 9. Cargo arrivals at Loc An' geles harbor for the week ended October 7 tol;aLe{ 8'52E'000 Ieet which included 15 cargoes of Fir carrying 7r79rrOOO feet' and 2 cargoes of Redwood with 735r00O feet. 55 vessels were operatingln the coastwise lumber service on Octobet 4; 50 vessels were laid tn.

Latest reports give California 151 C. C. C. winter camps' Present ldtiot t Tor 93 camps have been apptoved for winter work and alterations will be- made to make them suitable for winter weather. 58 new camPo will be built. The alterations and new construction wilt require approximately 10t000t00o feet of lumber besides other building materials. All the campg will be equipped with electric lighting systems. Most of these camps will be in operation It OT"O.t*15 or sooner.

It is estimated that atout S25'000'000 will be expended within the next sixty days on building materials, equipment-and labor in providing'the 1466 C. C. C. campc with suitable wintet quar' t"t It adJition to 25O'000,000 or 3001000'000 feet of lumbet, there will be an enormous quantity of millwork; approximately 261000 doors and 175'000 windows will be used in these camps' i(" d"ott will require seven miles of a single variety of moulding strip. Whiie the lumber.and millwork will coct around t1o,00o'5oo, ?uily as much more wilt be elpend{ on othet """"rroiy matetials, equipment and,labor. About 45'000 9arp' entersr other skilled **t-"tt and common laborers will be emoloved. Manv contracts have been let and thousands of ""rio"i" of -.t#ak are or will soon be on their way to the various camFl.

Change o[ Policy

Eftective October l, W.J. Mulligan & Co. of San Francisco and Los Angeles have changed their policy and in the future will act as wholesalers exclusively.

The company will no longer represent any of the northern mills as mill representatives, suitable arrangements having been concluded with the group of mills formerly represented in California.

Visits Northwest By Sky Route

Guy E. Smith, general sales manager, Chas' R' McCormick Lumber Co., San Francisco, will return October 16 from a week's business trip to Seattle and Portland' Mr' Smith traveled north by plane and will return the same way.

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