1 minute read


Flintkote ofrers a complete campaign of promotional material to each dealer who stocks an initial order of Flintkote STATIC COATING' The f program of dealer aids consists of:

roCare of Your Roof"

This is a new eight page illustrated booklet that tells why roofs should bscoated, wfry Flintkote STATIC COAT' ^<L. ING should be used for the job, and how to use it'

2 onstutic Coating Leaflet"

A small folder available for wide distribution to con' sumers. It has good sales arguments, and condensed instructions for application of Flintkote STATIC 5-l COATING. oJ


We will furnish dealers who place an order for the ProPer assoffiient of Flintkote STATIC COATING' A with hand-bills imprinted with dealer's name'

Vindow Displuy

We will furnish photograph of suggested window dis' - play or store display to any dealer who d9v91es at least J one week to display of Flintkote STATIC COATING'

O Display Rack

Every:d""l.i who. buys an initial stock of Flintkote STATIC COATING will be furnish'ed with a neat and ,-v. aftractive DisPlaY Rack.

\ffe will furnish reasonable quantity of samples in half' pint cans to be used in showing the material; also the usual set of panels, including the wire mesh ductility demonstration Panel.

With these aids and the personal interest which Flintkote will take in helping you Promote sales of Static Coating YOU CANNOT HELP BUT GET YOUR SHARE OF COATING BUSINESS.

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