16 minute read


Ja.rrrgrade over-roofing and double-coursing now. These jobs can be done during winter months.

manufacturers of the Pacific Northwest. This concern proposes to prefabricate and store such structures as oil derricks, radio towers, roof trusses and tank towers of wood, and merchandise them in direct competition with steel and other products. The policy, he said, is to distribute the products through lumber dealers.

Carl Bahr, president of the California Redwood Association, speaking on the "Redwood Trade Promotion Problem," said the Redwood manufacturers will seek the coooeration of the retail lumber dealer in their trade promotioh work. It will be their jobto help him to sell their product, and their principal approach to the consumer wil be through the retail lumber dealer. Their promotion work will help the dealer to build good.ivill for himself in his community.

He took issue with so much talk about making the cost of houses cheaper, saying that the quality of the lumber used in homes is more important than its cheapness. Redwood lumber costs more;'it is a quality produit and must be sold on the basis of quality.

E. C. Parker, Patten-Blinn Lumber Co., Los Angeles, addressed the convention on "Taxation and Increased Cost of Doing Business," and received hearty applause for his splendid talk on this important subject. In response to many requests from those attending the convention Mr. Parker's address is printed in full in this issue.

Kenneth Smith, Lumber & A1lied Products Institute. Los Angeles, was asked to substitute for Morgan J. Doyle, attorney, of San Francisco, in a talk on the "Robinson-Patman Bill." Mr. Smith said this bill undertakes to end discrimination in selling that gives one manufacturer or business man an advantage over another, and is an attempt to establish the old lines of cleavage betlveen the manufactur-

Oae-r-roojng: Old. foots can befestofed tonewness byapplying Certigrades right ovef the ol d covering. No mess or litter. Insulation and protection doubled.

New Certigrade Red Cedar Shingles right over the old roof or side walls. And, ofcourse, for new construction too. The beauty and double insulation value of Certigrade doublecoursing has a strong appeal for home owners. These are easy v/ays to increase your Cenigrade Shingle volume on all three grades. r r Red Cedar Shingle Bureau, Seattle,T7n.; Canadian office, Vancouver, B. C.

Dorble -coarsing : Fot ulua-beauty and smartness., doublecourslna ts lecommended.-Ccnierades No. 1 for theluter cou-rse,No. 2 for the udc! coutse,

Insulate .rs rtou decorate! [!] er, wholesaler and retailer. The whole purpose of the act seemed to him to be to stop the manufacturer or wholesaler from giving one customer a knife to stab his iompetitors with, and he believed the direct effect in the lumber business will be the prohibition of giving a wholesale discount to retailers.

President Harry Lake thanked J. O. Handley for his fine cooperation in putting over the convention, which was one of the best ever held in California. Looking back he said he was glad he had been given the opportunity of working for the Association during the past six or seven years. It had meant giving a lot of his time, but on the rvhole it was worth it, and he had gained a lot.

Mr. Lake said theaid of the secretaries of the local groups will be invaluable in working out the new setup of the State Association, and that he felt very optimistic about the future of the Association.

Chas. S. Dodge, MacDonald & Harrington, San Francisco, won the drarving for a plan book presented by the E. M. Dernier Service Bureau, Los Angeles.

The convention adjourned, at 5:15 p. m.

Annual Banquet

The annual banquet, entertainment and dinner clance was held at 7:0O p. m. The entertainment was again handled by Steve Sheppard, magician, and master of ceremonies. More than 350 attended.


The pryes in the bridge game on Thursday evening were yol by Mrs. Seth I Butler, San Francisco, and Mrs.Ralph P. Duncan, Merced.

The ladies were taken on a tour of the Monterey Peninsula on Friday afternoon, and those who wished played tennis and golf. All ladies were invited to the binquet and dinner dance.

The entertainment committee for visiting ladies was composed of Mrs. George A. Good, chairman, Mrs. |ames Greenelsh, Mrs. M. J. Murphy and Mrs. A. H. Griffin.


The exhibitors at the convention were the following: California Redwood Association, California Builders Supfly Co., Pioneer-Flintkote Co., Calaveras Cement Co., Van Arid.leHarris Lumber Co. (Nu-Wood and Balsam Wool), American Lumber & Treating Co., Vancouvef Plywood & Veneer Co., Wendling-Nathan Co., Weyerhaeuser Sales Co., United States Gypsum Co., Monolith Cement Co., The Celbtex Company, Santa Cruz Portland Cement Co., El Rey Products Co., Cowell Portland Ceinent Co., Masonite Company, Elliott Bay Sales Co., California Wire Cloth Co.. Picific Portland Cement Co., Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., The Paraffine Companies, Inc., Certain-teed Products Co., Johns-Mansville Sales Corp., Coast Counties Lumbermen's Club.


Barber, Bernard B., Secretary San Joaquin Lumbermen's Club. Fresno

Chas. G. Biril

Francisco Valley


Monterey .......Salinas

Pacific Grove

Pacific Grove

Monterey Lumber. Watsonville

Dealers' Credit

Santa Barbara

Paul Hallingby

Presid,ed at Business Sessions

Harrison, Frank M., Secretary, Buildins Material Dealers'Credit Club ........ Santa Barbara

Hamilton, Orrie W., Secretary, Lumbermcn's Service Bureau San Diego

Hauge, S. J., Secretary, Redwood Empire Lumberrnen's Club . Santa Rosa

Love, L. A., Secretary, Tres Rios Lumbermen's Club Modesto

Lake, H. A., Garden Grove Lumber Co... .....Garden Grove

_LeMaster, C. D., Western Building Review Sacramento

McKeon, J. B., Secretary, Peninsuia Lumbernren's Club...Redwood

Reenders, C., Secretary, Inland Lumber Institute San Bernardino

Snrith, Kenn_eth, Lumber and Allied Products Institute..Los Angeles

Tripler, C. S., Secretary, Coast Counties Lunroernren's Club Watsonville.

Witnrer, Ffed A,, Secretary, Monterey Peninsula Lumbermen'sClub.. ......:...... pacificGrove

Work, T._A. Jr_.,_The Work Lumber Co. Monterey

Engstrand, R. M., Secretary, Pasadena and San Gabriel Valley Lumbermen's Club ......... So. pasadena

Adanrs, V. V., Secretary, Chamber of Commerce Monterev

Adams, I. N., Noah Adagrs Lumber Co. ... ..Oaktani

Armstrong, W. L., Certain-teed Products Corp ...San Jose

Brennan, Carl, Martin General Agency .............. San Franjisco

Bryson, R.J., Hammond Lumber Co.... .... San Francisco

Brown, H., Wocdhead Lumber Company Los Angeles

Boyd, Francis E., Boyd Lumber and Mill Co. .......Santa Barbara

Buckley, Henry M., Certain-teed Products Corp. ....San Francisco

Burnett, Geo.C.,The Burnett Lumber Co........... Tulare

Puisman,-Ben,_P.acific Retail Lumbermen . portland, Oregon

Bahr, C. W., California Redwood Association San FrancGco

Bird, Charles G., Stockton Lumber Co. . Stockton

Brink, I. E., The Diamond Match Co. Chico

Barr, O. H., Barr Lumber Co. ... ...... Santa Ana

Bryan, B. E., Strable Hardwood Co. .'. ..' Oakland

Butler, Seth S., Dant and Russell, Inc. San Francisco

Cheney, Harry S., 'l'he Insulete Co. ... .'.... San lrancisco

Clotfeiter, Ray, W. G. Spalding Lumber Co. . Visalia

Chapman, C. H. Santa Ana

Cornwall, Geo. M., TheTimberman ...'. San !'rancisco

Chapin, Fred A., Fred A. Chapin Lumber Co. ' San Bernardino

Chapman, H., Certain-teed Products San Francisco

Crain, R. T., The Celotex Corp. . Los Angeles

Carver, H. B., feoples Lumber Co, .. Santa Paula

Cook. Max. 'I'he Pacific Lumber Co. . . San Francisco

Carter, J. E., Salinas Planing Mill. Salinas

Courtney, A. A., Jr., Pacific Portland Cement Co.. San Francisco

Cardiff, Geo. H., Henry Cowell Lumber and Cement Co..Santa Cruz

Cords, D Norman, Wending-Nathan Co. San Francisco

Chapman, Stanley A., Henry Cowell Lime and Cement Co.. 'San Jose

Dodge, Chas. S., MacDonald and Harrington, Ltd. ' San Francisco

Dixon, R. C., Coos Bay Lumber Co. ... '... Oakland

F. L. bettmann, Allen and Dettmann Lumber Co.. San Francisco

Duncan, Ralph P., Dant and Russell Merced

Dernier, Lochlin A., E. M. Dernier Service Bureau Los Angeles

Enlow, \M. H., Hammond Lumber Co. ' '.... Watsonville

Euphrat, M. L. "Duke," Wendling Nathan Co. ' San Francisco

Foi, Fred D., El Rey Products Co. ....San Mateo

Freeman, Wm. S., Weyerhauser Sales Co. San Francisco

Falconbury, N. H., San Joaquin Lumber Co. . Stockton

Fickling,;i. E., Fickling Lumber Co. .'.. ....-Long-Bea.ch

Fisher,lohn W., Fisher-Swartz Lumber Co' . Santa Monica

Felix,'M. P., Pi,oneer-Flintkote Co. .'. San Francisco

Fatzer, Carl,'Monolith Portland Cement Co. San Francisco

Found. Waiter S.. Merced Lumber Co. ' Merced

Ganihl. L. A.. Ganaht Lumber Co. ..... Santa Barbara

Gartin, J. U.,'SthnisliuS Lumber Co. ....'.'.'. Modesto

Graham, Ilarry J., Pioneer-Flintkote Co. ' Los Angeles

Green, E. L., Union Lumber Co. ' . San Francisco

Godard, Lewis A., Hobbs-Wall and Co. San Francisco

Griffen, "Chuck," Monterey Bay Redwood Co. Santa Cruz

Ganahl, Ernest Anaheim

Gartin, Chas T., Schafer Bros. Lumber and Shingle Co. San Francisco

Havward. Sam t., Hayward Lumber and Inv. Co. . Los Angeles

Hansen, H. S., Union Supply Co. . Monterey

Hale, M. P., Sterling Lumber Co. ..-:.. Morgan.Hill

Hiyward, Arthur Cl Homer T. Hayward Lumber Co. Salinas to help you sell more doors

Point No. 5 in

WHeSLER OsGooD /O-/wi6 llagerman, H., Southern Pacific Milling Co. . Salinas naiirngby, Paul, Hammond Lumber Co. .'. Los Angeles

Hull, It.-W., Jr., County Roof Service .'..r.. Salinas

Hancock, C. E., Certain-teed Products ..'.. San Francisco

Hackett, L. J.,'The Celotex Corp. '..' Los-Angeles

Hills, Fiorace, Masonite Corp. San Francisco l{ardwick, W., Dinuba Lumber Co. ..'. Dinuba

Hamilton, W. G., Holmes E,ureka Lumber Co. ........ Los Angeles

Holmes, j. H., Holmes Eureka Lumber Co. ' '. Berkeley

Horton, I-.8., South City Lumber and Supply Co...So. San Francisco

Hexberg, C., Union Lumber Company San Francisco

Holn'res,'T. i<., Calaveras Cement Co. ... '.... San Francisco

Horner. A. C..' Western Timber Structures San Francisco nanatev,'cari"ir,'s"rir,"i"'i'".ii" iriiliiil

Hanson, Carl J., Secretary, Bay District Lumbermen's Institute....

HolmeJ, Fred V., Holmes Eureka Lumber Co. ....... San Francisco

Here is the country's most complete line of doors.. Every.type^fu interior or exterior service to choose lrom--tvery one b4ct(ed- Dy lu'rornts ol iuoeriority. And. the l0-Point Sales Policy is geared to h€lp you get morc "r"to*e.i for l0-Point Dmrs. Have you sent for your wall han$er yet:

Holcomb. D. E..Hobbs-WallandCo.... San Francisco

Hills, R. .E., Wendling-Nathan Co. San Francisco

Harris, Matt, Van Aridale-Harris Lumber Co. ' . San Francisco

Hansen, W. J., S. H. Chasi: Lumber Co. ".... San Jose

Jefferson, W. 8., Greater City Lumber Co. San Francisco johnsorr,'Earle E., Watsonviile Lumber Co. Watsonville jefferson, Marlin, Greater City Lumber Co. .....'... San Francisco

Jat.t.s., I., U. S. Gypsum Co. ... .'....r. Sarl Josc ktlne,'M. E., Urlion Lumber Company ...... Los A,ngeles

Kirk,'Joe, Southern Pacific Milling Co. San Luis Obispo

Kahmin. W. G.. Shevlin Pine Sales Co. . San Francisco

Kerldrick, W. K., Va1ley Lumber Co. Fresno

Liebeskind, O. F., Southern Pacific Milling Co. San Francisco

Lofgren, A. m. . San Francisco

Larn'on,'F. R., Lamon-Bonnington Co. San Francisco

LaPointe, Geo. W., Jr., O. & N. Lumber Co. Menomoqfe, Wisc.

Lawrence, W.". J., Shevlir-r Pine Sales Co. . San Francisco

McCabe, johq C., Wholesale Lumber ..San Francisco

Mueller, A. 9., fhe Paraffine Companies, Inc. ' . San Francisco

Maier. A. W..-Calaveras Cement Co. '.. ""' San Francisco

Mein,'W. W., J.., Calaveras Cement Co' ... San Francisco

Meissner, Ceo.-f-., Valley Lumber Co. , ....... Lodi

McNulty; F. M., McNully Lumber Co. ' San- Bryno

Marsh' Chas' L" Hammond Lumber co' "' Madera

Miller, O. H., Knox Lumber Co., Inc. Sacramento

Merriam, H. R., Calif. Wire Cloth Co. Oakland

Martin, A. R., 'H"1". and Symons Sonora

Nolan,'A. J., The Pacific Lumber Co. ... San Francisco

NorthqP, !r R., Nat'I. Lumber Manufacturers Assn...San Francisco Holmes, J. H., Holmes Eureka Lumber Co. ........ San Francisco

Nigh' W.!.' Wendling Nathan Co. ... San Francisco Jones, Nelson E., Jones Hardwood Co. ... San Francisco

Prescott, F. Dean,Valley Lumber Co. Fresno Klass, Herb, The-Pacific Lumber Co. San Francisco

Prince, -H. 4., 'l'Vl"q Lumber Co. ... . Monterey LeBreton, D. H., Coos Bay Lumber Co. . Oakland

Peters, Ralph,U.S. GypsumCo.... .. San Francisco Morton,H.S.,Hill&Morion. Inc.... Oakland

Peil, F.{., IlammondLumber Co.... San Francisco Pieper, Ernest,McElroy-Cheim Lumber Co. SanJose

Parker, E-_. C.,_Patten-Blinn Lumber Co, . ..... LosAngeles Stanton, L.H., E.J. Sianton &Son. .. Los Angeles

Prewitt,_Roy E.,.Sou_t!'ern.fac1fi9 Milling Co. ... .. Gonzales Teachouq David, Teachout Co.

Cleveland, O. liie_r!y,Sam.,Johns-Manville Sales Corp. ... San Francisco Wilcox,S.W.,O'MalleyLumberCo....

Itobie E. T.,_Auburn Lumber Co. ...

Rogers, Joe, Square Deal Lumber Co,

Beam,^Geo. E, Ker_ckhoff-Cuzner Mill & Lbr. Co.

Ross, S. P., Central Lumber Co.

Rivers, I. G., Pioneer-Flintkote Co.

Strite, Dan, Hammond Lumber Co.

Swanson, Mack L., The Celotex Corp.

Smelser, V, G., Convention Bureau

Statler, Brockwell, Pacific Portland Cement Co.

Schwartz, Mel, California Wire Cloth Co.

Spicer, Walter S., Bay District Lumber Co.......Newport

'1 iilson, Warren S., The Modesto Lumber Co.

Tretten, O. C., Santa Cruz Portland Cement Co. San Francisco

Uldall, Martin, Pacific Portland Cement Co. .. San Francisco

Vincent, Norman, J. H. Baxter & Co. San Francisco

Warner, Glenn B., Nicolai Door Sales Co. San Francisco

Wylie, D. A., The Paraffine Company, Inc. ., San Francisco

Wilson, Chas. R., American Lumber & Treating Co...San Francisco

Warner, W. A., Vancouver Plywood and Veneer Co. . Vancouver

Wright, J. F., Brey-Wright Lumber Co. . Porterville

Wilson, Ward E., Monolith Portland Cement Co. Oakland

Waterman, W. T., U. S. Gypsum Co. ... .. Berkeley

Williamson, Arthur D., California Builders Supply Co. .. ..Oakland

Witty, L. L., Calif. Redwood Association San Francisco

Whittemore, H. E., Benson Lumber Co. San Diego

White, Frank H., Hammond Lumber Co. . San Francisco

Woodson, L, J., Wheeler Osgood Sales Corp. San Francisco

Atkinson, Jas. E., "Jimmy," Campbell-Moore LumberCo....

Boorman, B. J., Boorman Lumber Co. Oakland

Blanchard, Roscoe, Blanchard Lumber Co. North Hollywood

Blanchard, Roscoe, Jr., Blanchard Lbr. Co.........North Hollywood

Ball, Geo. R., Yosemite Sugar Pine Lumber Co. .. .. Merced Falls

Chaster, A. M., Sterling Lumber Co. Oakland

Combs, Theodore C., West Coast Lumbermen's Assn. ..Los Angeles

Farley, J. J., The Pacific Lumber Co. San Francisco

Ford, H. J., Yosemite Sugar Pine Lumber Co. Merced Falls

Freston, Herbert Los Angeles

Gibbs, Frank N., Gibbs Lumber Co.

Hink, Henry M., Dolbeer & Carson Lumber Co. San Francisco

Johnson, Earl, Johnson Lumber Co. Pasadena

Kendrick, Geo, R., Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co.. San -Francisco

Lounsberry, Geo., Lounsberry and Harris Los Angeles

Matthews, H. W., Yosemite Sugar Pine Lumber Co...Merced Falls

Mashek, W. O., United Lumber Yard Inc.

Minard, Frank F:,. C. S. Pierce Lumbir Co, Pierce, Gordon D., Boorman Lumber Co. . Oakland

Suverkrup, H. F., John Suverkrup Lumber Co. .. San Bernardino

Parsons, Harry, Southern Pacific Milling Co. ... Salinas' Sayre,F.L.,SterlingLumberCo.... Oakland lwaffor!, llenry M,, E. J. Stanton and Son Los Angeles

Snead, J. C., Wendling-Nathan Co. .'.. Frisno

Seward, R. E., Dolbeer & Carson Lumber Co......... Los Angeles

Ambergey, Fred, Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co. .. San Franiisco

Bernhaeur, A. W., Fresno Planing Mill . Fresno

Bishop, Merle D., Builders' Emporium El Cerrito

Cole, Lloyd, Hammond Redwood Co. Los Ansetes

Davis, E. G., Coos Bay Lumber Co. Los Angeles

Gorman, Geo. W., Trans-Pacific Lumber Co. San Franiisco

Jas. E. Atkinson

M. D. Bishop

Francis E. Boyd

Mrs. R. J, Bryson ....... .... San Francisco

Mrs.SethButler. San Francisco

Mrs. O. H. Barr Santa Ana

Mrs. A. W, Bernhaeur ..... Fresno

Mrs. R. W. Blanchard ..... .. N. Hollywood

Mrs. C. H. Blanchard ., Santi Ana

Mrs. G. E. Cavin Oceanside

Mrs. H. B. Carver Santa paula

Mrs. Fred A. Chapin San Bernardino

Mrs. Robert Cameron Mill Valley

Mrs. C. H. Chaprnan Santa Ani

Mrs. Lloy_d Cole ..... Los Angeles

Mrs. T. C. Combs Los Anleles

Mrs. Ralph P. Duncan MJrced

Miss E. M. Dernier . Los Angeles

Miss Delores Enlow ... Watsonville

MissHelenaEn'low. ............Watsonvilte

Mrs, R. M. Engstrand Pasadena

Mrs. Wm. S. Freeman San Francisco

M... 4.. E.__Fi*ling Long Beach

Mrs. John W. Fisher .. Santa*Monica

Mrs. Fred D. Fox San Mateo

Mrs. Herbert Freston . Los Angeles

Mrs. H. J. Ford Merced Falis

Mrs. Geo. W. Gorman Alameda

Mrs. L. A; Ganahl

Mrs. Ernest Ganahl ....... Anaheim

Mrs. J. A:-Greenelsh Pacific Grove

Mrs. George Good pacific Grove

Mrs. Frank E..Gibbs ......:......r Anaheim

Mrs. J. O. Handley . Carmel

Mrs. W. G. Hamilton Los Angeles

Mrs, Orrie W. Hamilton

.. San Diego

Mrs. Paul Hallingby ... Los Angeles

Mrs. Frank M. Harrison Santa Barbara

Mrs. W. Hardwick Dinuba

Mrs. F. V. Holmes Berkeley

Mrs. S. T. Hayward Los Angeles

Mrs. Minnie Mae Johnson Watsonville

Mrs. Earl Johnson Pasadena

Mrs, Nelson E. Jones San Francisco

Mrs. H. C. Lynn San Bernardino

Mrs. W. K. Kendrick

. Fresno

Mrs. Geo. L. Meissner Lodi

Mrs. Chas. L. Marsh Madera

Mrs. Ernest Pieper . San Jose

Mrs. F. Dean Prescott Fresno


Mrs. E. T. Robie

for Quality and Service


.. Auburn

Mrs. Joe Rogers Salinas

Mrs. Harold L. Rider

. Los Angeles

Mrs. Watter Spicer . Santa Ana

Mrs. V, Glenn Smelser . Santa Monica

Mrs. Dan strite Los Angeles



Mrs. H. F. Suverkrup San Bernardino

Mrs. Kenneth Smith Los Angeles

Mrs, O. C, Tretten . San Francisco

Mrs. C. S. Tripler . Watsonville

Mrs. J. F. Wright Porterville

Mrs. B. J. Booiman Oakland

Mrs. H. W. Matthews

'. Merced Falls

Appoint Pordand Representative

Fred R. Lamon and G. F. "Jerry" Bonnington, of LamonBonnington Co., San Francisco, returned October 14 from the Northwest, where they arranged their rail and cargo mill connections.

While in the Northwest they appointed W. B. Dascomb, well known lumberman, as their Portland representative. Mr. Dascomb's office is in the Terminal Sales Building.

East Bay Hoo Hoo Club

A big crowd was on hand at the regular monthly meeting of East Bay Hoo Hoo Club, held at the Athens Athletic Club, Oakland, on Monday evening, October 19, to hear Doug Montell, Associated Oil Company's sport-caster, tell how he and other football announcers do such a good job of broadcasting the games. Moving pictures of some of this season's games were shown, and the various plays were described by Mr. Montell. He afterwards answered many questions.

President Miland Grant presided, and Gordon Pierce introduced the speaker




Angier Corporation

Complete Stocfts

Los Angeles and Oakland

Yard Stock-Oil Rig Material

Insulation Boards-I(/allb oards


Creosoted and Wolmanized Lumber and Timbers

Protection Against Decay and Termites


The things I like are plain, and not of great Importance: snowflakes zigzagged slowly down Before a storm; the golden boats-turned brownOf autumn leaves upon a pond; and, straight Above my path, the wild duck passed; the gate With pales to click; the shady road to town; The herb jar's simple, burnished pewter crown; The coals forever changing in the grate.

I should like things of much significance, But what they are I cannot hope to guess I only know if, by some sudden change, I should forget, and freely this confess, I would be soundly pitied. So I glance At all the things that are, with friendliness.

-Sonia Novak in New York Times.


The liner was approaching the port of Athens and an old lady said to one of the sailors:

"Can you tell me what that white stuff is on those mountains ?"

"That is snow, Madam," said the sailor.

"I knew they were lying," she said, triumphantly. "They tried to make me think it was greece."

Howto Increase What We Give

"We simply cannot compel love to come to us. We simply invite it. When it comes, let us give thanks for it and see what we can do to attract still more. We should express affection, even if all we do is pat dogs. The more love we give away, the greater love we have to slx1g."Thomas Dreier.

Backing Our Statements With Quality Service

Ouronly recommendation is try a car of SUG.{R or PONDEROSA PINE from Kyburz, Calif., or Lakeview, Oregon.


Publishers of newspapers on the American frontier often had many handicaps to overcome in getting out their little weekly journals. Few, however, experienced a more discouraging start than a pioneer Colorado editor who explained his situation to his readers in the first issue of the paper, thus:

"We begin the publication of the Roccay Mountain Cyclone with some phew diphphiculties in the way. The type phounder phrom whom we bought our outphit phor this printing ophphice phailed to supply us with any ephs or cays, and it will be phour or phive weecs bephore we can get any. We have ordered the missing letters and will have to get along without them till they come. We don't lique the loox of this variety ov spelling any better thanour readers, but mistakes will happen in the best regulated phamilies, and iph the ph's and c's and x's and q's hold out we shall ceep (sound the c hard) the Cyclone whirling aphter a phashion till the sorts arrive. It is no joque to ss-i1's a serious aphair." (Western Newspaper Union.)


All men my brothers? I must love all these? 'Twill take some doing; but what must, must beThough God preserve me if, in their turn, They should all start loving me.

-Wilfred Gibson.

Question For Question

"And whose little boy are you?" asked the smiling lady of the street urchin.

"Be yourself," said the urchin. "'Whose sweet mamma are you?"

\(/alter Luff Resigns From Red River Staff Afiter 37 Years of Service

Walter Luft has resigned from the staff of The Red River Lumber Company after 37 years of service and as Chief oI the Westwood Volunteer Fire Department, effective November first. His career in the lumber industry has spanned its development from the ox team and raft to its modern motorized efficiency.

Born in Farnham, Surrey, England in 1870. Mr. Lufi came to this country in 1891, and at once headed for the pine woods of Wisconsin. He must have taken naturally to this new environment for he soon was driving a six-ox team in the woods. In 1894 he was .a scaler drawing one dollar a day, the highest paid man in the camp. From 1895 to 1899 he was employed by the Knapp Stout & Co. Companyx who operated six mills at Cedar Falls and Menominee and rafted their lumber to Iowa points and St. Louis.

In September, 1899, he came to The Red River Lumber Company at Akeley, Minnesota, as a grader, later transfcrring to the office where he was an accountant, later office nlanager. Mr.Luff was the resident manager who closed out the Red River loggittg and milling operations in Minnesota in 1917. Since that time he has been at Westwood, rvhere he was Plant Superintendent until 1933, when he went into the Sales Department.

Walter Luft is most widely known as the Chief of the Westwood Fire Department, which is rated by underwriters as one of the most efficient organizations, paid or volunteer, in Northern California. He had been Chief of the Akeley Fire Department and upon arrival in Westwood was given command of the Westwood forces consisting of 4O men and 2 trucks. Chief Luff has had a major part in the development of this force to its present status of 130 men, six trucks and a Fire Train with a crew of ten.

Chief Luff's leadership has inspired a high degree of loyalty efficiency in this crew of volunteer fire fighters. In 1934 with 39 alarms, the average elapsed time from alarm to out whistle was slightly less than 8minutes. In 1933 vrith .54 alarms the record was 6 minutes. At a recent test run 26 streams were placed in operation. The one phase of his record which Chief Lufi says is the most important is the fact that in eighteen years, which have seen some heavy conflagrations and many dangerous situations, not one man has been injured.

Mr. Luff is to be the guest of honor at a testimonial dinner before his departure for San Jose where he will make his future home.

* Editor: This is not an error, "Knapp Stout & Co. Company" was the official title they insisted upon.


Fire destroyed 10,000,000 feet of Sugar and Ponderosa Pine in one of the storage yards of the West Side Lumber Company at Tuolomne, October 16. Seven million feet of the total was Sugar Pine. The loss was fully insured. The mill was undamaged, and the town of Tuolomne was saved from the fire which was swept in from the timber by a 70-mile wind. The plant was in operation again within a few days cutting lumber for pile foundations.

This article is from: