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GamERsToN & GnrEN LUmBER Co.
Wholesale and Jobbing Yards
FirRedwoodp61ds1636Sugar Pine
1300 Army Strea 2001 Livingrton Strcct ATweter 1100 KEllog 41EE4
Smith Lumber Co. Moves
San Francisco Yard
Smith Lumber Company, which has operated a distributing yard along the Channel since 1915 in San Francisco, is moving to a new site between Sixth and Seventh, and Irwin and Hubbell Streets. The phone number remains the same, MArket 0103.
The move has been made necessary because the Government has taken over the property and is building warehouses for surplus stores for shipment overseas.
The company's large sheds, office building, and lumber stocks are being moved, and it is expected the job will be completed about November 10.
Looking to the future this concern purchased a waterfront site about a year ago, which is now leased to the Government, and on which they hope to build after the war.
Smith Lumber Company also operates a large distributing yard in Oakland. They have for many years been a big factor in lumber distribution in the San Francisco Bay district, and prior to the war did a wholesale and retail business.
William Smith is president of the company, and Reginald Smith is vice-president.
Coos Bcy Lumber Compcny Sold
Acquisition of the controlling interest in Coos Bay Lum' ber Company by Charles E. Dant of Dant & Russell, fnc., Portland, and associates was recently announced. It is understood that close to 60 per cent of the outstanding shares of the company have been acquired.
Change of Name
Announcement is made that Hallinan Mackin Lumber Co. was formed as of October 1, 1943, and is carrying on as a successor to Hallinan Mackin Co., Ltd.
E. C. Hallinan and R. A. Mackin, the general partners, will continue in the active management of the business. Coincident with the change of name there has been an increase in the capitalization of the company.
The home office and yard of Hallinan Mackin Lumber Co. are located at 725 Second Street, San Francisco.
The Southern California office is in the M. W. Garland Building, 117 West Ninth Street, Los Angeles. Elmer Williams is Southern California manager.
Visit Oregon cnd Cclifornicr Mills
Frank G. Duttle, president of Sterling Lumber Co., Oakland, returned recently from a business trip to the Northwest. He met two old friends from the Middle West in Portland and took them on a tour of most of the Ponderosa Pine mills in Southern Oregon and Northern California. The friends were J. C. Collier, president, Carr, Adams & Collier sash and door manufacturers, Dubuque, fowa; and W. A. Cullen, president of Carr-Cullen Co., Minneapolis, sash and door manufacturers and jobbers.
George Adcms Iniured
George Adams, Noah Adams Lumber Co., Walnut Grove, was injured when he was thrown from a saddle horse September 26. Ife was taken to Sutter Hospital, Sacramento. He is making good progress and expects to be home by November 1.