3 minute read
Saint Paul, Minnesota
Darkness And Dawn
The little wind that rose at dawn
Awoke the sleeping trees, It whispered as it journeyed on, "Rejoice ! The darkness flees !" It gently brushed away the fears That lingered through the night, And heavy hearts, forgetting tears, Thanked God again for light.
Taxi Driver: "Here you are, sir. This is your houseget out-be careful, sir-here's the step."
Stew: "Yest Thash allrigh', but whersh my feet?"
Right And Wrong
"Eyes right!" thundered the Negro lieutenant. "You's wrongt" came from the ranks of the black troops.
"Eternal Vigilance Is The Price of Liberty."
That's what it used to cost. Now the price has gone up to fifty billion dollars, and the quality isn't as good as it used to be.
Success From Failure
We learn mighty little in this life from success. Success feeds the ego; failure chastens it. Success makes you look up, and the sun dazzles your e/es; failure forces you to look down and mind four fieny'
The man who can fail dd/earn, who can try and still go on, is the man who succeEds in the end.
The failures are the men who succeed too early and too easily, or the men who fail and let it bowl them over-the men who quit.
Lucky Guy
stood guard
After a moment
"Did youse git
"Tough luck," said his a lawyer."
"Na$r, de guy dat lives
"Did youse lose anything?"
Ison Tongue
t'f wonder Jack will love me when I'm old," wondered the wife to her very dearest friend.
"You'll know pretty soon now, dearie," assured the other.
To Do And Re
Does preparedness make for war or peace? Only the debating clubs can settle the question. Old Tom Botts, the
NECESSARV rr,pndsree
Mabel: "If somebodf l$r/ou a million dollars, what would you do?"
Mr. Smart: "Ifire six good lawyers and try to get it."
Gal: "Are those binocutaq "y6owerful?"
"Faith," says Sherwoo{ E , "is not trying to believe something regardless of t\i vidence; faith is daring to do fisherman, says that if a feller prepares himself for a swim, something regardless of th consequences." e goes swimming, doesn't he. And if he prepares himself f\r a-goin' ter church he goes to church, doesn't he? And i\e digs bait and gets him a nice fish pole and a fish line and hooks and sinkers and prepares himself generally to go a-fishin' then he goes a-fishin', doesn't he? Then, says old Tom, if a guy gets himself all trained and dolled up in a uniform and prepares for war, what does he do, huh? He sure doesn't take his gun and 200 rounds of ammunition and his bayonet and his gas mask and go to a Sunday school picnic, does he? Huh?
They wrote in the old days that it is sweet and fitting to die for one's country. But in modern war there is nothing sweet nor fitting in your dying. You will die like a dog for no good reason.
-Ernest Hemingway.
Gob: "Powerful! Miss, thf glasses bring things up so close that everything less than ten miles away looks like it's behind you."
"I hear your frien' Tapso;/s married again."
"Ay", so he is. He's b\/a dear frien' tae me. He's cost me three weddin' presents\hnd two wreaths."
Vagabond Editorials
(Continued from Page 7) t*'F
And that wasn't dl. He wanted beam ceilings, also covered with large knots. And he likewise insisted that the window frames and sash be knotty. The dealer tried to explain to him the difficulties that presented themselves. The custorner said: "I've told you what I want. I have not asked you about the price, and don't intend to. But I want that room just like I want it, and I want you to get it for me." He got it.
That customer must have been related to the fellow that built the resort hotel near Manila, in the Philippine Islands. I've told that story before. around this handsome resort built a great gallery of the most magnificent and lined it with a row the world. They were of solid Narra, which is one y'f the world's most precious and beautiful cabinet It grows in the Philippines, and even there is very When the hotel was
Howard Pine Mill Operating Regularly
E. A. Hor,vard & Co., wholesale hardwood dealers, manufacturers and wholesalers of Ponderosa and Sugar Pine lumber, announce that they are cutting around 20,000 feet a day at their Horse Mountain sawmill in Lake County, Calif. This mill has now been in operation about a year.
Their Ponderosa Pine logs, some of rvhich are seen in the accompanying illustration, give an unusual percentage of uppers. Good widths are obtained and the texture is soft. They are also getting a limited amount of Sugar Pine and Fir.
they put some nice, bE knots in thern. So he hired a painter to paint Fir knots on the Narra pillars -pillars that have brought fame to the palace of a Roman that those dense, glistening, have their looks improved if :or. Truly, there is no accounting for of wood<r of knots.