1 minute read
E. GOOPER Wholesale Irumber
Conveniently loccrted to grive you personal seffice and the usual highest quclity ol lumber.
The Bridge Lumber Co. at Reedsport, Oregon, has begun operations with one of the finest sawmill plants in the Northwest. The mill was planned and built for economical and efficient operation.
The mill yard is something new to sawmills and is surfaced in its entirety. The yard has the appearance of an airport with its smooth black surface, and carrier and stacker operations will naturally be speeded up.
The neu' plant is located on Port Umpqua property.under a long-term lease and has a frontage on the Umpqua River of 500 feet. Rail facilities are provided by the Southern Pacific and the loading spur will accommodate eight cars.
The mill is electrically operated throughout and the logs are broken down by a round log 36-inch Swedish gang saw. The Swedish gangs differ from the square gangs in that the logs do not have to be squared before they can be sawed. It cuts the round log to predetermined lengtlis as it is fed through the saw in one operation. This sarv is neither a circular headrig or a band mill. It consists of several sau's approximately five feet in length, fixed to the top and bottom of the frame to cut the log to sizes. The saws are stationary and the widths of the cuts remain so for two-hour periods, when saws are changed because of dullness.
The balance of the equipment includes a ten-inch edger,