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San Francisco Hardwood Yard Rebuilt
The plant of the Forsyth Hardwood Company at 355 Bay Shore Boulevard, San Francisco, which was almost completely destroyed by fire four months ago, has been rebuilt and is now practically re-stocked:
A large new shed, modern in every respect and lighted with six skylights, has been built. All stock will be stored under cover.
All gangways are paved and are 22 f.eet wide. The yard has a frontage of 200 feet on Bay Shore Boulevard and extends 3O0 feet to a spur track at the rear, which accommo- dates six cars at a time.
A new plywood warehouse has been built at the rear of the yard.
Forsyth Hardwood Company was established in 1918. The yard was completely burned out and rebuilt in 1933. This concern has always carried the finest type of hardwoods they -could buy and P. R. Kahn, manager, states they will continue that policy. Mr. Kahn pays frequent visits to the hardwood producing areas in the South and Southeast.