3 minute read
Industrlal Servlce Go.
Sherlock Bldg., Portlend, Orc.
Confidence in the stabiliiy of the building-loan business is expressed in the Commissioner's Annual Report, which states: "While money has come into the associations very rapidly the past year, it has been absorbed by the borrowers who apparently have become 'sold' on ihe long term irtstallment plan of borrowing. The remarkable frowth in assets was quite generally uniform with all sections of the State participating."
Yz to 2-inch Dritling Capacity.
Veights l0 to 20 lbs.
Priced at f 100 and up. l
Elcctrlc lDrlllr, Atl Slzcr
Portable Gr{nden and Bench Typcr
Goncrete Surfaccm
Strand Fledble thsttt and Equlpnent
Electrlc tleod Sawr
Sandcm . Pollth,qrt . Bultem
(The Clearing House)
This Column of "Wants" and "Don't Wants" is for: The Fellow \Mho Wants to Buy The Fellow Who Wants to Sell
The Fellow Who Wants to Hire
Rate: 52.50 per cofurnn fncfr The Fellow Who Wants to Be Hired
Experienced lumber bookkeeper and accountant open for a position. Familiar with all office details. Address Box C-285, care California Lumber Merchant.
Experienced Retail Yard Manager Wants Position
Retail Yard Manager-16 years' experience-wants position in any department. Address Box C-287 Calif.ornia Lumber Merchant.
Eleven years' experience in Lumber Manufacturing, Retail and Wholesale, also Millwork. Good health and habits. A-1 references. Capable of taking full charge. Prepare financial statements, balance sheets, cost reports, tax returns, credits and collections. 30 years of age. Can report at once. Legitimate reason for change. Address Box C-288. California Lumber Merchant.
For Sale
Retail Yard and Complete Building Material Store, County Seat Town, 11,000, Southern California. Will lease Yard Site on 7 per cent net return on investment but want to qell improvements. Investment necessary in fixed assets not over $15,000. Address Box G289, California Lumber Merchant.
Experienced hardwood lumberman thoroughly fimiliar with sales promotion work, would like to make connection with Southern California hardwood company. Has had experience in the manufacture and sales of all kinds of hardwoods. Will appreciate an interview. Box C-291 care of California Lumber Merchant.
The office of Mark W. Lillard, Inc., which was formerly 636 Petroleum Securities Bldg. is now located in rooms 328-D of the same building.
Howell Baker Attends Big Game
Howell Baker, president of the California Panel Veneer Company, Lqs Angeles, drove to San Francisco the Stanford-California game.. He was accompanied by son, North, who went up to register at Stanford.
J.ohn Olson, Los Angeles, district manager of the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Company, has returned to his headquarters after spending a week in Arizona renewing old acquaintances and calling on the trade with C. P. Henry whb represents the company in that territory.
A Pick Up
Modern Lumber Yard and Planing Mill. Buildings consist of Lumber Storage Shed ,l6x20o capacity 500,000 feet. Planing Mill 50x75 equipped with late type Woods highspeed planer and matcher connected with automatic load' ing device, one 8-inch Woods high-speed moulder, one 12inch American high-speed moulder, one Orton Planer, one Heath two drum sander, one rip saw, one cut off 5aw, two grinders and miscellaneous small machinery all connected to blow pipe system with two incinerators to handle refuse. Cabinet shop 32x50. Office buildings 26x4O containing snoP JZxJu. Dullcrn8's zQx'i{J cun[arnrng large fire-proof vault and completely furnished. Yard equipment consists of three motor trucks. one tractor. 250 lum- ment consists of motor trucks, tractor, ber trucks, wagons, gasoline pump and storage tank, and such other equipment necessary to operate. Plant covers five acres with 600-foot water frontage. A 40Gfoot lumbcr wharf to handle cargo and a 400-foot spur track connecting with the Southern Pacific. Owner retiring, will slcrifice business and equipment for $15,000. Address Box C-290. California Lumber Merchant.
Lumberman wishes connection; experienced in sales promotion work, plan book service, financing, follow ups, estimating, construction of homes, line yard management, advertising, salesman, sound business ideas. No profit in retailing now at so much per thousanC. Box C-DZ, care California Lumber Merchant.
O. M. Clark
O. M. Clark, 78 years of age, for many years identified with the lumber industry and business life of the Pacific Northwest, died at Portland, Oregon, on November 24 after a short illness.
In addition to being president of the Clark-Wilson Lumber Company and the Portland-Southwestern Railway, he served as vice-president of the Willamette Valley Lumbet Company and the Ochoco Timber Company. He was twice elected president of the Portland Chamber of Commerce and was a member of the United States Chamber of Commerce.
& for his days in Arizona around the middle of visited with Hawk Huey of Phoenix. celebration at Tombstone; they spent a trip. Hawk reports "that he killed bovs."
Hawk Huey Has Successful Hunting Trip
Frank Park, Park Lumber Co., La Mesa, and Earl McCormick, McCormick Brothers, San Diego, spent several
November where they
After attending the week on a hunting the meat for ther