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M. .ADAMS Clrcuhdo l||urrc
Iacortcetod udcr ttc lmr ol Callfonte J. C. DhnD., Pnr. ud Trcar.; J. E. Mard!, Vlc:-Prrr PubD.hd thc let eld lsth of ..ch noth at !lt-lt-2e Centnl Bulldlry, lltt Wrst Stxth Strt t, La Algcl€., oal- TcLntoa, Vrlad&r 1506 Ert r.d u Sccoad-clerc nattcr Scptcobcr 6, lW rt ttc Pct o6loc at Lor Aatchl C.lttmi+ rnd.r Act of Mrfth !. ffD.
Subrcription Pricc, $Zll0 pcr Ycer Singlc Copicr, 25 centr ctcL. LOS ANGELES, CAL, DECEMBER
How Lumber Looks
New business reported to the Vest Coast Lumberments Association for tte week ended November 16 by 2OL mills was 95,721P73 feet againrt a productio'n of. 971176rl02 f.e.eg end shipments of. 9Or572rE27 Leet. Curent sales were under production by 1.5 per cent, and shipmente by 6.8 per cent. A group of. 2Ol identical mills whose records are complete fot both periods show total orders f.* 1935 to date ac ?$45226rW0 feet coanpared with 2r92rr913rqto feet for the game pedod in 1934r a gain of 24.7 pet cat. Unfilled orders at these mills stood at t29r4lrr694 feet, approximately 2r000r00o feet over the week before. Aggregate inventories of these mille are 27 Wt cent less t{ran at this time tf*;
The Western Pine Association for the weelc ended Novcmber 16, 116 mills repoting, gave orders 45rO7OrOW feet, shipllnents 45r774r(X)O feet, and production 57r479rOOO feet. Ordera werc 21.5 per cent below production, and 1.5 pet cent belorv shipmentr. Shipments werc 20.7 per cent below production. Orders on hand at the end o;! rl" week totaled !57,879,0@ f.eet,
The Cdifornia Redwood Association for the same week reported production from 15 mills as 813281000 feet, shipments 7rO7OrCnllO feeg and new business 6594rOOO feet. Otders o'tr
I wish to su,bscribe for your paper for a yeat. I have been a reader of it from its very beginning but as I am not now working in a lumber yard, I miss the paper so much I want to become a subscriber.
H. F. Duncan, Reno, Nevada.
hand at the end of the week totaled 3O,799,OAO f.eet. 15 identicd mills reported production 14 per cent greater and new business 4 per cent less than t?" *. same week last year.
The thrcatened nation-wide longshoremen's strike as a tesult of the hot cargo controversy in the Gulf of Mexico poltr is causing much concern. An arbitration board has been ap pointed by Secretary of Laboc Frances Perkins and it is thought that the dispute will bc peacefully settled. Many deders submitting bids on the larger bills are making them subject to stdk6 and lockouts.
* ,F *
The lumber demand continues fair, and many of the whole. salers report that their sales during November were good. Prices on commons at the mills are firming up. The market on Fir uppers is strong and VG* iterns are Bcarce.
Cargo anivals at Los Angeles harbor for the week ended November 23 totaled,l2r5r7ro00 feet as compared with t6r467r Ofi) feet fo,r the previous week.
Califomia cargo freight rates to Poc San Luis and all portc sour:h will be increased 50 cents per M board feet, efiective lanuary 2,19t6.
Built-ln-Fixture Business Better
With business up to the end of October just double that of the same period last year, Ray B. Cox, vice president and general manager of Peerless Built-in-Fixture Co., Berkeley, is optimistic regarding prospects for next year. He says they are looking for a nice incredse of business in the Pacific Northwest. .They are employing five salesmen.
Emergencies arise. A cudtomer demands delivery at thejob in a hurry. Perhaps a very small order. No Tatter;-service ie what counis. ThiHammond dtan is to-help the dealer, always. Other orders call for millions of feet of Redwood ludber. When .iltt it be delivered? Shipping dates are highly respeCted by the Hammond organization.They are met with nodern equipment-latge lcale operations. And th; vadt Stands cif Hammond acrezrge in Red#od timber is"you" "ssrirrrr"" of a la,6ting source of supply.