1 minute read


Plywood and Lrumber

909 Atlcntic Blvd.

Ios Angeles ANgeIus 2-1183

Hishf isht s o| 1942 in the Douslas Fir Region

(Continued from Page 54)

During the first 11 months of. 1942 lumber production in the Douglas fir region totaled 8,@2,712,m board feet which is I per cent more than was turned out during the same period last year. This production was achieved in spite of a shortage of labor averaging 20 per cent in sawmills and 30 per cent in logging camps, and in the face of difficulties encountered in securing equipment and supplies. High as it was, production could not keep pace with demand and as of December I unfilled orders at the mills amounted to 1,1M,327,000 board feet. Gross stocks meanwhile had been reduced to 595,818,000 board feet.

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