6 minute read
A Q & A On The Palm River Project
Q: Why don’t you please start off by giving us an overview of the role/ importance of a structural engineer and how they work with other construction professionals on projects? A: Our role in general as structural engineering is to help the clients build a property that will last its time and function properly at an acceptable and effective cost. This entails designing structure with strength and stability to suit its function and to withstand external pressures such as gravity, wind, water etc., and selection of best suited construction materials. At design stage of a project, a Structural Engineer works closely with the Architect to add the “skeleton” to the structure or building. He/ she designs the roof, floors, walls and foundation of the structure to withstand anticipated loads. In Industry, mining and farming the structural engineer also collaborates with Mechanical Engineers, Electrical Engineers and various other engineers to make sure equipment is properly supported and fits
Q: Please tell us in brief what the client expected from BCHOD on the Palm River Hotel Project?
A: BCHOD Consulting Engineers were consulting to carry out civil and structural designs for the Palm river hotel. BCHOD’s role in this particular project was to design hotel room buildings and their ancillary structures, design driveways and the stormwater drainage. In a nut shell BCHOD is there to support and bring to life the client’s dream that is presented by the Architect. The client expected that we work together with other construction professionals to design structurally sound hotel buildings, efficient infrastructure around the buildings. The client expected us to design all structural elements; the roof trusses (timber and steel), concrete elements (floor slabs, beams, columns and staircases), brick walls and steel walkway links. We were also consulted as civil engineers to design roads/driveways, sewer reticulation and storm water management.
Q: Tell us in detail how BCHOD went about to execute or achieve the client’s requirements?
A: The important part of the project is planning. The planning and design meetings ensured that we were clear on the project requirements. Experience is a best teacher. We made sure ideas were shared within the construction team as we all have different experiences. The first stage; we carried-out geotechnical investigations to determine the suitability of the site and also the type of foundations for the buildings. The geotechnical investigations are also used to design roads/driveways in the property. Preliminary design. This involves analyzing architectural drawings, establishing load transfer path and choosing the right material for the major structural elements. Analysis and design of structures. This involves putting in figures to the design. We made use of analysis and design software to design structural element.

Quality control. We had regular site visits to continually check the contractor’s workmanship. Our work was also tracked by the Project Manager to ensure deliverables are timeous and cost effective.
Q: Any specific SHE (Safety, Health and Environment) regulations that had to be adhered to on this particular project or site as it is close to the Zambezi River? architect set building ground floor levels so that we reduce the risk of flooding on the buildings. On the civil engineering side wastewater was directed to the council sewer system so as not to contaminate the river. Stormwater was designed with silt trapping mechanism so as to limit silt inflow into the river. Q: Anything unique or interesting about this particular project that you would like to share?
A: The paramount factor to consider when constructing close to a river A: We were tasked to design exposed bolted is flooding. The Client timber trusses for the roof. The timber trusses marks flood levels every being exposed meant that the aesthetics mattered year to track the high- the most. It took a close collaboration with the est level of water in the architect, the Engineer and the Contractor to get river. BCHOD used the the quality that was acceptable by the client. The information to help the quality and handling of timber was critical;

moisture content, transportation, storage and installation. We had oversights that the team managed to pick up and resolve. A mock-up structure was constructed to fine tune the design details and construction methods. The architect has a helicoid staircase on the main building which is a rare design for structural engineers. Manual designs were done and crosschecked with software programs to come up with a design that the engineering team was confident with. QC deck and Bondlok was used as permanent shuttering and also incorporated in the design of the slab. This meant faster construction, less scaffolding and reinforcing steel is reduced significantly. The materials were imported from South Africa and delays were avoided with safety net put in place by the project management team.

BCHOD are the Structural and Civil Engineers for the Palm River Hotel project, in this Q & A we spoke to Engineer Tawanda Gudo.
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