4 minute read


With Burena Morris

Burena Morris is the Founder and Chief Operations Officer of I Have a Dream Home. She lives in Port Richey, Florida and has been in business for 3 years.


At BHD, we believe in building our dream lives. What does your dream life look like?

Throughout life, I believe one’s dream life continues to evolve as we grow and attain knowledge. When I was younger, I used to dream of having my own business and once I became an entrepreneur my dream evolved into helping and serving people.

For instance, my current endeavor with I Have a Dream Home, I can’t wait for the day to arrive when we help our first family attain homeownership. Knowing that I helped make someone’s else’s dream come true is the new dream I envision every day.

Tell us about the work you do.

As Chief Operations Officer, I facilitate and manage both operations and marketing activities. Specifically, managing day-to-day operations to ensure the entire organization runs efficiently, implementing and evaluating operation processes and procedures. Some of the marketing activities include the development of a marketing strategy and plan, development and maintenance of company websites, social media and content creation, video and marketing ad creations.

You mentioned the “I Have a Dream Home” project. Tell us more about that and your Reg CF Crowdfunding Campaign.

We came up with the name I Have a Dream Home to turn Dr Martin Luther King’s I Have a Dream into a position affirmation. We are not just dreaming anymore; we are creating and manifesting ideas that will make the American Dream – Homeownership come true for millions of Americans. I Have a Dream Home is a social movement by the people and for the people A movement focused on solving real-world problems in the financial and mortgage industries.

We are building a mortgage company designed to create generational wealth for our investors and folks living in urban America. According to a report issued by the Homeownership Council of America (HCA), the people we intend to serve are a multitrillion-dollar untapped marketplace and opportunity. Conservative estimates show that there are at least 10 million mortgage-ready people in the underserved communities of America generational wealth At our webinar you will receive debt insight and information on the American JOBS Act, angel investing and how to join our legacy movement What inspired you to get started? catered to social media platforms. Currently, we are listed on most of the platforms, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Reddit, and Linktree You must develop and implement processes that simplify tasks for yourself and your employees. For instance, to get our message out on all platforms we use Hootsuite which allows us to post to all channels at the same time, multiple times during the day, week, or month.

By successfully lending in these communities, lenders stand to conservatively increase their loan volume by at least $1 5 Trillion dollars This is the business we are after and the community we intend to serve. The path has been cleared by the big banks who are either shrinking or eliminating their mortgage empires for us to walk right in and take the bull by the horn.

My journey through entrepreneurship took me through several transformations I didn’t want to be an entrepreneur starting a business just to make profits, so I became a social entrepreneur. Meaning, my entrepreneurial endeavors and ideas are rooted in funding or implementing solutions for cultural, social, or environmental problems. So, when I was approached with this offer years ago, I immediately fell in love with the mission to help millions of mortgage-ready individuals and families attain homeownership. More importantly, I wanted to help create a more inclusive financial system It's truly outdated and must be redesigned for today’s society.

To build our community of supporters, we conduct a weekly webinar that explains our mission giving people a chance to learn more about angel investing, building wealth and how the American JOBs Act passed by President Obama in 2012 has opened new doors for everyone to become investors.

You’ve been in business for 3 years. What have you learned throughout your entrepreneurial journey?

To get more information on our mission, we invite readers to visit our website www.ihaveadreamhome.gold and come to our weekly webinar to learn how you can position yourself and your family to build

What strategies have you used to successfully grow your business?

Given our fast-paced technological world, many of the marketing strategies we use are

Every day I am learning! So far, I have learned when it comes to business I am Superwoman! I learned that I love business and it is truly second nature for me; when I am working, I don’t feel pressured or sad. I am happy and often completely lose track of time because I am on an adventure not just creating, developing or completing a task

For my business, I learned that the race is not given to the swift but to those who endure to the end In other words, it takes time to create, develop and run a successful business. You have to be willing to work in the trenches long and hard if you want to see that business grow.

Self-care is important. How often do you take a vacation away from your business?

I normally don’t take a vacation, however, recently I gained more understanding of the importance of taking time off. In fact, I will be going on vacation in a few days and plan to use this time wisely. I have learned that when you take care of yourself, you are more equipped and motivated to help your business and others.

What advice would you give to other introverted women who are just starting their own businesses?

Find a good support system. It may be only one or two people, but make sure they are willing to help you become more outspoken when needed. Take time to research how to use being an introvert to your advantage And keep in mind that in today's technological world, you can get your message out without being in the spotlight. You can market your business and stay in the background but be willing to go into the spotlight when needed

Thank you for taking the time to share your story. Where can our readers find more information about you?

They can visit my website: www.ihaveadreamhome.gold

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