Can "Quiet Entrepreneurs" Succeed?

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Do you have a quiet personality, and sometimes wonder if you have what it takes to succeed in your business? I’ve always had a quiet personality, and when I was bitten by the entrepreneurial bug a few years ago, I really did wonder if my personality would “work” for me in business. Perhaps you’re like me, and you have similar thoughts. I now know that a quiet personality is an absolute beautiful gift in my business, and my intention is to share, with others like yourself, how to embrace your unique gifts and use it to create a business that is a wonderful expression of who you are. As a quiet entrepreneur, I’m sure you are often told that you need to “get out there”, “speak to the masses” and maybe even “be more aggressive” to attract clients and customers to you…..great tips for a quiet personality, right? Yes, it’s important to be visible, to participate in networking and to share what you do with others. However, it needs to feel good to YOU, and it needs to come from an authentic place. This is something that is not talked about very much in the business world, leaving us quieter entrepreneurs confused about how to grow our businesses in a way that fits who we are. I’m not a business coach. I’m a Holistic Health and Wellness Coach, and I have studied a lot about personal growth and transformation. I know (without a doubt) that there is a strong link between doing the inner work(personal development) and achieving external success in business. I’m especially committed to teaching quiet entrepreneurs how to fully embrace who they are on the inside so that they can attract amazing business opportunities to them, just by being themselves. Imagine the power in making money just by being you! There isn’t a lot of support out there for those of us quiet entrepreneurs, but I know that now is our time to shine and succeed! One of the ways we can begin this journey is by being honest with ourselves about the amount of hard work and struggle that we may have been engaging in, in an effort to fit into a mold that doesn’t serve us. Does this resonate for you? It’s not always easy to see parts of us that we’re not particularly proud of, but it’s a necessary first step. When you can identify ways in which you have been a “traitor” to yourself, you start to feel lighter and more true to who you really are. Your Homework Assignment: 1-Identify 2 or 3 things that you find really uncomfortable or inauthentic in your business building efforts. How does it make you feel when you are engaged in those activities? 2-In a journal, make a list of your best qualities. Which of these qualities would you love to bring


into your business? Milissa Harding is a Health and Lifestyle Coach and founder of Embrace You and Your Biz, where she teaches entrepreneurs with a quiet personality how to step into their own spotlight and shine, by fully embracing their lives and their businesses, from the inside out. Find our more by visiting

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