Buket Yaş | Architectural Portfolio | 10.2020

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a r c h i t e c t u r a l s e l e c t e d w o r k s

buket yaĹ&#x; 2020





competition reverse Yelki,

p e r f o r m i n g





a r t s

a n d










competition 2100


u r b a n

o f






c e n t e r studio fall



d e s i g n studio




“ b ı ç a k ç ı l a r ”




f o c u s


r e - t h i n k i n g




c o m m u n i t y Istanbul




















Ä°zmir | arch. studio 402 spring 2020

Ä°zmir | arch. studio 402 spring 2020

Ä°zmir | arch. studio 402 spring 2020

A R M A D Ä° L LO C LO U D - H Y B R I D S PA C E - C O M M O N H Y B R I D U N I T S

historical and vital education

Ä°zmir | arch. studio 402 spring 2020

food production agricultural bridges

“K o ş u y o l u” P e r f o r m i n g A r t s and Community Center

The project area is located in Istanbul Kadıköy / Koşuyolu. The archaeological remains thought to belong to the Late Roman and Early Byzantine (A.D. 360-641) periods were found in the works carried out in an area of 300 m close to the point where the Haydarpaşa excavations ended. By making design decisions in line with the field-environment reviews and analyzes; Performing Arts and Community Center proposal was prepared for the field. Steel structure is designed on the excavation area has been effective with all the land and interactive with the excavation area.

The space setup that is created by raising the steel columns on the existing archaeological remains and providing program-performance continuity with different levels.

Istanbul | arch. studio 401 fall 2019

urban focus design

The project area is located between the A n k a r a - E s k i Ĺ&#x; e h i r h i g h w a y, h o s p i t a l a n d A n a d o l u U n i v e r s i t y. I t a l s o f o r m s t h e g a t e b e t w e e n c i t y c e n t e r a n d t h e h i g h w a y. The project aimed to increase settlement, development and economic vitality in the region. To c o m m u n i c a t e w i t h u r b a n a n d p e r i p h e r a l disconnection supported by different typologies and functions; an extrovert concept was considered. The transportation axle and main circulation backbone, which are considered depending on environmental factors such as the Ankara B u r s a h i g h w a y, t h e m a i n t r a n s p o r t a t i o n r o a d s o f t h e c i t y, t h e c o n s t r u c t i o n a n d u s e r proďŹ le, were designed. The dynamism of the silhouette and design has been achieved by supporting both vertical and horizontal construction with the spaces and spaces connected to this backbone. With this dynamic, a design was created that uses natural light e f ďŹ c i e n t l y a n d l i v e l y a t a l l h o u r s o f t h e d a y.

EskiĹ&#x;ehir | arch. studio 302 spring 2019

urban focus design

s e c t i o n s

section aa

section bb

section cc

section dd

EskiĹ&#x;ehir | arch. studio 302 spring 2019

e l e v a t i o n s

north elevation

east elevation

west elevation

south elevation

r e - t h i n k i n g o f “b ı ç a k ç ı l a r”

“Bıçakçılar” ‘It is the region where baths are located in Eskişehir and located above the healing hot waters underground. The whole of Değirmen Street, the part of Asarcıklı Street, up to the Hamamyolu Street, roughly draws the boundaries of the hot water zone. There are many thermal facilities, hotels and baths in the region. A stream that used to cross the whole Hamamyolu street and where hot water mixed between the Hamamyolu Street and the Değirmen Street then flowed into the Porsuk Stream flowed.’ There are mostly commercial shops such as shoemakers, knives, coffee shops and repair shops in the region.

EskiĹ&#x;ehir | arch. studio 201 fall 2017

r e - t h i n k i n g o f “b ı ç a k ç ı l a r”

EskiĹ&#x;ehir | arch. studio 201 fall 2017

Family House

T h e I n s t i t u t e o f Te c h n o l o g y and Business in Ceske Budejovice Ty p o l o g y o f R e s i d e n t a l a n d Civic Buildings Final Project - Family House Design 2018

Ground Floor : 92 m2 Entrance, Living room, kÄątchen, storage, bathroom First Floor : 86 m2 Bedroom, Bathroom, Storage, Closet To t a l y a r e a : 1 7 8 m 2 For 4 people

Czech Republic | arch. studio spring 2018

Czech Republic | arch. studio spring 2018

Czech Republic | arch. studio spring 2018

Villa 3D Modelling

Ä°zmir Bornova Ya k a k Ăś y villa design 3d modelling and visualisation autumn 2020

Ä°zmir Bornova, Yakakoy villa design modelling / autumn 2020

Ä°zmir Bornova, Yakakoy villa design modelling / autumn 2020

Ä°zmir Bornova, Yakakoy villa design modelling / autumn 2020

“C i r c u l a t i o n” 1:2 0 0 s c a l e d i a g r a m m o d e l

with Melek Selin Şanal E m r e Ta ş 2016

with Melek Selin Şanal E m r e Ta ş 2016

“p h o t o g r a p h y�

dresden/germany 2018

casa vicens barcelona/spain 2018

florance/italy 2018

prag/czech republic 2019

granada/spain 2018

louvre museum paris/france 2018

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