N-Acetyl L-Carnosine: Benefits, Side Effects & Dosage
N-acetyl L-carnosine is a popular choice for boosting overall health. But what exactly is N-acetyl L-carnosine and how does it benefit the body? And what does the research
show about its role in treating medical conditions, such as cataracts?
Here, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about N-acetyl L-carnosine benefits and supplements. We’ll also discuss whether you should add it to your supplement regimen.
What is N-Acetyl LCarnosine? N-acetyl L-carnosine is a supplement that provides your body with L-carnosine, an important antioxidant molecule. L-carnosine is found in high concentrations in skeletal muscle, heart muscle and the central nervous system. It’s an important building block for the body, helping to build strong muscles and tissues and prevent aging (x, x).
As a supplement, N-acetyl L-carnosine may improve energy levels, boost heart health and prevent cataracts. It has an additional acetyl group bound to L-carnosine. This acetyl group protects the L-carnosine, keeping it from being degraded. This means that N-acetyl L-carnosine is more effective than taking L-carnosine directly. It also makes it more efficient, so you can take a lower dose when supplementing.
Although the body produces L-carnosine naturally, N-acetyl L-carnosine supplements can increase its levels. The supplement is also very safe and few users experience notable side effects.
Benefits of N-Acetyl LCarnosine There are a number of benefits that come from taking N-acetyl L-carnosine. It may be beneficial for heart health, improve energy levels and prevent cataracts. Here are some of the most notable benefits of using these supplements.
Cataract Treatment One of the main uses of N-acetyl L-carnosine is as an eye drop for cataracts, a common vision disorder. Cataracts are the leading cause of blindness and the only effective common treatment is surgery.
Cataracts may occur from oxidative stress (x). L-carnosine is an antioxidant that may protect the eye, but it is unable to penetrate the eye as an eye drop. N-acetyl Lcarnosine, however, can penetrate the cornea and reach the cataracts, where it is converted to L-carnosine. And not only can it possibly prevent cataracts, but some research suggests that it could also reverse them (x, x).
If you have cataracts and are considering using N-acetyl L-carnosine, speak to a doctor about different medical options.
Athletes often use N-acetyl L-carnosine to increase energy and reduce fatigue. The exact mechanism by which it benefits energy levels is still unknown, but it may be related to acid-base levels in muscles (x). This may improve power output and reduce fatigue.
When your muscles are active, they produce high levels of lactic acid, which leads to burning. N-acetyl L-carnosine, when converted to L-carnosine, may help neutralize this acid, which can lead to improved performance and increased energy levels (x).
Heart Health N-acetyl L-carnosine may also have beneficial effects on heart health. Specifically, it may reduce blood pressure and improve circulation.
The exact role of N-acetyl L-carnosine in reducing blood pressure is still not known. Studies in rats have shown that, when converted to L-carnosine, it prevents blood pressure from elevating (x).
N-acetyl L-carnosine also has potent antioxidant effects, which may help prevent cardiovascular disease (x). L-carnosine is commonly present in heart muscle and is important for healthy cell function.
N-acetyl L-carnosine, when converted to L-carnosine, may also help treat fatigue symptoms in patients with heart failure. When patients were given L-carnosine for six
weeks, they had improved oxygen intake (x).
Although N-acetyl L-carnosine may have some positive effects on heart health, it should not be used as a primary treatment for any cardiac diseases. Rather, it should be used as a general health supplement with primary medications.
Autism N-acetyl L-carnosine may also have a beneficial effect on children with autism. When given L-carnosine, which is produced when the body breaks down N-acetyl L-carnosine, for eight weeks, the children showed reduced symptoms (x).
The mechanism by which L-carnosine benefits children with autism is largely unknown. L-carnosine may improve frontal lobe function, which may enhance neurological function in autism (x).
Kidney Health N-acetyl L-carnosine may have a positive effect on kidney health (x). The exact role of L-carnosine in the kidneys is unknown. However, research has shown that the kidneys metabolize L-carnosine and it may be crucial for healthy kidney function.
One should not use N-acetyl L-carnosine as a primary treatment for kidney disease, but as a supplement to other medications. Speak to a doctor before taking N-acetyl Lcarnosine to treat kidney disease.
N-Acetyl L-Carnosine Supplement N-acetyl L-carnosine is one of the best ways to increase L-carnosine levels in the body. Its effects are similar to what you get from taking L-carnosine, as N-acetyl L-carnosine is converted to L-carnosine in the body. However, it also prevents degradation of the Lcarnosine, meaning that the body gets more of the molecule, leading to a greater therapeutic effect.
N-acetyl L-carnosine powders are the most common form of the supplement, but supplements also come as eye drops.
When choosing an N-acetyl L-carnosine supplement, make sure you find a pure version of it. Many brands dilute it with other substances. Although these substances are usually harmless, they affect dosage and reduce its therapeutic effect.
Side Effects of N-Acetyl LCarnosine N-acetyl L-carnosine side effects are usually minor and most users have few issues with the supplement. However, there are a few common side effects to be aware of.
Rash and Skin Irritation Some users have reported rashes after taking the supplement. This is likely due to an allergic reaction. If you notice a rash or skin irritation after taking N-acetyl L-carnosine, discontinue use of the supplement and see if the reaction goes away. If it does not, contact a doctor.
Dry Mouth N-acetyl L-carnosine may also cause dry mouth in some users. This side effect is usually fairly minor and may go away with continued use. However, if dry mouth persists, consider reducing the dose or discontinuing use of the supplement.
Low Blood Pressure One of the benefits of taking N-acetyl L-carnosine is that it could act to lower blood pressure. However, if you already have healthy blood pressure, it could lower it too much.
If you notice that your blood pressure drops after taking N-acetyl L-carnosine, discontinue use of the supplement and speak to a doctor. You could also consider taking the supplement at a lower dose and see if your blood pressure returns to a normal level.
Some users have reported that the supplement causes tiredness. If you notice any symptoms of fatigue after taking N-acetyl L-carnosine, consider reducing the dose or discontinuing use of the supplement. If the symptoms don’t go away after you stop taking N-acetyl L-carnosine, speak to your doctor.
Appetite Changes N-acetyl L-carnosine may cause changes in appetite. This is usually a fairly minor side effect and may go away as the body adjusts to the supplement. You can also reduce the dose and see if the side effects go away.
Warning N-acetyl L-carnosine is generally safe and likely causes few side effects in pregnant women. However, there is little research on its effects in pregnant women. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, speak to a doctor about using N-acetyl L-carnosine.
Dosage for N-Acetyl LCarnosine N-acetyl L-carnosine doses may vary depending on the medical condition. There is no standard dose for the supplement. A common starting dose is around 500 mg, once or twice a day.
In a study, a group of patients took 500 mg of L-carnosine for heart failure every day for eight weeks (x). However, this version of L-carnosine is different than N-acetyl Lcarnosine, so the dose will not be exactly the same.
When given as eye drops, the solution is usually 1 percent N-acetyl L-carnosine. Patients are given a few drops for multiple weeks (x).
Experiment with doses to see what the right amount is for you. Start with a lower dose and slowly increase, depending on how your body responds to the supplement.
Why Take N-Acetyl LCarnosine? There are many different ways to consume L-carnosine. Although many of these methods will give you some therapeutic benefit, L-carnosine is degraded in the body by enzymes. If you take L-carnosine on its own, you will not get as strong of an effect.
N-acetyl L-carnosine benefits the body by protecting the L-carnosine from degradation. This means that the molecule is free to act as an antioxidant, reducing inflammation and improving heart health.
N-acetyl L-carnosine is also the only form of L-carnosine that may benefit eye health. That’s because L-carnosine alone cannot penetrate the eye. But N-acetyl L-carnosine
can get into the eye, possibly making it an effective treatment for eye conditions such as cataracts.
In addition to treating specific conditions such as cataracts, N-acetyl L-carnosine may also have a beneficial effect on general health by providing antioxidant activity that helps remove free radicals from the body.
The Bottom Line N-acetyl L-carnosine is a safe and effective general use supplement that may boost energy levels and improve heart health. It can also be used to treat cataracts and there is some research indicating it could have a role in treating symptoms of autism. N-acetyl L-carnosine is also very safe, with few side effects at the proper dose. It also has few interactions with common prescription medications.
Whether you are using N-acetyl L-carnosine to treat cataracts or are simply trying to boost overall health, it is an effective and affordable supplement, making it a great addition to just about any supplement regimen.