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Bullseye Residencies
Artist residencies at Bullseye afford the opportunity to collaborate, experiment, ask questions, and push the boundaries of the material. Organized by Bullseye Projects, residencies are held at the factory’s Portland studios and at its resource centers on the outskirts of New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Jen Stark in residence at Bullseye's Resource Center Los Angeles.
Established artists in the glass community such as Narcissus Quagliata, Richard Whiteley, Dante Marioni, and the late Klaus Moje have come to Bullseye to develop new formal, color, or conceptual languages for their work. Meanwhile, artists known for their work in other media–including Rafael Cauduro, Jun Kaneko, Camille Utterback, Munson Hunt, and Judy Tuwaletstiwa–have worked with Bullseye to translate their ideas into kilnformed glass.

Dorie Guthrie in residence at Bullseye's Resource New York.
These collaborations, formerly called exchanges, emerged from invitations, referrals, and the occasional uninvited guest with a question too intriguing to ignore. Bullseye residencies often result in the development of materials and techniques that are widely used throughout the kiln-glass community.

Dylan Gebbia-Richards in residence at Bullseye's factory studios in Portland, Oregon.
Panels meet twice a year to review applications for residencies. Visit bullseyeprojects.com/residencies to learn more and apply.

Nisha Bansil in residence at Bullseye's Resource New York.