Grammarian 2013 Semester 2

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ConteNTs ConteNTs from the


Well, summer is already upon us and with it comes the second edition of the Grammarian. This Semester we are featuring a host of stories that have emerged from the creative and entrepreneurial activities our students get up to - think art exhibitions, musical performances, boarding quiz nights and cheesemaking. There is also a strong focus on community service which is prevalent in our School community - read about tree planting, fundraising for charity and volunteering. To top it all off, there’s also a mix of stories that show the involved (and sometimes intense!) classroom activities that form the basis of our students’ learning, together with plenty of snapshots from reunions of the Old Grammarians’ Association. Happy reading!

Ashley Kershaw EditOR

Around the School Head of School From the Board Kindy Curriculum Community Service Science Week From the Chaplain Human Biology Boarding Monster Craft Fair Primary Production Annual Giving Giving Back Secondary LOTE Year 1 Senior Mentor Challenge & Extension Music Art Exhibition Year 7 Art Project Drama Technology & Enterprise Technology Service Project

2 3 4 6 8 10 11 12 14 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 28 29 30 32 34 35

Camps and Trips China Trip Year 3 Camp Year 6 Camp Round Square Djidi Djidi

36 40 42 44 45

Sport Swimming Netball

46 48


Hockey Primary Athletics Secondary Athletics Orienteering Soccer Country Week

49 50 52 54 54 56

Discovering our Place From the Archives From the Grammarian

58 60

Role Models Our Staff Learning for Life

61 62

Old Grammarians’ Association Grand Grammarians Reunions OGA News

64 66 69

Photography and Proof Reading Ashley Kershaw, Mark Stapleton, Francesca Arnott and Margaret Paterson Design & Cover Photography Bronwyn Rogers Design Studio Special Thanks John and Gail Jolly Rogers and Captain Lee-Anne Percival for the pirate loot!

head of school

Discovering Beauty In Our School Mr Michael Giles, Head of School I remember the first time I really noticed a beautiful sunset, the first time a seascape by Monet struck a chord, the first time the athletic grace of a high jumper was truly appreciated, and the first time I held a newborn baby. In each case I was open to the moment, and in each case I was grateful for the opportunity to be where I was. It seems that openness to finding beauty and appreciating goodness is sometimes not held in high regard. I find beauty in an elegant mathematical proof, in a colour produced when ammonia is added to copper ion solutions, in music and in drama performances. There is clearly much about our School that I consider to be beautiful. Author Howard Gardner describes beauty as a trio of interestingness, memorability, and a desire to revisit. It takes a creative, positive and open mindset to appreciate the beauty of

science, art and the natural world. It takes a school that embraces an all-round education in a caring and stimulating environment to achieve a culture in which beauty and goodness are valued. Schools are sometimes criticised for being the product of an industrial revolution that trained workers for factories. In fact there are many people who make a living of criticising this factory model of schooling when the production line for most people is not their future reality. At Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School, the factory model is not who we are. The increasing trend is for the interactions in classrooms to become more focused on the individual. The educational jargon word “differentiation� is used to describe how different tasks and opportunities are provided for students within a single classroom. The physical structures may stay similar, but the work done by teachers is undergoing rapid and continual change.

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Within a culture that is open to change, and striving for continual improvement, we can take advantage of those serendipitous moments when opportunities can be grasped and a real difference made. Our School is populated by highly creative people, both students and staff. Often they fly below the radar, quiet and modestly excelling. It is the combination of these excellent young people and the support they receive from their home community that lead to more than just good academic results. Perhaps more than other students the young people at our School are known for the productive friendships they make, their appropriate and open relationships with adults, and their ability to embrace a world view. It is sometimes difficult to resist the temptation to shout our praises from the rooftops. This is also not who we are. This School has quietly gone about excelling for over 40 years. We celebrate the good and are humbled by the beauty that surrounds us.

From the board


BOD Mr Simon Jacob Chairman, Board of Governors

Dear School Family, I am pleased to announce the appointment of two new members of the Board of Governors, Dr Andrew Kirke and Mr Matt Basham. Dr Andrew Kirke is a general medical practitioner in Bunbury and continues the recent tradition of having a medical practitioner on the Board of Governors. Dr Kirke is married to Clare, who is the current President of the Parents and Friends Association (P&F). Dr and Mrs Kirke currently have two children at the School, Benjamin in Year 9 and Roisin in Kindergarten. Mr Matt Basham has been a co-opted member of the Finance Committee of the Board for a number of years. He is a bank manager in Bunbury and brings valuable financial and business experience to the Board. Mr Basham is married to Fiona and they have two

children at the School, David in Year 5 and Lachlan in Year 8. It is presently a priority of the Board to progress the development of a new School website and improved use of information technology. Headway is being made and I hope to be able to report on the results soon. This is a large undertaking in terms of resources and time, and includes shifting the School administration to new operations software. The results will be of long term benefit. The Board is in the process of reviewing the ethos and values of the School. This process embodies both historical and present day considerations, and input is being obtained from School staff, the Old Grammarians Association and the P&F. The aim of the Board is for the ethos and values of the School to reflect what is important to the School community whilst also being consistent with the historic values of the School. I have said before that the words of the School’s inaugural Head, Dr Eric Speed, describing what he considered to be the ethos of the School in its first year of operation in 1972 are equally prescient today (despite all the social, economic and technological changes in the last 40 years). Somehow, historical values remain relevant, although implemented in new and more modern ways. It is the responsibility

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of the Board to monitor and implement this process through its planning and processes. It is the responsibility of the School staff to implement the ethos and vision of the Board. The Board monitors this implementation. The ethos and values of the School are, through this process, greater than the will or wish of any one person. Hopefully by the end of the year, I will be able to report to you on the outcome of the ethos and values clarification exercise, and we will be reminded of what the School stands for and aims to achieve. Another part of the history of the School is the P&F and the Old Grammarians' Association (OGA). The whole School family owes a debt of gratitude to the members of those Associations for money raised and programs run to develop the School and foster relationships within the School community. On behalf of the Board of Governors, I extend my thanks to the P&F and OGA for their ongoing efforts. Board members will attend a strategic planning workshop on 9 November 2013. We will use the results of that workshop to further develop the School’s longer term strategic planning. I wish all of our students (and especially those in Year 12) well in Term 4 as they prepare to sit exams.

becoMinG, beinG


the 5 Principles of our early years framework

Ms Jan fleMMinG, KinderGarten teacher

Children are ConneCted with and Contribute to their world Children have a strong sense of identity. This is encouraged by children bringing family photographs and placing them on display in the Kindergarten as a visible reminder of their important relationships outside school. The students also create “Me Books” where examples of their work and a range of photos of their participation in classroom activities are kept. Children are also made to feel special and recognise that they are unique by celebrating each child’s birthday.

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A range of activities extend the boundaries beyond the classroom. On Mother’s Day and Father’s Day special events are held and parents are welcome guests. Each student works on “A Book about Mum” which includes photos of their Mums and special moments they have shared. On Every Wednesday mornings, some of our Mums and Dads come in and help us with the vegetable and flower gardens in the Early Childhood Centre. Together, the children and their parents plant seeds and seedlings, weed and generally look after the garden.


Children have a strong sense of well being Children love to share their achievements and accomplishments and are confident to do so when they feel safe, welcomed and comfortable in their learning environment. In Kindergarten, we display the children’s artwork regularly before it is taken home. When children are proud of their creations with blocks or on whiteboards, they will ask teachers to take photos of their work to put in their “Me Books”.

Children are Confident and involved learners Children often have particular interests and ask to learn about these. One of our students, Hamish, loves dinosaurs and kept bringing in toy dinosaurs and dinosaur books and sharing his knowledge. As a class, we found all the dinosaurs in our animals box and all the dinosaur books on the shelves and discussed what we could do. Together we made 'Dinosaur Land' out of paper and paint. When it was finished, the children played with the dinosaurs in 'Dinosaur Land'. On another occasion, Lily brought in an autumn leaf – leading to a class inquiry into autumn leaves.

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Children are effeCtive CommuniCators Each Kindergarten class has a class mascot who takes a turn going home with a child for a sleepover. The children keep the mascot at home for a week or so, recording what adventures they have together. When the mascot is returned to Kindergarten, the child talks to the class about their time at home with the mascot and shows drawings and photos.

Community service

On a slightly wet and post-storm Friday in August, Year 10 students braved the elements to complete a full day of Community Service. The students were involved in tree planting, brushing and coastal clean-up, guided by Mr Chris Gibbs, Coastal Facilitator for South West Catchments Council. As a large and willing group the Year 10 students were able to make a real difference to the environment in three different locations. Groups planted trees at Dalyellup, completed a coastal clean-up at the Lighthouse area in Marlston Hill and finally spent time on brushing and coastal clean-up along Binningup Beach. Mr Gibbs was extremely pleased with the work completed and the outstanding behaviour and efforts of all the Year 10 students involved. Thank you to all the staff and volunteers who helped to make this an enjoyable and successful day for students and the environment. Mrs Tracie Howell :: Associate Head of Redding House



Scientific j g inveStigationS

WhAt dOEs sciEncE mEAn tO yOu? To the Science Department it means learning different skills to solve everyday problems. The theme for Science Week this year was “100 years of Australian Science.” We have great role models like Barry Marshall from Kalgoorlie who discovered the cause of stomach ulcers. His investigations are legendary.

This year for Science Week our students experienced a variety of Science in Action activities.

The Year 2 students separated light and made their own rainbows using bubbles and prisms. They learnt that Sir Isaac Newton misled us when he stated there were seven colours to the rainbow. Do you know which one was added?

Year 5 students enjoyed dissecting a heart and relating it to their own heart.

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The Year 7 classes were able to become engineers by building bridges out of spaghetti and entering them into the South West Engineers competition. They were also able to see the work of Forensic Scientists and put their newfound knowledge into solving a crime with an incursion called “Case of Identity” lending an authenticity and excitement to their science studies. Mrs Sharon Millington :: HoLA Science






fr Geoff chadwicK, chaplain

Meetings, meetings, meetings! I wonder how many meetings you’ve been to in your lifetime! There are regular meetings: daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly. And then there are specially arranged meetings; with parents, teachers, the accountant, the landlord... Oh and don’t forget the informal meetings: parents in the car park at student drop-off time, or the meeting after the meeting where you say what you really meant to say. I can’t think of how many meetings I’ve been to in my lifetime! Some meetings are more significant than others and recently I had a significant meeting with a place rather than a person. I visited St Martin’s Church in Canterbury, England. It is located at the very place where Saint Augustine and Queen Bertha of Kent met in 597AD. Their encounter was a very important meeting for the history of the world.

soldiers before Augustine’s time. The Queen then introduced Augustine to her husband, King Aetherbert, (who was not a Christian) and the new arrivals were made welcome. Augustine and his monks then set about adding to St Martin’s Church and spreading the good news of Jesus Christ in England.

you about Jesus? Give thanks for them as they had the courage to tell you the good news of Jesus.

Centuries later, as the British Empire moved to many parts of the world it spread the message of Jesus, and the Anglican Church can be found all over the world. Our School is an Anglican school and inherits the legacy of Augustine and Bertha’s meeting.

Thirdly, have you ever allowed space for Jesus to meet you in your life? Maybe a mini-pilgrimage would help you. Perhaps a short time away where it’s quiet or beautiful will be enough for Jesus to meet you in a most significant way. You never know when that moment might occur.

Canterbury, to this day, is still the ‘headquarters’ of the world-wide Anglican Church. My meeting in St Martin’s Church, Canterbury reminds me of three things. Firstly, who was the first person to tell

Augustine and 40 monks had been sent by the Pope to take Christianity to England. He had already turned back once, but the Pope insisted that Augustine remain faithful to his mission. On arrival in Canterbury, Augustine was greeted by Queen Bertha, only to discover that she was already a Christian. Surprisingly, Christianity had already reached England via Roman

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Secondly, like St Augustine, are we sometimes afraid to tell others about our Faith? Maybe we shouldn’t be. You never know how welcome the story of Jesus might be.

Every now and again I think “Oh no not another meeting!” And then suddenly there’s a surprise: “Oh hello Jesus it’s nice of you to join me.”

Human Biology

Q As part of an investigation for their Year 11 Human Biological Science course, students interviewed three mums to elicit information on various topics to do with maternal health. Christa Cowan (nee Hawter, Class of 00) and 7 week old George, Sarah Moore (Class of 97) with 7 month old Declan, and Naomi Johnstone (Boarding parent) mother of twins Eve and Indi (who were unfortunately sick), gave up their time to help the students learn from a real experience. A G block classroom was transformed into baby central for two periods on a Tuesday morning. The babies were beautifully behaved and much time was spent admiring their perfection and giving them cuddles. The mums were wonderfully honest and informative, and generous with their time and comments. The students gained a lot from this special encounter. Mrs Leonie Sutherland :: Human Biology Teacher


S Mr Ken taylor, head of boardinG

Imagine stumbling into the CafÊ – and encountering a wedding party, some burglars, amigos, dalmatians, fairies, jellybeans, human kitchen utensils, minions and doppelganger staff! With vivid imaginations and excellent stickytaping skills, each of the Boarding Units put hours of thought and effort into their preparation for the annual Boarding Quiz Night. The Boarding Student Executive are congratulated on their considerable efforts in planning the event, and once again thank you to Mr Stapleton who did a fantastic job as the quiz master. Well done, to all Boarders for their efforts!




Craft Fair & OPen Day

a handmade


There was something for everyone at the annual Monster Craft Fair and Open Day on 20 October. With every stall space occupied, current families and visitors flooded in to enjoy the variety and quality of the handmade goods on offer. The Kids Corner was a hub of activity, with the children enjoying the free bouncy castle, face painting and craft activities. Our wonderful staff and students took many new families on a tour of our Primary, Secondary or Boarding facilities, and many others spent time relaxing to the sounds of the sensational music and tasty treats in the food court. Ms Ashley Kershaw :: Marketing and Community Relations Manager

primary production

treasure Treasure island island This year's Primary Musical Production was based upon the popular book by Robert Louis Stevenson, but with a modern twist. The show involved over 70 students who worked tirelessly to achieve a faultless performance. The show was staged over three evenings to a brimming audience. All the cast were wonderful. Thomas McGregor (Jim Hawkins) and Luke Paoliello in the lead roles were fantastic! A hearty congratulations to all the students involved and a huge thank you for all the time and hard work that you put in to make this such a wonderful performance.

Ms Rachel Brogan :: Primary Music Co-ordinator

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Once again, the generosity of our wider School community has made our Annual Giving Programme a success. It is with generous donations from current and past families, past students, staff members and other community members that our current and future students can continue to flourish and grow. We wish to particularly thank the donors listed below, as well as those who wished to remain anonymous, for their contributions.

David Ayers Phillip Bettens Michael and Lesley Birchall John and Natalie Briney Colin and Amanda Brown Maria Cavallo Kim Chidgzey Chris and Janelle Coates Sean Cowan Andy Cowan Timothy and Kerry Anne Crofts Robert and Elizabeth Dawson Thomas Derek and Katharine Wilson Allan Dewar Martin and Jacquelynn Dillon Graham and Glynis Dixon David and Paula Dorsett-Lynn Wayne and Diane Edgeloe Andrew Ellis and Elissa Cox Robin and Alison Evernden Lester and Diane Fawcett William and Leanne Fowler Judy and Michael Giles J Gliddon and A de Boer Harvey Graham and Judy Allen John and Endang Hards Graham and Gillian Hill Mr and Mrs Jacob Morris Johnston Peter and Wendy Joyce Shayne Joynson

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John and Ashley Kershaw Bruce Kilpatrick H and A Kruger Kerry Lamb Mrs A Lee-Steere V and J Lishman Ian and Jocelyn Lockhart Jamie and Lara McCall John and Anna McDougall David and Christine McGeoch Amanda McGregor Wallace and Sonja Mitchell The Rev. Canon Carol Morgan Michael Munroe The Very Rev’d Brian and Mrs Newing Old Grammarians’ Association Mr and Mrs Partridge Margaret Paterson Rachel and Kelly Paterson Lesley Power Wayne and Rhonda Robertson Amani Ryan Agostino and Tanya Scaglione Theo and Kate Socratous Dr and Mrs Speed Robert and Andrea Strapp Rajeev and Gaitree Sud Allan Von Richter Joseph and Wendy White Annette Wilson Paul and Jennifer Wood


the Staff Centre) was set aside for the Library. With the assistance of several mothers, Val processed 1500 books and catalogued them under the Dewey system, making the Library available to students on Tuesdays and Fridays.

a true treasure To exceed forty years of service to any one cause is truly remarkable!

On Tuesday mornings, when Mrs Valerie Gilmour arrives without fuss or fanfare, few people realise the enormous contribution that this quiet and humble lady has made to our School. In a myriad of ways for more than four decades, Val has given endlessly of her time and skills to the benefit of this School and its students.

Val was a foundation parent, with her son Ian commencing in Year 7 in 1972, and her daughter Jean in 1976. In true family style, her husband Mr James (Jimmy) Gilmour was a foundation member of the Board of Governors from 1972 – 1987 and Val was a member of the foundation Staff. As the School’s first Librarian, Val was instrumental in establishing what is a key resource in our School. The beginnings were humble, yet well organised and highly professional, exemplifying the way Val approaches everything. A small area of the Administration Building (now

Val and her family have also been generous donors to our School. In fact, Val co-ordinated the School’s second major fund raising appeal in 1978. This Appeal enabled the building of a new Science laboratory, three classrooms (the first classrooms to be built specifically for Primary), the Headmaster’s House, extensions to the Kitchen and further Boarding facilities; critical facilities that allowed the School to expand to 340 students. In the 1990s Val was approached by the Former Students’ Association (now the OGA) to be the School’s inaugural volunteer Archivist. As always, Val approached this position with dedication and professionalism. She travelled to Perth to undertake training and we are extremely fortunate today to enjoy the benefit of Val’s fabulous groundwork in preserving our School’s early history. In 2005 Val was made an Honorary Life Member of the OGA for her outstanding and ongoing service to the FSA/OGA through her work in preserving the history of the School. Today, Val continues as a volunteer in Archives, generously sharing her considerable skills along with her wonderful knowledge of the history of our School. After more than 40 years of service she is still the same quiet and humble achiever but those who know her see her as much more - a true treasure!


THE AnciEnT ART Mr ben Maynard, OF SHOdO Japanese teacher As part of this year’s Language Week celebrations our Year 9 Japanese students had the pleasure of learning the ancient Japanese art of shodo – Japanese calligraphy. Students were tasked with writing their name in Japanese using the katakana alphabet. Katakana is one of three alphabets used in Japanese and is normally reserved for foreign names and loanwords. The students were then asked to choose their favourite Japanese kanji word. The kanji alphabet originally came to Japan from China and is by far the most complex and difficult of the three Japanese

alphabets. Each kanji is a pictograph, or symbol representing a concept – much like Egyptian hieroglyphs. When writing kanji, it is of utmost importance to maintain correct stroke order, which can be trickier than it initially seems! In order for a Japanese student to be considered literate, he or she must learn how to read and write over 2500 kanji! Luckily for the intrepid Year 9 students, one word was all they had to memorise and they also were assisted by our Japanese Education Assistant, Mrs Tomoko Townsend, lending a helping hand. The Year 9 students did a magnificent job and can be proud of their beautiful Japanese artwork.

Year 1


mrs tammy duff, year 1 teacher

The Year 1 students were very busy counting up to the one-hundredth day of school. The day finally arrived on 30 July and students wanted to celebrate and celebrate they did. Together the students read 100 books, wrote 100 things to be grateful for and best of all made collections of 100 things. One activity had them imagining what they would be like when they are 100 years old and drawing their thoughts.

We also found that 100 kilograms is about the same as five Year 1 students. The students also wrote about what they would do with 100 dollars. Phoebe Harris 1D :: If I had $100 I would buy a Grand Piano and some Roses to put on my Piano. I wonder what colour I might choose‌black. If I have some more left over I would buy a farm and go on the motorbike with my dad and help people with cancer.

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s y Da

Arabella Roberts 1G :: If I had $100 I would buy lollies. I would buy 100 lollies. Kendal Oakley 1G :: If I had $100 I would buy an iPhone, iPad, lots of flowers, a guinea pig and a rabbit. I would buy them because I want to call people on an iPhone and I like pets. Skye O’Connor 1D :: If I had $100 I would put $50 in charity and put the other $50 in my bank account.


Real Life Advice S

Mr Mark Stapleton, Senior Mentor

So, what on Earth is ‘E-mentoring’ and is it something that all of us can be actively involved in, or just another gobbledegook pat phrase that is on a par with ‘networking’ and ‘touching-base’? In reality E-mentoring facilitates new opportunities for past and present students and any interested individual who wants to give something back to others, or pass on their own knowledge of study and the workplace. We live in an increasingly complex society where the art of communication has drastically changed from a focus on face-to-face, direct communication to interaction via technology. E-mentoring aims to forge links between former students and friends with current students interested in finding out more about courses of study, college life, tertiary study expectations and about the workplace generally.

The aim is to establish a virtual mentoring environment in which both the student and the mentor are able to flourish. A staff monitored database featuring the skills and occupations of our E-mentors will be used so that a student seeking advice about a particular industry can be put in touch with a tertiary student studying in that area, or talk to someone who is currently working in that occupation. This programme is already underway, with former student and UWA Fogarty Scholarship recipient Jordi Lockhart recently visiting our current Year 12 students to offer advice on applying for Scholarships and what they can expect from their first year of Tertiary education. He gave practical advice on how to apply for Scholarships, the types of Scholarships to consider and the importance of keeping up cocurricular interests as students entered their final examinations. Class of 2011 member Lauren Repton also recently returned to the School to address senior Design classes. Currently studying Creative Advertising and Graphic Design at Curtin University, Lauren spoke about the subjects on offer at University, how the work correlates between what students are doing at School and what will be expected at University, and shared her portfolio of work with the students. It is firsthand experiences such as these that give our current students a real insight into the expectations of study or work, and opportunities to ask questions and consider information relevant to their future lives. To become a mentor please email Please include your area(s) of previous study and the nature of your current occupation.

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Wondering zz Minds……. The study of philosophy is the study of ideas. Philosophical discussion provides a forum for the creation of ideas and a meaningful examination of concepts. This year twice termly Philosophy classes for gifted students in Years 7-11 were introduced as part of the Challenge and Extension Programme. Students learned how to engage in a philosophical debate within a community of inquiry, providing them with the tools to present their ideas in an effective and non-threatening way. In each session students examined a particular question through reading resource materials, selfreflection and discussing the question in a group of year level peers. Their responses were thought-provoking, original, well-reasoned and enlightening! Involvement in the Philosophy class allows gifted students the opportunity to develop their interest through conferences and competitions. Earlier this year students from Year 10 and Year 11

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attended the Gifted and Talented Academy Conference, “The Thinker’s Guide to BIG Ideas” where they were fascinated by presentations on nanotechnology, self-image and free will. Lectures entitled, “I think, therefore I am” and “How many animals did Noah take on to the Ark?” were very popular! As in previous years, our most capable philosophers from Years 8-11 will represent the School at the annual Hale Philosothon competition held in Term 4. For those who see contradictions in many situations, the practice of philosophy provides students with the skills of critical analysis as they develop a moral and ethical perspective on important questions in life. Mrs Jane Kirkham :: Challenge and Extension Co-ordinator

Philosophy topics: Does anything last forever? Is there a right to be rescued? What is a work of art? Is time travel possible? Should parents track their children through mobile phone applications? Will machines ever become human? Who pays for climate change? Does sport necessarily develop good character?

Philosophical tools: Exploring conceptual boundaries Discovering criteria Uncovering conceptual connections Defining terms Classifying objects Identifying logical relations Drawing deductive inferences Analysing conditional statements Constructing analogies

Student comments: I really enjoy the Philosophy Classes probably because they’re a bit different and interesting. The Philosophy Class is a really great class. I really enjoyed challenging my thinking and have been completely confused during a few – but certainly worth it. It’s interesting to see what people think about topics that require a lot of thought to completely understand.



Arts Festival. Annual tradition. Best three weeks of the School year. The Arts Festival is a beloved School tradition that showcases the awesome talents of students and teachers at our School. It kicked off with the grand opening of the Art & Technology Exhibition featuring the best of the best in Art, Photography, Metalwork and Woodwork, before moving the spotlight on to our musical performers.

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The Big Band was lucky enough to have the opportunity to complete a professional recording at Collins Music. The day in the recording studio was a resounding success and all of the Big Bandits are anxiously awaiting the arrival of our CD! Now Grammarian readers, ask yourself, in what scenario would you see a pink Darth Vader chatting to Edna Mode, The Doctor conversing with a Minion, Obi-Wan and Anakin screaming like fangirls for Captain America, The Riddler, Superman, Batman and Spiderman comparing muscles, and Chewbacca playing the trombone while Link is off in the background hugging the TARDIS? The 2013 Music Gala Concert is the scenario.

The concert entitled Marvel-lous Melodies was a fantastic night full of good music, great people, a red couch, karaoke and lots of laughter. There were musical highlights played from Doctor Who, Star Wars, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, The Incredibles, Transformers and excerpts from Jeff Wayne’s War of the Worlds. The night was Mr Incredible, and it was a fantastic tribute to the wonderful nature and talent of the musicians within the school, so an amazingly loud shouted THANK YOU to the Mothership for making the evening possible. May the force be with you. Michaela Mitchell :: Music Captain

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Ms Caroline Cooper, Art Co-ordinator As you walk into the Exhibition your visual senses are attacked by a myriad of exploding colours and shapes. Awesome colourful Cubist heads on sticks fight for your attention and as your eyes look beyond them you see Mr Giles’ portrait drawn by Kindergarten to Year 12 art students. At the corner of your eye, the dark angel dress with wings all made from black garbage bags; drawing your attention to expressive paintings capturing birds in flight. Beyond the movement of the birds are lovely collagraphs of insects which lead you onwards to Aussie Dunnies and printed cushions. The woodwork was very impressive this year and demonstrated the marvellous craftsmanship of our Design and Technology teachers and students. Boxes of all shapes and sizes enticed you to look closely at the fine workmanship. The coffin shaped box with dragonflies burnt into the wood was a favourite of mine and coffee tables of all shapes and sizes

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and differing types of wood dotted the exhibition. Photography lined the foyer and chronicled the interests of our talented young photographers. Manipulation of colour, layers and special effects using various photographic software demonstrated the students’ knowledge and skill in many photographic techniques. Iconic imagery such as Dr Who was inspiring and well received by the Exhibition guests. Jaimi Wright, Year 12 Art student, bravely took on the role of MC and acquitted herself beautifully as she introduced Mr Michael Giles, Head of School, to officially open the Exhibition. Mr Giles was very eloquent as he shared his thoughts on the Exhibition. Mrs Belinda Dyer Vice President of the OGA presented the Art Acquisition prize to a very worthy winner in Year 12 – Photography, Rachel Connolly. It was a grand night with a huge crowd of visitors and all involved should be very proud. Many thanks are extended to the teachers, technicians, caterers and musicians who all played a very important role in putting this exhibition together. Go Forth and Create More.

Year 7

Rube Goldberg Machines Rube Goldberg was an American cartoonist, engineer and inventor who is best known for a series of popular cartoons (1915-1934) that show complex gadgets which perform simple tasks in indirect and clever ways. A popular example of this is the Mouse Trap board game. Towards the end of Term 3 the Year 7 Technology and Enterprise classes have been working on building a Rube Goldberg machine that is capable of placing a sugar cube in a coffee cup. The contraption must show at least six energy transfers (eg. tennis ball hitting a marble) and be constructed with materials brought to school by the students. The task is a group project which gives the students the chance to communicate and work together. Some groups produced amazing and innovative machines that not only showed their creative ability, but also got the sugar cube in the cup! The best machines were selected to showcase for the Head of Secondary, Mr Cowan. Mrs Larissa Healey :: Home Economics Teacher

ART Project Header


A K tO 12 dRAWing pROjEct This year Art students from Kindergarten to Year 12 took part in a research project which required students to draw the same portrait of Mr Giles, our Head of School. This was a 45 minute A4 portrait drawing using pen or pencil. The aim of the project was to chronicle how drawing develops from our earliest students through to our most senior.

It was fascinating to see the changes in drawing style and what students chose to focus on! Mr Giles’ tie was certainly a favourite as some students tried to capture every detail of the pattern on the tie. Mr Giles’ teeth certainly got other students’ attention. How students drew his hair, his beard and his other features were approached in a variety of ways and with differing levels of detail.

It was also interesting to pinpoint students who are advanced in drawing for their age group, and these students will now be part of the development of an Art Extension programme after school next year. Many thanks to Mr Giles for being a part of this exciting project! Ms Caroline Cooper :: Art Co-ordinator

Year 9 YEAR 4 YEAR 3

YEAR 7 YEAR 1 YEar 5

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Year 10


During August students from Year 10 Drama had the exciting opportunity to attend a performance of The Comedy of Errors by Bell Shakespeare at the Bunbury Regional Entertainment Centre. Bell Shakespeare are Australia’s premiere Shakespearean company and are renowned internationally for their outstanding recreations of the famous Bard’s works. The Comedy of Errors was no exception, featuring an insightful modern adaptation of the tale of two sets of identical twins, accidentally separated at birth. The twins eventually end up in the same city, leading to a series of mishaps based on mistaken identities and false accusations of infidelity, theft and madness. The world of Ephesus was transformed into a representation of King’s Cross, Sydney through the use of an aesthetically stunning set of backlit doors.

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In conjunction with the performance, Bell Shakespeare conducted a workshop at the School. Students participated in a series of activities engaging in the plot, themes and language of The Comedy of Errors prior to watching the performance. This was an invaluable experience for students to understand the processes theatrical companies use to bring a text to performance. The School also hosted Bell Shakespeare’s Regional Performance Scholarship Auditions. The auditions were promoted as an opportunity for regional students interested in a career in the theatre to participate in acting master-classes and perform a monologue for John Bell himself. Three students are selected each year from across Australia from the audition process. At the time of writing, the winners had not been announced but we look forward to hearing the results, as our own Courteney Cooper took part in the auditions. Mr Jason Bancroft :: Drama Co-ordinator

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mad jealousy! e v r e s s l d foo

Technology & Enterprise

CMeMBeRt in the ClssRooM Did you know that “Cows Create Careers”? Dairy Australia organises a competition known as “Camembert in the Classroom” as a learning opportunity for teachers and students to maximise their knowledge of the dairy industry. 2013 was the first year the programme was run in WA and the Bunbury region was selected as it is in the heart of the WA dairy industry.

The Year 12 Food Science and Technology class entered the competition which involved spending a day making Camembert cheese at School, and then carefully nurturing it at various temperatures to control the white mould growth for 10 days before wrapping it and letting it mature for 6 weeks. Before anyone asks for the recipe - it should be noted that the process is more likened to a science experiment that involves temperature regulation, high standards of sanitation and pH testing. We needed to source pasteurised, unhomogenised milk

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(with the fat layer still on the top) as this provides the creamiest style of cheese. At the regional judging day on 16 September the Deputy Chief Judge of the Australian Grand Dairy Awards declared the four cheeses entered by Bunbury Cathedral Grammar were “exceptionally good cheeses” and we took home the $500 prize. We look forward to defending our title next year! Ms Jean Stevenson :: HoLA Technology and Enterprise

Fine Woodwork & Fine Metalwork

Throughout 2013, the popular after school Fine Woodworking and Fine Metalworking Club held in the Design and Technology workshop continued to draw interest from students from across the Secondary School. The Club attracted students from Year 7 through to Year 11, some of whom were Boarding students and others who were Day students who already studied a practical subject.

A highlight of the year was the number of excellent projects designed and produced by students, many of which were of showcase quality and featured in the recent Arts and Technology exhibition at the School. Caitlyn Howe’s and Harriet Wedderburn’s bird sculptures were brilliant pieces. Mac Coleman’s tea storage box was sensational, as was the jarrah burl coffee table produced by Connor Jackson. Nat Wedderburn’s pure banksia occasional table drew much comment from onlookers at the exhibition. Students also worked with plastics and metal as base materials for

project construction. All students showed great ability to design and communicate their ideas on paper to a final construction stage. The subject continues to attract both boys and girls of all Secondary age groups, and allows each student to develop worthwhile practical skills to evolve personal projects. A large part to do with the successfulness of the Club rests with the workshop technician, Mr Rayner, and he is thanked for his enthusiasm and assistance. Mr Miro Dabrowski :: Technology & Enterprise Teacher


Teaching with Technology At Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School we aim to develop an environment where technology is embedded in the culture of daily life. Every member of our community has access to a variety of technology tools. It is our goal to be able to research, manipulate, analyse, and communicate information


effectively using technology. Our technology tool kit is expansive and can be seen in action from our Kindergarten classes to our Year 12 Common Room. Some of the more recent additions to our technology tool kit are highlighted below. Mr Martin Dooling :: Head of ICT (Learning Technologies)


iCoach (iPad App)

Apple TV

New Services

D&T 3D Printer

Twig Online

iMacs in D&T

ScAn tHE QR codE FoR moRE inFoRmAtion



Life, L ve Laughter X Mr ben duff, deputy head of priMary During Term 3 the Primary Student Council decided to support Camp Quality as their Service Project. The Councillors were particularly happy to support a charity which helped children with the focus of providing fun and laughter to those who need it most. As a result we invited entrants from the Wescarpade rally to attend assembly and speak with us. We were lucky enough to have the vehicles escorting Where’s Wally, clowns, witches, eaglets and a whole lot more, come to the School and entertain us. The students were buzzing with excitement. It was especially great to see Car P76 which involved three School Mums, Daina Perkins, Sandy Gard and Jane Gilchrist, and for us to wish them luck on their long journey north. The trip raised in excess of $300,000 for children and families needing a smile. The event certainly put a smile on our students’ faces. They loved climbing on the fire truck and hearing all the wonderful noises that the cars made. The Student Council are looking forward to raising their own funds for Camp Quality and learning more about how this organisation helps children and families.

year 8 students &

accompanying teachers 2013 was the first year that a trip to China has been offered to students in Year 8. After spending a large portion of Year 7 studying Ancient China in Society and Environment, it was an amazing experience to find ourselves in the country and surrounded by such a different culture to our own. We began with a long flight that saw us leave Perth at 6am on a Friday and arrive in Beijing at 11pm the same day; this included a rather interesting stopover at Guangzhou Airport where we first experienced queuing in China, a country of almost 1.4 billion people. When we finally arrived at Beijing we were greeted by our local guides, Jackie and Hoffman, and divided into our two groups. After a coach ride we

arrived at our hotel and both the adults and children went straight to sleep in preparation for a big second day. Our first day in China began at 6am when we made our way to Tiananmen Square and the Forbidden City. It was a remarkable experience, made even more interesting by the 40 degree heat. The whole group was left awestruck by the sheer amount of people in one place at one time!

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On the second day we were able to witness one of China’s most recognisable attractions, the Great Wall. The groups began the difficult task of climbing the Wall almost straight away. This meant navigating the different height and depth of thousands of steps, whilst trying to take in the incredible scenery. Many people struggled but eventually tasted success making it to the top of the Wall. The view was breathtaking and a great feeling of achievement was felt by all who conquered this amazing feat. Whilst in Beijing we were also able to experience the Ming Tombs, the Beijing Zoo which was certainly eye-opening. On Wangfuging Street we saw some students eat interesting ‘food’ delicacies ranging from seahorses to black snakes (the teachers stuck to toffee fruit). After a small detour led by Mrs Orchard and Ms Cooper we were able to witness the Acrobatics show which included five motorbikes riding in what appeared to be an extremely small metal cage. After all of this we said goodbye to Beijing and hopped on another plane to Xian. Whilst in Xian we rode bikes along a City Wall, saw the Great Wild Goose Pagoda and shopped at the Muslim Markets. However, to see the Terracotta Warriors in person was the most awe inspiring part of our Xian visit. To see over 7,000 life-sized soldiers, horses and chariots caused us all to realise how lucky we were to experience such an old and imposing culture. The most amazing part of the Terracotta Warriors was Seth Ligman’s bargain purchase of small Terracotta Warriors from a street vendor for only 130 Yuan ($22). Now it was time to start the long trip home. We farewelled China with a small trip to the park across the road from our hotel. Here we took part in some interesting Chinese ‘sports’. The flight home took over 20 hours with a stopover in Guangzhou. We were all happy to make it home, but we were especially tired after a full-on week where we experienced more than we ever thought possible! A big thank you goes to Mr Turner for all his organisation and the other staff and parents who came along to help supervise.


johann scholtz and shvetanshu dave The Year 3 camp was going to be the highlight of Year 3! We all gathered at School, headed for Bridgetown‌ but not so fast. Our first stop was the Bunbury Art Gallery where we had a tour and sketched. Our next stop was Donnybrook Park where we ate lunch and played. Finally we reached The Bridgetown Camp School where we made our bed and completed a Photo

Orienteering activity. After dinner we had a joke contest and made our bandanas for the group we were in.

of a ute and ate damper. The exciting part was when a dog got on the bus when we were getting off!

The next day, some of us who woke up early went on a walk with Mr Tait, the Head of Primary.

After showers and dinner we had a quiz night. The next day, we had an activity where we had to go around Bridgetown answering questions and doing wordles.

After breakfast we got dressed to go to Luciville farm where we rounded up sheep, milked cows, fed animals, took on challenges, rode horses, went fishing, rounded up horses on the back

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Then we drove to Donnybrook Park before getting back to school. Everyone was tired and we went home.


Expl ring ur H ist ry

Parliament House

This year for our Year 6 camp we were lucky enough to go to Canberra. Whilst we were there we had the opportunity to visit Old and New Parliament Houses. Firstly, we visited New Parliament House and were taken around the House of Representatives and the Senate. We took on a challenge with our amazing debating skills and debated whether TV ads should be banned or not. Various members of both classes got to role play with different Members of Parliament, including the Speaker, the Sergeant at Arms, the Opposition Leader, Prime Minister and Ministers with Portfolios, with the rest of the class making up the Backbenchers and Independents. It was a close debate with a parent crossing the floor to make the Government win! On our last day in Canberra we went to Old Parliament House and learnt a lot about Australia’s history as a Democracy and about all the previous Prime Ministers. They had a really fantastic interactive touch screen game where

we moved all around the museum to locate information about previous Prime Ministers. The second part of the tour was seeing the Old House of Representatives.

lives for all Australians. When storytime was over we had an opportunity to wander around freely, which was awesome. There was a section for every war that Australia was ever involved in.

In conclusion, our time in Canberra was an amazing experience and it was great to learn about our democratic history and how our nation’s political system has formed since Federation.

We had done an assignment on Australians at war earlier in the year and so the display was very meaningful to us. We also had a chance to buy plastic red poppies and were allowed to put them on one of two massive walls that had the names of all of the people who had died in battle. We had a good two hours to wander around and look at all of the artefacts, but for most of us, even that wasn’t enough!

Hannah Phillips-Prescott and Lily Roberts :: Year 6

The War Memorial My first impressions were driving past all the war memorials and taking in their splendour, but then I looked ahead and saw the most beautiful dome looming above my head. The dome of the Australian War Memorial! On arrival our excitement was put on hold because first we had to watch a video about the rules that apply to all visitors. We then got into groups and guides told us fascinating stories about the brave men and women who sacrificed their

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We then watched real life soldiers march beside the eternal flame’s pool; it was fascinating to see them marching in time with one another and our Head Boy and Girl each laid a wreath in the water. I thoroughly enjoyed the time we spent at the War Memorial and I thought it was a very special tribute to many brave soldiers. Luke Paoliello :: Year 6


Header Round SquAre

Connecting in Cairns Mr MarK stapleton, accoMpanyinG teacher It was my absolute pleasure to take Caitlin Reilly, Matilda Gibbs, Gaelen Giles and Tye Summers to the Senior Round Square Conference in Cairns in June this year. While Bunbury was suffering from cold and very wet conditions, we were luxuriating in 27 degree heat, with plenty of water around to cool us down! Other than the tough environmental conditions, we enjoyed five days of outstanding speakers, new friendships and new and exciting places to visit.

We arrived in Cairns on Saturday 22 June, with the conference starting on Monday 24 June. This gave us time on Sunday to travel up, via the train, to Kuranda for a most enjoyable day in the tropical rain forest. The conference was held at Trinity Anglican School and for five days we were entertained, challenged and given opportunities to carry out service projects in the local community; Matilda performed in a clown workshop for children at the local hospital, Tye helped make Christmas boxes for children in need, Caitlin helped sort out clothes for the Salvation Army, Gaelen worked on a turtle conservation programme, and I helped mark the streets around the school with signs that read ‘This drain connects with the Great Barrier Reef’, encouraging home owners to be careful with what ends up going down the drains.

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Visits to Hartley Creek Crocodile Park, snorkelling on the Great Barrier Reef, the Great Race around Cairns and a dance under the stars were all social highlights of our time in Cairns. Of the visiting speakers, Paul Hockey, Clint Miller and Peter Baines all challenged us to become active world citizens. The key message was that we might not be able to change the world, but we can certainly help to change one aspect of the world. Our final afternoon was spent driving up to Port Douglas for some retail therapy and sightseeing. I do have to add that spending time with Caitlin, Matilda, Gaelen and Tye was a delight - watching their enjoyment of the conference and the accompanying social events.

Header djidi djidi

culTuRAl cOnnEcTiOnS S

Mr Martin tait, head of priMary & Mr JaMes quin, years 3–6 curriculuM co-ordinator 2013 has seen an exciting new partnership develop between our School and Djidi Djidi Aboriginal School, a school established in 1996 in order to better serve the needs of Noongar children in the Bunbury area. Discussions over the prospect of the programme started last year with meetings between Djidi Djidi School Council and the Head of Primary, Mr Justin Grasso and a team of passionate teachers.

The main objective was to develop an ‘equal partnership’ between the two schools. The strength of the fledgling programme is evidenced by the students gaining a deeper understanding of the different cultures from both schools, and at the same time having the opportunity to develop new and ongoing friendships. It has been heartening to hear the many positive comments when listening to our Year 3 students’ reflections. Students in Year 3 from both schools have met on a number of occasions to participate in joint activities including an informal gathering at the Bunbury Bird Park

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(which is traditional Noongar land), a visit to Djidi Djidi School as part of inquiry studies and our School hosting a literacy and sports afternoon. These meetings also served to support the learning that was taking place inside the respective classrooms. We expect the programme to continue in 2014 and form a regular part of the learning taking place in this year level in the future. We congratulate Mr Quin who has ably led the programme in its infancy stages, as well as all of the teachers who have actively supported this initiative. We look forward to further opportunities in 2014.



Mr Bob Marshall, Swimming Club Instructor - Sport 46 -

The winter swimming programme saw the introduction of some new opportunities for students. For the first time, students were able to attend swimming clinics taught by top Perth coaches and compete in the first preparation swim meet against another school. With some 60 students participating in the Secondary training programme and a further 30 involved in the Primary sessions it has become necessary to broaden the experience base for those participating in the programmes. The first clinic was led by Matt Magee from the Perth Swim International group in Perth. He has coached to the highest level in the sport, having had swimmers under his care competing at the Olympics and World Championships in recent years. Australian swim team member Simon Huitenga and former Malaysian Olympic team member Heidi Gan joined Matt in the clinic as instructors and demonstrators. Also along for the day were Ryan Evernden and Kate Bird. Former members of the Bunbury Swimming Club and in Ryan’s case a former member of the School, Ryan and Kate were able to talk to the students about what is required to step up a level in swimming. The day included fun fitness activities with the emphasis on flexibility and core strengthening. This was followed by a presentation from Heidi about her experiences on the path to the London Olympics. The afternoon saw an extensive water session with the students led in their lanes by Simon, Heidi, Ryan and Kate with Matt leading the session. Due to the success of this swim clinic a second clinic was held at the beginning

of Term 3. Primary and Secondary students spent the day with Matt Lenton and Nathan Marsh from Western Sprint Academy of Perth. Matt is a former Australian representative and still holds several ACC records for Freestyle and is now involved in the Fitness Industry with an interest in nutrition. He presented an informative and fascinating talk on food for swimmers and sports persons. He carefully outlined the steps swimmers should take in preparing for and after swim meets with their food intake. Matt’s presentation ended with a quiz that allowed students to win mystery bags of food. Everyone is still trying to work out how Mr Marshall won the bag with the chocolate in it?! As well as the swim clinics the School squad competed against another local school in a sprint meet. The meet included 50 metres Backstroke, Breaststroke and Freestyle for Primary and Secondary age students, and concluded with freestyle relays. 37 students competed for the School and though it was titled a “friendly meet” the competition was fierce and the swimmers from both schools performed strongly. The motive behind the swim was to give the students the opportunity to measure their progress so far this year. All students were timed and they were able to compare their performances against their personal best times. 20 personal best times were set on the night by Grammar swimmers. The meet gave many students the opportunity to swim for the School for the first time and they are to be congratulated on the way they conducted themselves. They approached their swims in a very professional manner and thoroughly deserve the great results they achieved.

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Primary Hawks Netball has had a great season. With many girls new to the game, the focus has been on learning the basic skills and positions of the court. It has been marvellous to watch the older girls, in particular, develop some effective game play strategies and really start to ‘read’ the game. The girls have really supported each other within their teams and ‘win or lose’ they maintain a true sense of fair play and sportsmanship. Go Hawks! Mrs Roxanne Wilson :: Hawks 17 Netball Coach

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Hockey Hero Mr andrew lincoln, hocKey co-ordinator Travelling to Perth with hockey teams for various carnivals, you get to meet a lot of people. Players, coaches and umpires of various opposition teams change over the years and mostly I can’t recall their names – but there are some exceptions who turn up each year and become part of the scenery. Since I have been involved and, by all reports, for many years before that, ‘Balla’, as he likes to be called (he tells us his surname is too long for us to remember) has blown the whistle rain, hail or shine in Grammar hockey matches in Perth. Balla is a good umpire, by no means the best or the worst, but very consistent. However, it’s the conversations we have with him before and after the games that distinguish him from the rest. He is

always happy to explain a rule or interpretation to our students, but more often than not, makes himself available just to chat about hockey or what our students have been up to at school. He remarked to me several years ago that he loves watching our teams play because our students play fairly and with the right spirit. He even asked if we would accept a bag of ‘snakes’ to share after the game. The ‘snakes’ and the conversations have continued over the years. Often, when addressing the team after a game, I realise that a couple of players are missing and I look out to see them still on the field engaged in conversation with Balla, sometimes long after the game has ended. One year, one of our boys invited Balla in with us to sing our victory song – I’m not sure who enjoyed it more – but there were smiles all around. I’ll regretfully admit, that in the heat of the game, occasionally Grammar

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students might question a decision made by an umpire but, significantly, this never happens when Balla is umpiring. Our players have, however, challenged opposition teams who have dared to question him. This year at Country Week, our boys and girls teams got to the ground early one morning, long before the hordes arrived, and amongst the mist, in the centre of the field, we presented Balla with a Grammar hoodie before his game. I wondered what our younger players would make of this gesture – and was delighted when they picked up on the significance of it all from their older colleagues. I think Balla was embarrassed that I noted a tear in his eye that morning. I’m really proud of the way our students are so fond of and respectful towards Balla. And I’m proud to call him a friend of Grammar Hockey.


X Mr Geoff Dunbar, Primary Sport Co-ordinator The Primary School held their annual Athletics Carnival on 13 September at Palmer Oval (after a great deal of praying to the weather gods). Like other events held this term, the atmosphere was magnificent. Thank you again for all the support I received on Friday from staff and parents. It was a wonderful whole of Primary community day. The effort applied by all students was inspiring as they participated in the many track and field events, as well as the novelty races for their Houses.

I am always impressed by the students who give 100% knowing they are not going to get a first. To give all at such times is a wonderful trait. To those students who did win a race, or were individual champion, I congratulate you. Many of you have worked very hard to achieve that goal and deserve the rewards of your success. Well done to Knight, the winning House for 2013, followed by Wilson, Redding and Goldsmith.

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Year 4 Champion Girl Runner Up Champion Boy Runner Up

Mikayla Blackham Charlotte Churcher Cooper Pearson Alby Kongras

Year 5 Champion Girl Madeleine Townsend-Hyde Bella Nicholson Runner Up Champion Boy Josh Tait Franco Van Zyl Runner Up Year 5 Champion Girl Runner Up Champion Boy Runner Up

Lily Roberts Candace Clarke Tex Pearson Bailey Haffner




light Congratulations to all of the students who competed so well for their House, or who gave great support and encouragement on the day. We were lucky to have such a magnificent spring day for the event. Special congratulations to Knight House who, with their athletics victory, have achieved the unusual feat of winning all three of the House carnivals this year. Thank you to all the grounds staff who helped set up for the event and the teachers who officiated, as well as to the many parents who came to watch. The final results were Knight, followed closely by Goldsmith, Redding and Wilson. Mr Iain Dale :: HOLA Health and Physical Education

Year 10

Year 7 Champion Girl Runner Up Champion Boy Runner Up

Jessica Repacholi Charlotte Massey Lachy Forrest Joshua Wigmore

Abby Burrows Mirrante Ryder Bailey Taylor Harrison Hayes

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Champion Girl Runner Up Champion Boy Runner Up

Indiana Lysaght Caitlin Reilly Chris Massey Cody Greig

Year 12

Year 9 Champion Girl Runner Up Champion Boy Runner Up

Imogen Keall Claudia Rowell Jared Bevan Oscar Devereaux

Year 11

Year 8 Champion Girl Runner Up Champion Boy Runner Up

Champion Girl Runner Up Champion Boy Runner Up

Amy Bevan Kimmy Tait Fraser Thompson Joshua Kirkham

Champion Girl Runner Up Champion Boy Runners Up

Breanna Dixon Phoebe Crofts Ethan Maguire Connor Blakely


developinG our soccer stars

BRainS ainS & BRaWn

During Terms 2 and 3 a high performance soccer programme delivered by Burnley Football Club Academy Australasia has involved over 250 soccer players at our School. The development programme has been very successful and worthwhile for both the coaching staff and players alike.

On Wednesday 19 June, 13 students represented Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School at the annual State Schools Orienteering Championships, held this year at Jorgensen Park in the eastern suburbs of Perth. Despite the early morning start, the weather was sunny and perfect for orienteering. The BCGS team performed well, with seven of the team members gaining a top three place in their categories. These results allowed the School to maintain the Secondary Championships Shield for yet another year, making this the 11th straight year of victory!

In total more than a quarter of pupils have been engaged in a positive learning environment which has covered the four main components of soccer according to both BFCAA and Football Federation Australia; one on one, striking the ball, running with the ball and first touch control.

Thanks must again go to Mrs Jill Elderfield for coaching us, and to Mr Paul Good for driving us to and from the event. Mr Gary Collins :: Teacher Responsible for Smart Sports

The Year 3 to 6 Junior School students each had two weeks of learning these basic fundamental skills, which were then transferred into a game environment to cement their learning. The Senior School programme focused on three separate groups; the Senior Boys Years 7 to 9, First XI Boys Years





10 to 12 and Senior Girls. Whilst the focus for each group was different, all sessions ensured that a suitable level of challenge was given to the players to allow development to occur. The First XI sessions were designed for Country Week preparation, as well as strengthening the development of the School soccer team. With Country Week only being five weeks away at the start of the programme, the focus was team organisation and creativity in attack! This preparation time will be increased in future, to help the squad gel and increase the impact of high performance soccer training on the Country Week Squad. The senior boys in Years 7 to 9 and the girls programme were both based heavily on the technical aspects of the game to help prepare them for a future in the First XI teams. A positive, fun and interactive learning environment has been created in the opening weeks of all programmes at the School and the foundations have now been set for future development initiatives in both the Primary and Secondary Schools.


Mr John Poller :: Teacher Responsible for Soccer

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Ms Emma Oakford, Acting Sport Co-ordinator Once again Country Week, held in the last week of Term 2 was one of the highlights on the School’s sporting calendar. This year our School entered 15 teams to compete in the annual High Schools Country Week sporting carnival in Perth. It was great to see all the students who were selected putting their best efforts forward earning some great results and enjoying a fantastic level of participation. This year’s teams included football (boys and girls), soccer (boys only), basketball (boys and girls), hockey (boys and girls), volleyball (boys and girls), netball, mixed touch rugby, dance, and speech and debating. Once again the students in the speech, debating and oral interpretation excelled,

winning the overall A Division Shield for the second year in a row. The A Division Debating Team, consisting of Aditya Sud and Christopher Macoun (Year 12), Rory Richardson and Tom Kerrigan (Year 11) won the A Division Debating trophy. Tom Kerrigan won the A Division Prepared Speech whilst Avijoy Roy Choudhury (Year 11) made it to the finals. Rory Richardson was the runner up in the oral interpretation and Jaimi Wright (Year 12) also participated in the finals. Our girls’ Football Team made it to the Grand Final for a second year in a row. After a very convincing semifinal victory, the girls lost to Northam Senior High School in the Grand Final. Congratulations to the girls and to Mr Lee Taylor. The A Division boys’ Hockey Team made it to the

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semi-finals but narrowly missed out on playing in the Grand Final. Congratulations also go to Megan Andrews (Year 12) who was a finalist for the Active Achievers Award. This award is given to a student who is enthusiastic and passionate about sport, and who is an excellent role model for regional youth. This year there were 47 nominations (23 boys and 24 girls) from 15 schools. Well done, Megan! As a result of these outstanding performances we won the Meritorious Shield and were highly ranked in the overall competition. Thank you to all staff for their efforts in preparing teams for the carnival, and finally well done to all students for a fantastic week.


A TAsTe Archives The School’s old Log Sign has a long and eventful history. It is thought to be from a tree deemed dangerously close to G Block after Cyclone Alby in 1978. Don Collyer, the School’s first Grounds Manager, carefully crafted the School’s name into it and by 1980 it was in pride of place at the entrance to the School in Allen Road. There it remained for several decades until, threatened by white ants and the approach of underground cables, it was removed to supposed safety. Then, after a frighteningly close encounter with a bushfire, it was gently coaxed back to respectability by our current Maintenance Staff. Today you can see it in front of the Tony Brooker Pavilion. A few weeks ago, the Year 7 classes visited our School Archive and it was great! We saw the old School uniforms and all the boxes on the shelves in the Archives. We also watched a slideshow with old pictures from when the School started. We learnt

log Sign, 1980

about all the people who were influential in the School’s creation, like the Palmer family and the Bishops of Bunbury. :: Jamie McGregor

to get it started. Mrs Marie Palmer was such an inspiring lady and her family along with her. :: Charlie Cartledge and Rhiannon Ryder

I really enjoyed visiting the Archive! My old school didn’t have one, so seeing how well this School’s history is cared for was really incredible. I thought the School uniform for the girls looked really neat in the 1970s. The heritage of the School is very interesting and I like how the buildings are named after important benefactors and people from the School’s history. :: Juliet Kerrell-Vaughan

The thing that we liked about Archives was learning about the history of the School. There was a lot more than we thought. It was really fun learning about the heritage, the special people and buildings of our School. The first Boarding area was Marie Palmer House and the Palmer family donated a lot of money as well as the services of their earth-moving equipment. :: Dami Afolabi and Rajindra Madigasekara

For us, the most interesting thing in Archives was seeing the old School uniforms and also the growth of the School since G Block was completed in 1972. The heritage of the School is important. Different sites are named after people who helped fund and care for the School; like June Reilly and Marie Palmer. The Palmer family helped fund the School

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I really enjoyed going to Archives. I loved the old uniform, especially the girls’ one. It was really interesting learning about the School’s heritage and the important people in our School’s history. Thanks for teaching us about our School’s history, Mrs Paterson! :: Eliza Fletcher Hobbs






swimming success

school fete

With the raffle included, the School Fete raised $7000 which enabled the P&F to complete Richard Palmer Oval, and still have funds available for future projects.

you’ve got to get the mixture right

The Most Reverend Robert Runcie, Archbishop of Canterbury addressed our School, explaining that a Christian school should find exactly the right blend between companionship and discipline, loyalty and vision. His statement ‘You’ve got to get the mixture right’ has been much quoted ever since. The Archbishop also delighted in meeting Magnum the kangaroo, with this photo being beamed around the world.


BCGS completed against seven other schools, most from Perth in the ACC Swimming Carnival. The highlight of the day was our senior boys winning the C Division Shield, swimming exceptionally well to achieve no worse than second in any of their age races to win their age-group championship.


students raise $1000 for cancer

Josh Newton-Webb (yes the same young man who just completed Term 1 as our inspirational Primary Music Specialist) and fellow musicians organised two tremendously successful benefit concerts in the School Auditorium, raising over $1000 for children’s cancer research.


The stork is coming to Bunbury Grammar The Primary School are expecting the delivery of many bundles of joy in the upcoming months. Mrs Brooke Paans (Before and After School Care), Ms Nikki Van Rhyn (Primary Art Teacher), Mrs Candice Thimm (Year 2 teacher) and Mrs Jan Urquhart (Pre-Primary Teacher) are all adding to their families (top photo). In the Secondary School, Mrs Tricia Hartley is also expecting, and we wish all these ‘yummy mummies’ the very best for their new arrivals. Former staff member Dana Killmister nee Campbell welcomed daughter Poppy on 21 January 2013, a little sister for Flynn. Ryan Stirton and wife Loree welcomed a baby boy Hamish Mathew Stirton, on 3 September 2013. Former Marketing & Community Relations Manager Kym Ashby and husband Regan welcomed second son Fletcher on 7 June – a little brother for Cooper.


New Vows Candice Thimm (nee Nietrzeba) married Alex Thimm on 15 December 2012. - Role Models 61 -

Former staff members Jill and Peter Elderfield recently enjoyed a trip cross country, driving their caravan from Western Australia to Toowoomba Queensland, to visit their son Michael (‘99).



“He who dares to teach must never cease to learn.” Richard Henry Dann

ms jan flemming

Pre-Primary Teacher The decision to return to study after 15 years was a daunting experience. Nevertheless I decided that it was the direction I wanted to go with my career. So I enrolled to study a Master of Education specialising in Educational Leadership with an early childhood education focus. I can remember sitting in my first lecture and thinking that I am in way over my head here. I am not one to give up easily, so I remained positive and took one intrepid step after another, one reading after another and one assignment after another. Four years later I have learnt far more than I could have anticipated, about myself as a learner and early childhood education. I have a love of learning and am passionate about early childhood education. These were perfect ingredients for a return to study. The challenges of teaching full time and studying meant there were many late nights and last minute submission of assignments. There is always more to learn when teaching young children and early childhood education has undergone major reforms in recent years. It is an exciting time to be teaching in this area

and the journey of learning at this level has been very rewarding.

mrs melinda golinski

Year 1 Teacher What people perceive as knowledge is constantly evolving. I believe what you know changes with each new experience you are a part of. Learning should be seen as a lifelong event that occurs as you participate in and reflect upon the episodes of life. This is why I embarked on the journey of completing a Master of Science (Mathematics Education). I wanted my life experiences to be new, rich and challenging. I love being a teacher. I have never wanted to be anything else, even though I was frequently told, “You can do anything, you don’t have to just be a teacher.” But I never wanted to be just a teacher; I wanted to be a professional that engages aptly with both students and experts in our field. To do that I knew I had to consciously push myself out of my comfort zone and allow myself to experience new ways of thinking and teaching. I studied International methods and theories as well as Australian ones, and I asked questions of my valued, professional colleagues. I questioned why I believed certain things and whether those beliefs were justified and supported by current research. I continually reflected. During this process I learnt that learning never ends. There will be days when you will have experiences that

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will make you question something you thought you already knew. It is at those exact moments of reflection, when new knowledge is being created. These are the moments of wonder we need in our lives to progress us on our learning journeys. I ask you too to challenge yourself and plan new experiences. You are never too young or old to revitalise your learning journey.

mrs jane Kirkham

Challenge & Extension Co-ordinator Jane Kirkham, our Secondary Challenge and Extension Co-ordinator, has spent her life studying and learning and she doesn’t regret a moment of it! Graduating in the UK with an Honours degree in Psychology in 1983 and an initial teaching qualification in 1984, she embarked upon a long and varied career which has encompassed three countries and two states! Obtaining additional qualifications in Special Education in 1988 and 1991, Jane spent the early years of her career working as a mainstream teacher and Teacher of Hearing Impaired children, prior to her first emigration to South Africa. There she returned to university and was awarded a Masters in Education (Educational Psychology) and registration as an Educational Psychologist in 1995. Two years later she emigrated again, this time to Western Australia where she taught and lectured in both country WA and Perth. After some time spent at home with her young family (Joshua and Emma are now in Years 9 and 7),

the family moved to Victoria where her current interest in Gifted Education was kindled whilst working at a fellow Round Square School. Jane went on to receive the Certificate in Gifted Education from UNSW Sydney in 2007. Returning to Western Australia in 2008, Jane has just completed a period of supervision as she returns to the field of Psychology and from July this year she is a generally registered Psychologist and a full member of the Australian Psychological Society. She marries her assessment skills as a psychologist and her in-depth knowledge of students with special needs at both ends of the ability spectrum to advise parents and teachers on strategies to best suit their child, whilst teaching one Year 8 English class just to keep her feet on the ground! Consulting, assessing, lecturing and teaching have all been part of her roles in life as she shares her passion for education and desire for children to meet their potential and be, “the best that they can be,” whatever their ability. Jane is both an advocate for, and an example of, life-long learning. 30 years on and counting!

mr martin tait

Head of Primary Recently, I completed a Certificate of Gifted Education (COGE) at the University of New South Wales in Sydney. The course provided some insightful themes, including twice-exceptionality, identification of gifted students and differentiation of teaching and learning. Besides meeting many other educators from schools across Australia, I also had the privilege of listening to some exceptional presenters and experts in the field of gifted education, including Dr Miraca Gross and Francoys Gagne.

I thought Miraca Gross summed it up perfectly when discussing gifted students in stating that “schools have a responsibility to develop learning environments that provide for the students’ intellectual, academic, social and emotional needs.” The journey of going back to university after 12 years, although challenging with family and work commitments, was definitely a rewarding and enriching one. I would like to sincerely thank my wife Monika and children Kimmy and Josh for their patience, love and devotion with my many hours spent engrossed in reading gifted journals or completing an assignment. I look forward to the next challenge…

mrs Amanda dunn

Primary Challenge & Extension Co-ordinator As an eighteen year old, I had the privilege of experiencing a year-long student exchange to Austria with the American Field Scholarships (AFS) Programme. So began my interest in learning about education in different cultural settings. The Post Graduate Certificate in International Education in Schools through Murdoch University enabled me to revisit my interest in this area at an academic level. The idea of returning to university studies after many years of teaching experience appealed to me as it was both a personal and an academic challenge. I was also keen to find out more about the International

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Baccalaureate, a curriculum and pedagogy offered at a growing number of Australian Schools. The benefits of being able to study my units online and parttime meant that I was able to balance my work-life commitments. Having completed the course, I am now more qualified to teach at a greater number of schools throughout the world. It gave me a greater insight into International Schools and other schooling structures, and made me examine teaching and learning from a global perspective. Learning about Kurt Hahn and his achievements in life and education made me feel proud that BCGS is a Round Square school.


thE hARdER yOu tRy lucKiER yOu gEt r U

With his children now at BCGS, Dan Perkins (82) must feel a touch of pride, not only in his fresh-faced offspring but also in the ongoing development of his old School. Few could look around and see what Dan sees. The Chapel, Lishman Library, Irene Bourne Centre, Year 7 Centre, Primary Multi-Purpose Hall were all built by his family’s company. Dan is Managing Director of Perkins Construction Group, and Dan’s leadership has seen Perkins grow to be one of WA’s major commercial builders. At School Dan’s talent and leadership potential were already apparent. He had a flair for technical drawing and an aptitude for sport. Dan recalls teacher Mr Chris Gibbs as having special impact with his analytical and technical

approach to problem solving. He advised the young Dan, “Don’t worry, it comes with age and maturity” and he was right. Dan also well remembers Headmaster Mr Tony Brooker’s wise comment, “Your education is what is left when everything you have been taught is forgotten”. Dan now exemplifies the life skill of ‘selfeducation’; to take information in and convert it to useful knowledge. Leaving school, Dan chose a career in Motorsport and travelled extensively for competition, both interstate and overseas, while also completing a Building Trades Apprenticeship. He joined Perkins Builders, working through the ranks and into management. Over the next 20 years Dan implemented growth and diversification within the company. In 2000 he married Daina and they have two children aged 8 and 5 who are following in Dan’s footsteps at BCGS. Dan realised early in life that achieving goals is closely connected to positive thinking and determination. Hands

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X Mrs MarGaret paterson, archivist

on experience and effort have been his mainstay, under the motto ‘the harder you try the luckier you get’. Largely a self-taught businessman, Dan is delighted to now provide career opportunities to hundreds of locals. As Chairman of the South West Institute of Technology and President of Master Builders Australia Ltd he strives to ensure relevance of local institutions whilst also working to improve and modernise the building industries at the national level. It means a great deal to Dan to see Perkins buildings within our communities and lives. Whether in Bunbury or further afield, he reflects positively on the myriad of projects he has been involved with. Looking ahead, Dan aims to continue successfully in business and contemplates further diversification. Perhaps more importantly, he aims for a balanced and healthy life with time for quality travel adventures with his family.


pERsEvERAncE pAys At School, Hinda Smith (97) was especially noted for her enchanting smile, height and athletic ability, and she truly shone as Queen Hippolyta in the School’s epic production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream. With her determined, adventurous nature and a great sense of humour, Hinda was never going to let life pass her by. Looking back Hinda recalls Outward Bound as one of the first times that she was truly challenged both physically and emotionally. She also recalls the TEE keeping her awake at night. “I just wanted to quit but all my teachers (and parents) told me that sticking at it would give me the foundation I needed for my ‘grown up’ life and it’s proven true. Standing in the car park, Mum’s car keys in hand, TEE completed. I had one vision for the future. TRAVEL!”

X Mrs MarGaret paterson, archivist

France, Italy, Turkey, Morocco, Serbia and more.

In London, Hinda met her soon-to-be husband, a fellow Aussie, who shared her love of travel. After London, they left for a trip around South America before trying Melbourne as their new home. Opportunities then arose in Bangkok and three years later they are still there. Hinda works as a corporate communications manager for Amadeus Asia Pacific, the world leader in travel technology. In servicing 14 markets across the region, she enjoys a job that takes her all over Asia. Her passion for travel is quenched and she delights in working with interesting people. “In our office, there are around 20 different accents!” Hinda and her partner Daz have a beautiful one-year-old daughter, Mia Grace. Wedding plans are afoot for 2014 with the ceremony in Koh Samui, Sarah (Hewitt) nee Obern (97)

Leaving School Hinda enrolled in a Bachelor of Education but quickly realised that teaching was not for her. Instead she completed a Bachelor of Communications. Booking a one way ticket to London, she spent the next five years furthering her career in Public Relations (PR) while seeing as many places as she could afford; Spain, Germany, Hungary, USA, Cyprus,

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as maid of honour and her sister Bek Smith (00). Travel still beckons along with the desire to impact positively with her career. “My favourite journey was to Cambodia with my Mum and sister Bek when we celebrated our respective milestone birthdays in 2010. We saw the sun rise over the temples and climbed the ancient walls, reminiscent of Lara Croft in Tomb Raider…. (or so we thought)!”

20 13

ClAss of 1983

30 YEAR REunion It was wonderful to meet up with my classmates and hear the stories, to find out where some of the absentees were and to hear apologies from some of them. Of course we made a toast to absent friends. Thank you especially to former Senior Mistress Margaret Mardon, former Boarding Mistress Kerry Jeffreys and former Science Teacher (and cracker jack explosion maker) Chris Gibbs for joining us and sharing tales from yesteryear. Beth Ferguson (nee Tucker) :: Class of 1983

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20 YEAR REunion ClAss of 1993

A heartfelt thanks to the School Tour Leaders for taking us back in time and confirming that a lot has happened to the School since we left in 1993! It was uncanny how many times we felt disoriented in our old stomping ground. Quite a few people commented on how narrow the hallways felt. Reassuringly, the bush setting is still a key feature how lucky were we to have even more wildflowers back then? Honestly, I have never seen a school environment like it. Even if walking on the lawn was against the rules, most of the time... It was wonderful to catch up with long lost classmates at our Reunion Dinner. As you can see from the photos, they have not changed much at all! On behalf of all former students, thank you to Trevor Jackson for hosting the evening. The slideshow brought back so many special memories, particularly of Shane Bedford. Special thanks also to the many former staff who joined us for the evening. Cate Abordi (nee Salom) :: Class of 1993

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REUNIONS On 17 August, the Old Grammarians’ Association hosted the Class of 2003 Reunion at ‘The Classroom’ bar in Perth. Many former students and teachers went to enormous efforts to be there for the occasion and travelled from faraway places such as Sydney, Melbourne, Kununurra, Broome, and Kalbarri to attend. A big thank you goes to Margaret and Kelly Paterson for organising such an enjoyable night and to all those who came. It was a fantastic opportunity to reconnect with one another and here’s hoping everyone stays in touch. See you at the 20th!

ClAss T 2003, 10 YEAR REunion

Mrs Toni Sarsfield (nee Prater) :: Class of 2003

2014 oga dates Class of 2012 - Year 14 Breakfast Sunday 16 March

Class of 2004 - 10 Year Reunion Saturday 16 August

Rottnest Swimmers - 1999 Reunion Saturday 15 February

Class of 1994 - 20 Year Reunion Saturday 30 August

Class of 1984 - 30 Year Reunion Saturday 13 September

OGA Annual General Meeting Monday 22 September Please contact Ashley Kershaw on (08) 9722 6005 or by email if you would like to assist and also to ensure that we have your correct contact details for invitation purposes. - Old Grammarians' Association 68 -


Sean Hill (89) and wife Anastasia welcomed a beautiful baby boy into the world on 29 June 2013. Sean and Anastasia are currently living in Bangkok Thailand where Sean is Senior Cementing Manager for Halliburton Ltd.

Sean Cowan (00) and wife Christa (00 nee Hawter) welcomed baby boy George Peter on 5 July (left). Congratulations also to Mr Andy and Mrs Cherry Cowan on their new grandson.


Kate Edgeloe (07) married Kaylis Baker, son of Jasmin Baker (nee Hutchinson 76), in a garden ceremony and reception at Alverstoke, Brunswick on 9 March 2013. Their honeymoon consisted of three weeks in Italy, including Venice, Tuscany and Rome, as well as a few days in Paris. Kate is employed by Monadelphous as a Project Engineer and is currently stationed at Parker Point Operations in Dampier, working as a FIFO contractor seconded to Rio Tinto. Kaylis works as a Civil Draftsman in Bunbury.

Vanessa Duncan (00) is now Mrs Boss! After 8 years together, Vanessa married Benjamin Alastair Edward Boss on 1 June 2013 in Cascais, Portugal. Among the guests were a few other Old Grammarians; siblings Natasha Duncan (99), James Duncan (05) and Stephanie Duncan (07), along with two Grammar classmates, Eloise Finnlayson (nee Foster 00) and Leah Henderson (Webb 00). Two who were also part of the day, albeit from afar Sean Cowan (00) and Christa Cowan (nee Hawter 00) as they awaited the arrival of baby George back in Australia!

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Congratulations to Gemma Triscari (07) who was selected in the Southern Stars Squad for the 2013 Australian Women’s Ashes Tour of England. In September, Gemma and Chloe Piparo (11) were part of the Western Fury Cricket team who held a preseason practice and participated in developmental clinics at the School. The matches and clinic were run over a weekend in August and aimed to promote female cricket. Desmond Hales (95) and wife Julia Hales nee Taylor (99) live in New Zealand where Des is a Flight Instructor with the RAAF on an exchange with the New Zealand Airforce, and will be posted to Sale, Victoria, early next year. The couple’s daughter Evelyn Taylor Hales was born last September. Ross Hales (98) is married to Claire Barrett-Lennard and is a first officer flying for Qantas. He was on A330s in Sydney flying the Asian Route but is now based in Perth mainly flying in WA. Ross and Claire have a son, Owen Hales, who turned three in October. Amanda Forrest (07) is now working in environmental science on a large project for Geographe Water. Ashlee Ferguson (02) has become a fully qualified veterinarian and was awarded the Monash University Prize for the top student in Equine – Veterinary Science. Jeneen Hales (00) is engaged to Ben Tully. They plan to marry next year. Jeneen is working in Perth City in the medical section of Chevron.

Chritopher McRae (06) is currently working as the Music and Drama co-ordinator at Holy Cross College in Ellenbrook (below). Chris recently finished directing his third College Production Peter Pan and is teaching class Music and Drama as well as coordinating Music Ensembles at the school. He is engaged to Rebecca McGowan.

Ashley Pederick (02) recently spent time in the UK, DJ’ing for a music event in Brighton, Sussex. Ashley is also working as a freelance Graphic Designer. His brother Craig (04) is a Pharmacist at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital with experience in various departments, playing loads of social sport and cycling to work some of the time. Olivia Lee (08) graduated from ECU (Arts Contemporary Fashion) with Express Fashion Magazine’s award for the most outstanding graduate (below). The Lee sisters also recently rendezvoused in Croatia for some sister time. Emma (03) has been living in London and working as a physio. Jasna (05) is in her medical internship at Fremantle hospital and Olivia is travelling in Europe after completing her Arts Degree (Fashion & Design) last year.

Stacey (Dronow) Harris (96) and her husband Haydon and daughters Mia and Lexi are farming near Quairading. Philippa McIlroy (99) is doing an internship at North Shore, Alistair McIlroy (97) and Keryn (Dunnet 97) are happy parents of Harvey and Elsie in Margaret River and Jacqueline McIlroy (03) is the new mother of baby Gabriella and lives in Brisbane.

OGA NEWS Kelly Paterson (03) and Rachel Paterson (05) recently enjoyed time travelling together in the United Kingdom (below). Kelly, who was travelling with her partner Hayden Lamp (03), headed overseas after organising a highly successful 10 Year Reunion for the Class of 2003. First stop was Wales where Hayden’s brother Tyson Lamp (94) and his wife Eldrydd have recently welcomed their 4th child, a beautiful baby girl called Saskia. Rachel, who has just completed the first year of her studies at the University of Oxford, travelled to Wales to meet up with Kelly before they headed to Scotland, London and Ireland. Rachel then returned to Oxford to begin her DPhil project in Infection, Immunology and Translational Medicine. Kelly and Hayden continued their travels, visiting friends in Sweden, taking in the Beer Fest in Germany and catching up with Dominik Hogger (01) in Switzerland before heading home.

having already completed a Bachelor of Commerce at UWA. Meanwhile, younger sister Georgina Smith (05) is working to gain her Honours in Botany. Brodie MacArthur (11) has returned to the South West to complete a Certificate III in Aged Care at Busselton TAFE and is planning to enrol at Bunbury TAFE for next Semester. In her spare time Brodie enjoys modeling for 1010 Models.


STAFF Bob Marshall (Former Staff), who is hard at work organising a Rottnest Swim Reunion in 2014, has recently made contact with many former students. He reports that Nic Bowen (99) is a winemaker in SA, while Richard Gilmour (00) is working in Mackay Qld. Coincidentally Micaley Ross (nee Hill 99), Elisha James (99) and Julia (Hales nee Taylor 99) are all married and each has become a mother in the past twelve months. Barry Carroll (Former Staff) has moved to Maylands which he and Pauline find very much to their liking with a view of the Swan River and parklands opposite. He still recalls his time at Grammar extremely fondly.

The Smith family have been showing great aptitude in Science and Medicine. Felicity Smith (99) recently graduated from Medicine at UWA while brother Ewan Smith (03) graduated from Medicine at Notre Dame University,

Roving correspondent John Clarke and wife Kathy are continually running into Grammar connections. Recently in Alice Springs they bumped into Fr Terry Booth who is now retired in Brisbane but is doing a short term locum at Alice Springs. The next evening they reminisced with Terry and Margaret over a meal. Keeping with the Grammar

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clergy theme John and Kathy also have quite a bit to do with Gary Priest and wife Robyn as well as Bishop David McCall (formerly The Visitor) and wife Marion who live near each other in Adelaide. Brendan Kilpatrick (93) recently returned to BCGS to help identify photos for his Class of 1993 - 20 Year reunion (below). Unfortunately Brendon could not attend the reunion as he headed overseas with his partner Kate and their 7 month old identical twins, Amelia and Jessica. Brendan is the official babysitter while Kate undertakes a Churchill Fellowship in Hand Therapy. Their travels will include the United Kingdom, Sweden and the United States with a stop off in Hawaii on the way home for rest and recuperation.

Matthew Kilpatrick (95) is managing his family’s business City and Regional Fuel supplies in Bunbury. He is married to Marina with two young children, Lily (5) and Lucas (3) to keep them busy. Trevor Schubert and wife Shanti have been living in Malaysia for two and a half years, where Trevor has been setting up Boarding in a new school, Nexus International School in Putrajaya. (We are sure that Trevor and Shanti’s years of experience in Boarding at Grammar will be serving them well in this new position.)

BUNBURY CATHEDRAL GRAMMAR SCHOOL Phone (08) 9722 6000 | Facsimile (08) 9722 6190 5 Allen Rd Gelorup, WA 6230 | PO Box 1198, Bunbury WA 6231 | Email BCGS1245 BRONWYN ROGERS DESIGN STUDIO

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