Maths Mania! In Term 1, students from Years 3-6 began their journey as part of our Primary School Maths Olympiad and Maths Explorer teams. They participated in rigorous mathematical competitions designed to challenge and extend higher order thinking. Mrs Rachel Cook, an exceptional and highly effective teacher, facilitated both competitions. Students from Years 3 and 4 participated in the Maths Explorer program. They worked
collaboratively in pairs or small groups to find solutions to mathematical problems. The competition aims to stimulate enthusiasm and enjoyment of mathematics and helps students to prepare for more challenging competitions in the future.
Students from Years 4, 5 and 6 competed in the Maths Olympiad, a more rigorous and challenging competition. It is completed on an individual basis with students competing against one another across Australasia. It introduces students to more complex mathematical concepts and strengthens students’ mathematical intuition.
Both Maths Explorer and Maths Olympiad run every six weeks until mid-term 3, so it is an opportunity for ongoing extension. After consultation with the participants, both competitions proved successful. Mrs Larissa Marchant :: Deputy Head of Primary
Sarah Florance, Year 3 :: Other people could help me understand the questions. We got lots of different ideas working in a group. Kobe Warren, Year 4 :: It was a good experience that was harder than I am used to, but I enjoyed it. It was an academic opportunity and a nice chance to try out harder questions. Wolfe Kidd, Year 5 :: Maths Olympiad was quite hard, and you really had to think about every question. You should try it if you think you have what it takes, and you are ready for a challenge. Jake Ognenis, Year 5 :: I really loved Maths Olympiad. It was a challenge and it allowed me to learn new skills that will help me later. Jensen Barbour, Year 6 :: Maths Olympiad was a good challenge and a way to problem solve and practice for future tests.
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