1 minute read

Reconnecting & Swapping Tales

A small yet elite representative group of the Class of ‘93 met for our 30-year reunion. Many squeals of delight were emitted as we all met in the queue at the entrance to the Year 7 Centre.

Old neurons fired as we strained to recognise our classmates –luckily name tags were there to assist and most of us had to take a surreptitious glance to confirm if the memory cogs had correctly identified the person – and then it was gleeful hugs all around.


The dulcet tones of Mr Goerling (most struggling with calling him “Brad”) had us forming a disorderly group to go on a tour of the school. Although there was a lot that had changed – fancy new buildings had appeared, and the dingy old ones had been replaced – the tall trees were the same ones that we had all walked under as bewildered teenagers 30 years earlier.

We gathered back in the venue to look at old school photos with much hilarity. There was a genuine feeling of warmth in the room that seemed to come from us sharing a chunk of our formative years together. Many of us were reconnecting after 30 years apart. There was much to catch up on. We all shared anecdotes of our offspring production, career moves and major life events. Lots of stories were told – some inspirational, some poignantly sad. We swapped tales of achievement and loss and made each other laugh.

Rachel Van Nierop nee Inwood :: Class of 1993

Class of 2013

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