Jubil채um 50 Consectetuer in In consectetuer Proin in sapien. Proin in sapien. Fusce urna magna neque. Fusce urna magna neque egeuat vitae lorem ipsum dolor urna magna.
Celebrating the Bundesliga's 50th Campaign 1963 - 2013
Ipsum in consectetuer Proin in sapien. Proin in sapien. Fusce urna magna neque egeuat vita consectetuer Proin in sapien. Proin in. Fusce urna magna neque.
JUBILÄUM 50 Contents
Table of Contents Credits
Note from the Editor
The Long Struggle for the Bundesliga
FC Köln a long way from their successful past
MSV Duisburg/ Meidericher Spielverein
Eintracht Frankfurt
Borrusia Dortmund Profile
Conditioned for Success - Olly Bartlett
VfB Stuttgart - Taste of success lingers for ambitious Swabians
Hamburger SV
TSV 1860 München Profile
Schalke 04 Profile
1. FC Nürnberg Profile
SV Werder Bremen - Klaus-Dieter Fischer
Eintracht Braunschweig
Ottmar Hitzfeld talks to Bundesliga Football
1. FC Kaiserslautern - Profile
Marco Haber talks Kaiserslautern
Karlsruher SC - Sean Dundee
Hertha in the Bundesliga - Instability to rely upon
SC Preußen Münster
1.FC Saarbrücken Profile
The Future of the Bundesliga
The bundesliga in Pictures
Further Reading
JUBILÄUM 50 Credits
Credits Editor:
Allan Edgar
Sub Editor:
Ross Dunbar
would like to offer special thanks to :
Christopher Boud Sean Dundee Olly Bartlett Neven Subotic Klaus-Dieter Fischer
Contributors Christopher Gallagher
Marco Haber
Ross Dunbar
Ottmar Hitzfeld
Allan Edgar
Dieter Linder
Louis John McCaffrey
Alfred Pfaff
Stefan Bienkowski
Eyjólfur Sverrisson
Christopher Boud
Alex Leppert
Translation: Holger Ruhl
Please also see our further reading section
JUBILÄUM 50 Welcome
Editor’s Introduction
Above: Bundesliga 50 logo Below: The Meisterschale/ Championship trophy/ ’’salad bowl’
Welcome to our Bundesliga 50th campaign anniversary magazine.
We have tried to cover all original 16 members of the league with input from players, coaches, fans and commentators
Whether you are a regular visitor to our site, a listener to our
both past and present.
podcast or a Bundesliga sceptic a little bit lost online - we hope you will find our content both informative and
We have been unable to cover each specific high and low of
the Bundesliga and some omissions we attempt to cover by providing a reference list at the back which will go into more
In the following 63 pages we have tried to shed some light
detail than we could even dream of.
on the development and evolution of the professional game in Germany. We are particularly grateful for the insight
The most important thing for us is that we can provide a
offered by those who spoke to us on their widely differing
magazine which can start the 50th anniversary celebrations
experiences in and out of the Bundesliga and the unique
of this superbly entertaining, emotionally charged and
perspectives offered.
sometimes peculiar league.
All of us at Bundesliga Football are fans of the league for a
Finally, we hope you can take something new from the
number of different and coexisting factors. Some of us are
following content. Your feedback and input into our website,
enamoured by the centrality of the fans in the Bundesliga
podcast, videos and now this magazine are invaluable. On
whilst others have been enraptured by German legends
the left, you can see our contact information for e-mail and
down the years. In each case, whilst articulating our thoughts
various social media.
we have spoken with, met and engaged with like-minded fans from our native Scotland to Venezuela to Indonesia.
Let us know what you think of our work.
The Bundesliga is a global entity and we are but a tiny part of
Many thanks,
a wider online community that attempts to inform, enlighten and occasionally entertain. If we can do one, two or all of the
Allan Edgar
above then our peers will certainly cover the rest.
Editor, Bundesliga Football
FC Köln legend and World Cup winner Pierre Littbarski
DFB Pokal Winner 1 Runner-Up 2 UEFA Cup Runner-Up 1 Fifa World Cup Winner 1 Runner-Up 2
Foreword from Pierre Littbarski The 50th season of the Bundesliga is
football. For many years, too much
But they need to be patient. The fans
certainly going to a special one.
money was spent on players, when
will not want to see big changes
that money was not there ‒ so we
because it will take the identity away
are in a healthy position going into
from the club.
Of course, the formation of the Bundesliga was not just a huge step this season. for the country in a football sense,
In any case, it is good to see the
but Germany came through a lot
It is very similar now to the English
2.Bundesliga and 3.Liga ‒ and even
after the Second World War,
Premier League where we have four
amateur leagues ‒ become stronger.
including a difficult recession
or five clubs who are more than
The new TV contract coming in next
amongst other changes.
capable of winning the league.
season will not just be great for the
Football is something Germans hold
I don t think we are surprised at
on to quite tightly and the start of
Bayern Munich s fall from being the
Already, we have great clubs and
the Bundesliga was certainly a big
number one club because the people
great fans in the 2.Bundesliga so we
step for everyone concerned. We had
at Borussia Dortmund are very good.
can have a very strong league in
Bundesliga but for smaller clubs.
other problems too with debts, and
years to come. The key word, I guess, is patience.
then with supporters, but I think after Things are looking bright for the 1990 World Cup and 2006
Dortmund were patient by keeping a
tournaments, we moved in the right
stable club over the last few years
and now, are looking strong with
We have had so many exciting
everyone in German football. I hope the 50th season provides the same some great coaches and young
creativity and excitement of previous years. players. There are many teams, like seasons and the increasing TV money can only be a huge thing for German
FC Hansa and others, who have huge fan bases, to learn from Dortmund.
Enjoy the season!
pre Bundesliga
JUBILÄUM 50 Pre Bundesliga
Suspendisse feugiat mi sed lectus The long struggle for the Bundesliga Stefan Bienkowski
Hans Passlack, Willi Hübner, Franz Kremer, Ludwig Franz, Walter Baresel and Hermann Neuberger.
Like the history of
became the super power
could use a
Germany itself; football
and corner stone to the
football team
has walked a long, bumpy
sport in Europe that it is
‒ the exciting new sport
and frustrating road since
that the English were
the first ever official football ground in Berlin
finding so fascinating. It The sport began, like it did
first cropped up in Berlin
in most European
where young sides would
countries, in the middle of
be found engaging in
century within the
military parade grounds
minds of intrigued middle
on a Sunday morning ‒
class student s who felt
since gymnastic clubs
their local sports club
didn t allow football
ago, until it
pre Bundesliga
JUBILÄUM 50 Pre Bundesliga
BundesligaFootball games on their grounds ‒ where it would later spread to Hamburg, Stuttgart and then south to Baden and Karlsruhe. By the dawn of the 20th
FC Köln vs FC Bayern in 1901
century, the German game had its own words such as
flocked to
40,000 spectators ‒ a far
Sturmer and Tor, or
Nuremberg s Zabo
cry from the 6000 or so
Eckball, meaning Forward,
Stadium to watch their
that had attended the last
Goal and Corner
side face off against
pre-war final ‒ as the sport
respectively, to
Tottenham Hotspur. The
once again found its
accompany the eighty six
game ended 1-1 as the
footing throughout the
football clubs spread
third friendly match
country. With this success
throughout the land, and
between the German side
came the ever-growing
the newly formed
and English opposition in
pressure of
Deutscher Fussball Bund
as many years. Two
professionalism in an
to govern. Football was
months later the two
amateur sport. Despite the
finally German, and thus
countries were at war.
idea of a footballer earning
the sport never looked back.
a wage being a part of the The Great War acted as a
sport in England and
catalyst to many things in
Scotland since the 1880 s,
From there, fussball
Germany; political parties
German football was still,
integrated itself in to
found themselves on new
in structure, an amateur
German life and grew
ground as the monarchy
throughout society from
was tore down in favour of
the grass roots up.
the ill-fated Weimar
Based on the athletics of
Beginning with basic clubs
Republic. The strong
old, and governed by a
dotted around the
middle-class had spent the
generation that put local
country, a network was
duration of the war
pride before morality, the
soon threaded together
desperate basic amenities
DFB s original
and before long, regional
and now found
constitution from 1900
leagues known as
themselves below any
stated that Every
Oberligas , and
sense of a poverty line,
competitions were in full
and football, a sport still in
association or local
its infancy, was adopted as
club can become a
part of a greater
full member of the
By 1914, German football
programme of escapism
DFB, provided
was alive with the
from the post-war reality.
none of its
infectious fever of
members are
domestic football. In May
The first cup final after the
of that year, 8000 fans
war attracted close to
professional players. Yet,
pre Bundesliga
JUBILÄUM 50 Pre Bundesliga
BundesligaFootball by the mid-twenties, the
guilty of 14 of their
mandate was already
first team players
sounding a little outdated.
receiving expenses greatly in excess of
Clubs such as Schalke were
what is acceptable,
bringing in regular crowds
which led to their
of 30,000 and travelling
exclusion from the
throughout the country
West German FA, and
yet their players weren t
organised football. The
allowed to earn a single
local clubs, in an act
penny for their
often described as
performances. Even early
heroics but more likely
participants of the national
a simple opportunity
team were expected to
to mask their own
pay their own way to away
activities, condemned
grounds, and accept the
the decision and
loss in earnings while they
threatened to form a
were away.
breakaway league. With the Western
Most clubs got around this
clubs from the Ruhr ‒
by helping first team
the true heartbeat of
players set up their own
German football ‒
local businesses, or
demanding an
offering generous
alteration to the
donations to certain
constitution and the
organisations, and
approval of paid
effectively offering a basic
players, and the North,
wage or income to offset
East, and Southern FA s
the time for a full-time job.
refusing to budge on the
This of course, was never
issue, the DFB arrange a
going to offer a solution,
general meeting to solve
and was rather a simple
the issue of
transition towards the
professionalism in the
inevitable conclusion that
sport for the 25th of May
the sport would
eventually have to start paying its star players.
Schalke were found
Above: The Yugoslavia team celebrate their 1:0 victory. The loss helped push the drive for the bundesliga
Von Hindenburg s office in Berlin, a young Adolf Hitler was being sworn in as the new German chancellor and the issue would become trivial in the subsequent years.
Domestic football under the Third Reich was often
Unfortunately for German football, three months before the clubs could even sit down to solve the
In late 1930,
Top:Uwe Seeler takes on Vlatko Marković as Germany olay Yugoslavia in the 1962 world cup quarter final.
issue, 515 kilometres to the east in President Paul
heralded as a public banner or propaganda machine for the Nazis during the war. T continued throughout the
pre Bundesliga
JUBILÄUM 50 Pre Bundesliga
BundesligaFootball duration of the conflict, but
from the German leagues
domestic league, and later
by 1945 when Germany
overcame the famous
by Franz Kremer of the West
surrendered to the allied
Hungary side of the time.
German FA in 1961, who
troops, the sport was on its knees and desperate for aid.
proposed an official motion Yet this wouldn t last long,
to consider the formation of
and like the initial DFB
a nationwide, professional
The beautiful game, like all
constitution rulings that
sport, was initially banned
thwarted the league s
under the allied occupation,
progression in the twenties,
On July 28th, 1962 - 75 years
but within a few years the
German football found itself
after the formation of the
regional Oberligas were
hit a glass ceiling and slowly
English football league, 72
back up and running and by
demise as players began
years after the formation of
1948 Nürnburg and
moving abroad in favour of
the Scottish Football
Kaiserslautern were battling
larger contracts from Italian,
League, and 34 years after
it out to become the first
Dutch and Spanish
the formation of the Italian
champions of this new
counterparts. Coupled with
Serie A and Spanish Primera
Germany. Having lost the
Division - 129 officials
Viktoria trophy during the
performances in Europe
from clubs all over
war, a new cup was forged
from Germany s domestic
Germany sat down
and named the
sides, and the German
to a DFB council
Meisterschale to represent
national team s forgetful
meeting in
the national champions.
performance in the 1962
Dortmund and voted
The trophy that Jurgen
World Cup and before long,
103 to 26 in favour of
Klopp and his Dortmund
the campaign for change
a new national,
squad lifted not three
was gathering pace.
professional football
months ago after winning
league in Germany. It was
the Bundesliga was the very
Lobbying from influential
same Salad Bowl .
members of the sport
called the Bundesliga .
proved successful, initially
As one chapter of
The 1950 s offered a
from national team coach
Germany s footballing
welcome golden age in
Sepp Herberger who
history was closed, the
German football when the
passionately believed that
modern-era began.
player under contract rule
die Mannschaft would
was introduced, finally
only ever be as good
allowing clubs to pay their
as the nation s
players a minimum wage as the domestic game began to rebuild itself once again. This came to a climax with the World Cup victory in 1954 where a squad of semi-professional players
FC Köln celebrate winning the first ever bundelsiga
1. FC Köln
JUBILÄUM 50 1. FC Köln
FC Köln fans bringing the RheinEnergie Stadion to life
FC Köln a long way from their successful past Christopher Gallagher May 5, 2012 was a disappointing
Bundesliga. Cue plumes of black smoke,
between the the first and second tier of
day to be a Köln fan. The final game of
a pitch invasion and the locals battling it
the Bundesliga. Opening with a dismal
the 2011/12 campaign gave the Billy
out with riot police. A disastrous end to
1-0 defeat to Eintracht Braunschweig on
Goats an opportunity to save
the season, which
themselves from the nightmare of
summed up the
relegation. It would be Lukas Podolski s
embittered feeling of
final match in front of the RheinEnergie
betrayal the supporters
Stadion faithful, before his move to the
have for the clubs
champions won t be
English Premier League with Arsenal.
involved in the league as it
the opening weekend, the
1. FC Köln where the first side to win the Bundesliga
The stage was set for a grandstand finale but unfortunately for Köln it was not to be their day.
more mature fans will reflect with sadness that the inagural Bundesliga
celebrates its 50th season. In recent years, Köln fans have been at odds with the club they love;
Golden Era
disharmony behind the scenes, a poor In a sub-standard display in front of
product on the pitch and a lack of action
their devoted support, the home
to match high ambition has resulted in a
Competing in the Oberliga West before
side were soundly
tepid atmosphere between the fans and
the induction of the Bundesliga, The
beaten by Champions
the boardroom.
Billy Goats were crowned champions of
League finalists Bayern Munich, resulting in relegation to 2.
The 1960s was FC Köln s golden era.
their regional division in its final four The modern era has not been kind to Die Geißböcke with the club flitting
years of existence. Going on to compete in the National German Championship,
1. FC Köln
JUBILÄUM 50 1. FC Köln
the club would make it to the final three years out of four.
between themselves and Meidericher SV,
1968 they would win their first DFB
in second place, a comfortable six points.
trophy, convincingly defeating VfL Bochum 4-1 in the final.
1962 saw Köln win their first national
As German champions, Köln would
championship, defeating Nuremberg by
represent Germany in the European Cup.
Double Success
four clear goals in the final in Berlin. It
The club would be better equipped than
was third-time lucky for the club after
in their previous campaign, progressing
they suffered defeat to Hamburg in the
to the quarter-final stage were they faced
clubs history was the double winning
1960 final and were unable to get out of
Liverpool. The German and English
campaign of 1977/78. In one of the
the group stage in 1961. The title
champions played out two goalless
closest run Bundesliga seasons ever, Köln
triumph would see Köln compete in
draws in North Rhine-Westphalia as well
won the title on the last day of the
European football for the first time, it
as on Merseyside.
season due to a superior goal difference.
The most successful season in the
would end in early disappointment though after a preliminary round defeat
Unable to be separated over two
Going into the final match of the
to Scottish side Dundee 8 -1 on
legs, the tie would be decided by a
championship, Köln were equal on
playoff in Rotterdam. The match finished
points with main title rivals
in a 2-2 draw, the victors would be
Borussia Mönchengladbach.
decided by a coin-toss, the English side
Köln, with a vastly superior
saw Köln make history, as they were
had the luck and progressed at the
goal difference, defeated St.
crowned its first champions. Die
expense of Köln.
Pauli by five clear goals.
The introduction of the Bundesliga
The other deciding
Geißböcke dominated throughout the entire first season, losing only two league
Incapable of retaining their title the
match saw
games all season. They outscored
following season, it would be some time
everyone in the league with the gap
before Köln would get their hands on the
defeated by Dortmund, a
biggest prize in German football again. In
league record 12 goals to nil. However, it wasn t enough and Köln were crowned
Club At a Glance
Bundesliga champions for the second time.
Founded 1948
The club would go on to complete the domestic double by defeating
2 Top Scorer Hannes Löhr
Stadium RheinEnergieStadion 50,000
Fortuna Düsseldorf 2-0 in the final of the DFB Pokal. Köln would become only the
second team in history to do the double in Germany alongside Bavarian giants Bayern Munich. They have since been joined by Werder
1. FC Köln
JUBILÄUM 50 1. FC Köln
BundesligaFootball Bremen (2004) and more recently Borussia Dortmund (2012).
Of the ten cup finals in the
match would finish 3-3, setting up a European Record
In the twenty seasons Köln
two-legged final with Real Madrid.
The first-leg of the final took
1970 s Köln would be involved in
have competed in European
place in Madrid and a 5-1 defeat all
five of them, lifting the trophy twice
competition, they have reached
but ended Köln s hopes of lifting
after consecutive victories in 1977
four quarter-finals and six semi-
the trophy. The return saw the
and 1978. The club also reached a
finals. The 1985/86 season was their
German side regain some pride as
further three DFB cup finals,
greatest ever European campaign,
they defeated the Spaniards 2-0 but
victorious in 1983 and runners up in
reaching the final of the UEFA cup
it wasn t enough, their first and
1980 and 1991. Köln are the fourth
against the mighty Real Madrid.
until this point, only European final
most successful club in the history of the DFB with ten overall
ended in disappointment. Negotiating their way through
appearances, four victories and 6
the early rounds, Köln disposed of
final defeats.
Sporting Gijon, Bohemians 1905
in European football was a run to
and Hammerby. A quarter-final tie
the semi-finals of the much-derided
against Sporting Lisbon brought a
Intertoto Cup in 1997. With the club
in the Bundesliga in 1982 as well as
3-1 aggregate victory. A semi-final
in its current state of disarray and
finishing in second place two years
tie against Belgian side Waregem
with promotion to the Bundesliga
running in 1989 and 1990. The club
was over after the first leg as Köln
their primary, European football is
would be a mainstay of the
romped to a 4-0 victory. The return
but a distant memory for fans of the
Köln would finish as runners up
Bundesliga until the 1997/98 season, when they were relegated to the second tier of German football not returning until 2000/01. The passionate support has stuck by Köln through every relegation and promotion, with average gates of around 41,000 whilst in the second division articulating the passion of the local crowds.
Billy goat fans celebrate promotion to 1.Bundesliga in 2008
Köln s most recent adventure
Billy Goats.
MSV Duisburg
JUBILÄUM 50 MSV Duisburg
MSV Duisburg/ Meidericher Spielverein Christopher Boud
The 2011 MSV Duisburg vs Schalke DFB Pokal Final
Formation ‒ Bundesliga
the club merged with Sport Club Viktoria Meiderich.
The Zebras (so called because
The reorganisation of German football by the Nazis in 1933
of their striped tops) started life
The club performed admirably
as Meidericher Spielverein.
in its early years building from
Meidericher Spielverein was
strength to strength. By the
formed on June 2, 1902 and
1920 s, playing in the Lower
was admitted to the West
Rhine district class, the club
German Football Association in
earned the nickname eternal
September of the same year.
second after a series of runner-
Meiderich, which was an
up spots. The Zebras would
independent municipality, was
soon put this name to bed with
incorporated into the city of
a string of victories, winning
Duisburg in 1905 at which time
the District league in 1929, 1931 and 1932.
led to a downturn in fortune for the club. They missed out in qualification for the top league, the Gauliga, which meant top players leaving to seek a higher level of play with other clubs. This downturn wouldn t be reversed until after the Second World War.
MSV Duisburg
JUBILÄUM 50 MSV Duisburg
It wasn t until 1946 that the
in the new league and used a
match day, Meidericher
Allied Forces allowed the
complicated points system
Spielverein received
formation of football
based on each teams
confirmation that they were to
competitions. The people of
performance over the last ten
be admitted to the Bundesliga.
Duisburg, still recovering from
seasons. With things tight in
Meidericher s gain was
the destruction of the the war,
the rankings all was to play for
Alemannia Aachen s loss, a loss
were not overly enthused by the
in the final season before the
that was taken bitterly - "the
league. After a 5th placed finish
Bundesliga kicked off. Things
Potato Beetles" (Kartoffelkäfer)
in the first official season the
started badly for Meidericher
actually finished fourth in the
club failed to qualify for the new
Spielverein taking five points
rankings whereas Meidericher
Oberliga West, which was the
from five games. Their season
Spielverein came in sixth,
highest rung in
however the
ranking system
Club At a Glance
deemed any
After four years
club within 50
in the lower leagues the club managed to qualify for
other where
Top Scorer Ronald Worm
the Oberliga
West and,
Stadium Schauinsland-ReisenArena 31,500
with the exception of one season, managed to
points each
Founded 1902
No Bundesliga, DFB Pokal or Major European Trophies. MSV have been runners up in the Bundesliga once and in the German cup on four occasions. They have also won the Intertoto cup on three occasions
ranked equally and the 1962/63 season league position was used to determine the qualifying team. Having scraped
stay there until the formation of
started to pick up
the Bundesliga.
but with the winter break effectively extended to three
Qualification and early seasons of the Bundesliga
months due to harsh weather conditions [with just one match
Qualification to the Bundesliga
taking place between 14th
wasn t a sure thing for
December and 18th of February]
Meidericher. Oberliga West was to provide five of the 16 teams to participate
the fans had a long wait to get a conclusion to the qualification saga.
through to Bundesliga qualification the Duisburg side were seen as prime candidates for instant relegation but would shock the nation by finishing in jointsecond place along with Eintracht Frankfurt. The best defensive record in the league was pivotal in securing their surprise runner-up spot and
Performances improved and after victory on the penultimate
intrinsic to the
MSV Duisburg
JUBILÄUM 50 MSV Duisburg
BundesligaFootball team s fantastic defensive
the inaugural Bundesliga season
now named Ennatz. Dietz is
record was coach, Rudolf (Rudi)
was not to be repeated it was
considered by many as the
Gutendorf. At 36-years-old, he
clear that Meidericher
greatest defender to have
was the youngest coach in the
Spielverein was now the team
graced the Bundesliga, he was
Bundesliga and was chosen due
that represented all of Duisburg
certainly Honours one of the most
to the defensive tactical flair he
not simply the region of
prolific, scoring 77 goals (70 for
had demonstrated whilst
Meiderich. In 1967 the official
MSV Duisburg) during his
managing TSV Marl-Hüls. His
name change to Meidericher
Bundesliga career. He was
defensive tactics earned him the
Spielverein 02 e. V. Duisburg
originally a striker converted to
nickname Riegel-Rudi or Bolt/
(MSV Duisburg) took place.
left-back which explains his
clinical finishing ability. Dietz MSV Dietzburg
Also playing a major role in that first season s success was German legend Helmut Rahn. Known as the Boss , Rahn was signed up just before the Bundesliga kicked off from Dutch side, SC Enschede. Famous for scoring the decisive goal in the 1954 Miracle of Bern , the 34-year-old marquee signing brought great
The club would remain in the
accruing just 11 yellow cards
top-tier of German football for
and no reds in his time in the
around two decades however in
the 1969-70 season the team found themselves just four points from relegation. This led to an evaluation of how the club was running and a new drive towards utilising young players. Encapsulating this new
leadership skills and was known as a bit of a joker. Meidericher s opponents weren t laughing though as Rahn put in some superb performances and notched up eight goals for the
was also a very clean defender,
Although the team wouldn t achieve any higher ranking than 6th in the Bundesliga, Dietz had overseen some memorable highs for the club. As well as making the DFB-Pokal final in 1975 for only the second time (at that point) in their history
Milan Sasic enjoys a beer courtesy of Olcay Sahan following the semi final victory over Energie Cottbus, May 2011
season. Rahn also managed a
(defeated by Eintracht Frankfurt 1-0), the team also managed their best ever European showing, a
Bundesliga first, becoming the
approach was
first man sent-off in the
appearance in
Bundesliga, conceded during a
Ennatz Dietz.
the 1979 Uefa
3-1 home defeat against Hertha
He was so
Cup. However
Berlin on the 14th September.
important to the
Dietz s most
The season was a great success and had seen home crowds averaging around 25,000 a game. Although the success of
team that during his 12 years at the club they were nicknamed MSV Dietzburg and the club mascot, a zebra, is
memorable match from his time at the club is most
MSV Duisburg
JUBILÄUM 50 MSV Duisburg
likely the nine goal thriller
relegated again, to
against Bayern München on
Oberliga Nordrhein.
May 11, 1977. Dietz opened the
After three seasons
scoring, before Rainer Kunkel
in the wilderness of
drew things level. Gerd Müller
third-tier football
grabbed a brace for Bayern,
they managed
punctuated by Dietz s second.
promotion back
With the Bavarian side ahead for
into 2. Bundesliga.
the second time at 3-2 Dietz
MSV set a target of
went into overdrive and scored
a top-flight return
another two goals, in a two-
after two years and
minute spell, putting Duisburg
managed to
ahead by four to three. Ronald
succeed, earning
Worm and Norbert Stoltenberg
promotion for the
finished up the scoring to give
1991 season. Things started very
season. They do however have a
MSV a 6-3 victory. As well as
well with the club sitting in
number of reasons to look to
Müller, Bayern boasted two
second after match day 13 and
the future optimistically; having
other 1974 World Cup winners;
it was reasonable for fans to
replaced their stadium in 2003
Hans-Georg "Katsche"
assume they were back for the
they have modern, up-to-date
Schwarzenbeck and Sepp Maier
long haul. However
plus the 22-year-old striker Karl-
infighting seen the
Heinz Rummenigge.
side once again mired in a survival
Elevator Club
battle they would
Dietz s time at the club
final day after
With the club under significant
a 0-1 defeat to
financial strain it was not
expected that they would
return to the Bundesliga
Thus began
were to be further
facilities. After restructuring in 2010
MSV Duisburg v Eintracht Frankfurt - 31st August 1963
they have improved finances and in 2011 they managed to
lose on the
ended with their relegation.
immediately. Fans
Karl-Heinz Rummenigge nearly takes Bernard Dietz’s head off as he scores the first goal in Duisburg’s famous 6:3 victory over Bayern München
the elevatorclub culture that has seen MSV Duisburg relegated or promoted nine times in the last
reach the club s fourth DFB-
20 years.
Pokal final, although the 5-0
disappointed however when after four campaigns in 2. Bundesliga the club were
defeat at the hands of Schalke MSV seem to have settled into a mid-table slot within 2. Bundesliga finishing tenth last
04 in Berlin s Olympiastadion may be something the fans would rather forget.
Eintracht Frankfurt
JUBILÄUM 50 Eintracht Frankfurt
Eintracht Frankfurt Ross Dunbar
Far Left: Jürgen Grabowski lifts the DFB Pokal Centre Top Dieter Linder shows off his skills[L] & a signed Linder sticker. Centre Bottom Commerzbank-Arena. Right: Frankfurt vs Kickers ProgramStielike [R]pose with the
It was only fitting that in the 50th season
of the Bundesliga, Eintracht Frankfurt
explains the character and style of the
secured a quick return to the top-flight
1959 title-winning side.
"They were all mainly Frankfurt boys, and we all had normal jobs." Linder said.
had some of their best success on the
"Some were clerks or public servants,
domestic and European stage - including
there was a locksmith, Kress was a
a showpiece European Cup Final in 1960
pharamcist, Pfaff was a gastronome. Only
at Hampden Park, Glasgow. Of course,
Istvan Sztani was without a job. We
they took a 7-3 hammering from Real
played a great season and an incredible
Madrid but it is widely-regarded that
group stage.
the highlight of Eintracht's 50 years since
soaked Glasgow in May, 1960.
The German champions were written off in the semi-finals against Glasgow Rangers but thrashed their Scottish opponents 6-1 in Germany to reach the prestigious
Eintracht played a massive part in making one of the most entertaining
"It was jublilation everywhere. Some fans
matches in the history of football.
ran on to the pitch, and the singing
Eintracht were German champions in
seemed never ending. I was the
1959 after beating local rivals Kickers
youngest in the team and felt a lot of
Offenbach in the one-off final in Berlin.
pressure fall off our shoulders. In the
The Frankfurters were unbeaten in 30
changing room, I cried."
league that season. Star man Dieter
German titles to their name. However,
1963 came in wind-swept and rain-
new league structure in 1963, Die Adler
matches with a total of 71 goals in the
championship was not their only success in the 1950s, with another five South
after a 12-month stay in Division Two.
In the years before the formation of the
Their first national German
final at Hampden. The famous Real Madrid side included the likes of De Stefano, Puskas and Gento which dazzled the 130,000-strong crowd.
Eintracht Frankfurt
JUBILÄUM 50 Eintracht Frankfurt
He insisted
"Well later, when we won the German title
Eintracht's strong-
I was 34 years old. You do not want to
friendship between
move far away then, there were some
the squad was key
offers but I was always very attached to
to their success in
1960. After the swinging-Sixties, Eintracht He said: "That was
Frankfurt never reached the same heights
the case, yes. With
in Europe and could not dominate the
Eintracht anyway,
national game. They won the DFB Pokal
but also with the
four times between 1974 and 1988 and
German squad, that
collected the UEFA Cup in 1980. The
was a good bunch of Eagles came close to the Bundesliga guys. There was no
championship in 1992 when they finished
trouble or jealousy.
just two points behind VfB Stuttgart.
We all had daytime
Eintracht Frankfurt vs Real Madrid match Program
jobs as well, it is not
After 33 years in the top-flight, they were
like today where
relegated to the second division in 1996
players do nothing
and have since bounced between the two
else than training
divisions, making a return to the
and football. We
Bundesliga this summer for the
worked all day and
anniversary campaign.
then we went to training.
But it was the Germans who took the lead
Thanks to Holger Ruhl for translating the exclusive Eintracht interviews. Follow
on 18 minutes through Kress which
him on Twitter @biggrabowski.
sparked some historic football from the Castillans. They scored six goals without
Club At a Glance
reply, before Eintracht's slight hopes were dashed late in the match. All of Real's seven goals were netted between the legendary Hungarian Puskas and De Stefano.
Alfred Pfaff was the club captain for the final and had been with The Eagles since he
Founded 1899 Top Scorer Bernd Hölzenbein 201 Stadium Commerzbank-Arena
was 10 years old. The inspiring midfielder was also a member of the Germany 1954 World Cup winning side.
Borussia Dortmund
JUBILÄUM 50 Borussia Dortmund
Clockwise from Right: Signal Iduna Park. Dortmund Champions league victory; they defeated Juventus 3:1. Jürgen Kohler(L) is pleased with Ottmar Hitzfeld (R) after said victory. Murdo MacLeod unleashes a shot.
Borrusia Dortmund Profile Louis John McCaffrey Borussia Dortmund are the
who wished to leave their
infamous yellow and black was
current Bundesliga champions
current football team Trinity
displayed as the new club
after winning back-to-back titles
Youth . Trinity Youth was a
in the past two seasons. The
Church sponsored football team,
team is young and exciting to
however due to strict leadership
The next two decades in the life
watch, a result of major changes
from the parish priest, many
of Borussia Dortmund brought
at Dortmund in recent times. Die
young men were unhappy and
little significant success to the
Schwartzgelbe have had a
sought to form their own club.
club. Local league football was as
number of highs and lows
After what seems to be a German
high as the club could play in
throughout their history,
past time of forming sports clubs
German football.. Recognising
however they are one of the
in pubs, Borussia Dortmund
that major success would only
most successful German clubs.
became a reality. Despite todays
come by recruiting better
iconic yellow and black strip,
players, the club decided to
which is globally recognized as
take a gamble and sign a
Dortmund s, it was in fact a blue
number of pro footballers.
The sports club Ballspiel-Verein
and white strip with red sash
This unfortunately was to
Borussia 1909 e. V. Dortmund ,
which was originally worn by the
backfire on the club as the
known as BVB, was founded by a
first Dortmund playing squad. It
team failed to perform to the
group of young men in 1909,
wasn't until 1913 that the now
level many had
Borussia Dortmund
JUBILÄUM 50 Borussia Dortmund
BundesligaFootball expected with their new players.
troubled times. A
This failure caused severe
club president
financial damage to the club
was sacked and
and the possibility of
replaced when he
bankruptcy was acknowledged
refused to swear
as a real possibility. However a
allegiance to the
local businessman who covered
Nazi party. In
the debts of the club to place
1936 the football
Dortmund on a sound financial
league in
footing rescued the club.
Germany was
Program from the the European Cup Winners Cup played at Hampden Park, 1966. Dortmund won 2:1 After Extra Time
restructured as World War 2/Post-War
the Gauliga, and
club disbanded
this is where Dortmund
in an attempt to disassociate
The 1930 s saw huge change
developed its intense rivalry
themselves with the Nazi past. It
within the German game as the
with Schalke 04. Titled the
didn't take long for the club to
Third Reich fundamentally
Revierderby due to both teams
be reformed and as a result
changed German society,
being located within the region
Ballspiel-Verein Borussia made
including a restructure
of Ruhr, they enjoyed a fierce
their first appearance in a
of the football
rivalry particularly during the
national league final in 1949,
Gualiga era of the game.
which they lost to Mannheim.
Schalke were the most
Despite losing in the final, this
successful/dominant team of
gave the club ambition and
members had
the time and displayed their
hope for the future.
superiority - winning 14 of the
leagues. The Dortmund
altercations with the Nazi party during these
first 16 encounters, Dortmund s
The 1950 s saw the creation of
first win against Schalke came in
the Oberliga West , a first
1943. Post-War society saw the
division league which Dortmund played in. This league
Club At a Glance
was hugely popular at the time with Dortmund winning the league in 1956 to record their
Top Scorer Alfred Preissler
first national title. The very next
Founded 1909
season Dortmund managed to
win the league for a second time in a row with the same
Stadium Signal Iduna Park 80,720
playing squad from the previous season. Their third national title
1 1
came in 1963 which granted them entry into the soon to be Bundesliga.
Borussia Dortmund
JUBILÄUM 50 Borussia Dortmund
BundesligaFootball further two years later and
Dortmund finish 4th in the
Dortmund were back in
league, however they
the Bundesliga after
managed to reach the final
The formation of the
clinching promotion. The
of the UEFA cup, however
Bundesliga in 1963
80 s brought about yet
they lost that final to
presented Dortmund with
more financial uncertainty
Juventus. Despite the
the opportunity to play in
to the club, and the
disappointment of losing
the top-tier of German
football team failed to
in the final of a major
football. Friedhelm
record any major
European competition,
Konietzka scored
achievements, other than
Dortmund earned 25
Dortmund s first ever
a German Cup win in 1989.
million Deutsche Marks as
Bundesliga goal in a match they lost 3-2 to Werder
a result of their European Golden era
Bremen. 1965 saw
endeavours. This new found fortune gave
Dortmund win their first
In 1992 Ottmar Hitzfeld
Dortmund the financial
German Cup. The
took the reigns at
power to sign a
following year they played
Dortmund and in his first
crop of top
Liverpool in the European
season with the club
Cup Winners Cup, which
guided them to a second
they won. However
place finish, narrowly
Bundesliga results started
missing out on the
won the
to slide towards the end of
championship on the last
Bundesliga title
the season and the club
day of the Bundesliga
in both 1995 and
lost 4 of their remaining 5
season. 1993 saw
1996 with one of
game to squander their lead at the top of the league and as a result finish in second place. The 1970 s brought tough financial times to the club which effected the playing squad. Dortmund were relegated from the
Right: Dortmund defeated Köln to win the last German Football Championship
Bundesliga in 1972. Two years later optimism was renewed as the club opened its new stadium, the Westfalenstadion. A
As is evident the “Salad dish/ bowl” predates the Bundesliga. It was created in 1949
Borussia Dortmund
JUBILÄUM 50 Borussia Dortmund
their star names, Matthais Sammer, being named European Footballer of the Year. Champions League glory still evaded the team from Germany, however in 1997 they managed to reach the final and create history. Playing against Italian side
Above: Celebrating the 88/89 DFB Pokal win
Juventus, Dortmund out fought the favourites for the trophy and won the final 3-1 to win their first Champions League title. Dortmund also became the second German
same season as Dortmund
reached the final of the UEFA
In 2006
cup, unfortunately losing to
the stadium was renamed
Feyenoord in a thrilling final.
Signal Iduna Park after a local insurance company
team to win the Intercontinental Cup as they beat Brazilian side Cruzeiro 2-0.
Turn of the Millennium
After welcoming the turn of the Millennium, the decision was made to make Borussia Dortmund a publicly traded company, meaning it would be traded on the German stock exchange. This was a bold decision for the club to make as they were and still are the only publicly traded club on the German stock market. In 2002 after a close competition between themselves and Bayer Leverkusen, Dortmund clinched their third Bundesliga title. European success came close in the
Financial problems troubled
purchased the naming rights.
the club throughout the 00 s,
The years that followed
with poor financial
brought little success to the
management off the pitch
club. The team failed to
and failures on the playing
challenge for the
side as they failed to qualify
Bundesliga title,
for lucrative European
competitions. In 2005 the
club looked to be flirting with
bankruptcy however this was
avoided due to a number of
severe cost cutting measure, such as a playing staff wage
cut of 20%. The clubs
from the
stadium has always been a
proud asset of the club as it is
began a real possibility
the largest football stadium
in 2007/2008; thankfully the
in Germany with a capacity
club managed to avoid such
of 80,720, however in order
a decline, and even reached
to help balance the books,
the final of the German Cup
and pay off club debts, the
in 2008, which they lost in
decision was made to sell the
extra time to
naming rights of the Westfalen to the highest
Borussia Dortmund
JUBILÄUM 50 Borussia Dortmund
BundesligaFootball Bayern Munich. This
talent in German football
thrashing Bayern in the
appearance in the final
within the playing squad
final of the DFB-Pokal.
gained Dortmund entry to
and the financial prize of
Dortmund have attracted
the UEFA cup the following
reaching the group stages
and developed young
The Klopp years
With the resignation of coach Thomas Doll in May 2008, Jürgen Klopp took over to spark a revival at
Above: Jürgen Klopp looks happy with himself, as he should be. Right: The Dortmund squad celebrate another victory
players who are regarded as not only some of the of
Dortmund. Klopp brought a new footballing
the Champions League,
philosophy to the club,
Dortmund has been
injected the team with a
crop of young talent from
best talent in Germany, but in European football. The likes of Mats Hummels, Mario Götze and Marco Reus are all top quality
both Germany and abroad.
Last season Dortmund
Klopp brought about a
managed to win the
renewed hope and unity
Bundesliga title for a
among supporters and
second year running, much
players. In 2010/2011,
to the disappointment of
Klopp guided Dortmund to
league rivals Bayern
their first Bundesliga title
Munich. Not only did
in nine years to confirm
Dortmund successfully
the clubs return to
defend their Bundesliga
prominence. With some of
title, but made it a first
the most exciting young
league and cup double by
players with great potential at a young age. Jürgen Klopp has returned Dortmund to the summit of German football and with his guidance Dortmund will now be looking to emulate.
Ollie Bartlett
JUBILÄUM 50 Ollie Bartlett
Conditioned for Success
A victorious and youthful Dortmund side led by captain Sebastian Kehl who personally recommended Bartlett after working with him at Germany
Borussia Dortmund’s fitness guru Oliver Bartlett gives Bundesliga Football the insight into the champions’ preparations. By Ross Dunbar Just five German sides have secured the famous ‘double’ in the same season. Borussia Dortmund added their name to the illustrious list with a 5-2 annihilation of FC Bayern Munich in the DFB Pokal Final, just a week after getting their hands on the Bundesliga crown. As part of sporting director Michael Zorc’s revamp of Borussia’s football operations, the addition of athletic coach Oliver Bartlett has been a vital component of their current success. Born in London with a German mother, Bartlett had an interest in the science of sports from an early age after spending most of his childhood in Darwin, Australia where his father worked in a local hospital. Bartlett studied Biology at the University of Adelaide before finally making the move to Germany to enter a more sportsspecific fitness degree at the highlyregarded University of Cologne. But the 43year-old, who was brought up in
a track-and-field background, soon made his first strides into German football with VfL Osnabruck and his work crucial in their time spend in the 2.Bundesliga. “I was working at the rehab centre and taking care of athletes and being reasonably successful.” Bartlett said. “I was asked by the club and athletes to work for them full-time. That was the time when Jurgen Klinsmann was head of the National Team and putting a bit more emphasis and public focus on fitness. “Therefore, creating an interest in the world of soccer in Germany on the fitness side but taking it another step forward again. More clubs became more aware of putting more focus on the fitness aspect of football. “We managed to keep Osnabruck in the second division because everyone was looking at us going down due to the limited financial means. We successful defended our position in the second league.” He was drafted in by the DFB to take charge of the fitness aspect of the German National Team and the U21 squad. Bartlett had instant success with the youth squads as the U21’s cruised the 2009 U21 UEFA European Championship’s with the
likes of Manuel Neuer, Mats Hummels and Mesut Özil showing early promise. From the starting XI that thrashed England 4-0 in the final, just Sandro Wagner has not been capped at full international level, with Fabian Johnson and Sebastian Boenisch choosing to play for the United States and Poland respectively. Bartlett was high on the list to join Joachim Löw’s new coaching staff ahead of the 2008 European Championships in Austria and Switzerland. Despite losing in the final, there were encouraging signs from the rapidly-changing national side with a number of the beaten finalists never playing for the German side again. The familiarity and consistency of Bartlett’s training methods between the U21 and full national squad allowed an easy transition for so many of Germany’s prized young assets in the current national setup. But it was a glowing reference from one of Germany’s more experienced internationals that preceded a call from Borussia Dortmund. He explained: “It was a follow-up from being busy with the U21s and the personal experience of Sebastian Kehl with the national team. “He was very positive about the work
BundesligaFootball - Oliver Bartlett - Ross Dunbar
Ollie Bartlett
JUBILÄUM 50 Ollie Bartlett
BundesligaFootball together before their switches to Dortmund The London-born athletic coach is now in charge of fitness and conditioning in Klopp’s backroom staff for the first-team squad, as well as, the Dortmund youth setup. The duo were quick to sing from the same hymn sheet as Die Borussen thrived from Bartlett’s well-planned fitness regimes which had an immediate impact on the intensity of Dortmund’s game. “We’re trying to make athletes feel better and perform better and give them the feeling that they can perform better which gives them more confidence to play at a higher pace and competitive level.
so a player can perform every week at this level without getting injured or having fluctuation in any level. “On top of that, it’s more about how the coach wants to train. You need to adapt these ideas to soccer training and how it needs to be played. It needs to fit this whole system. “That’s probably the trickiest part – how do you fit all of this in?” The connections between Bartett’s training philosophy and the incredible progress of the German national team is no coincidence.
“If the players feel that and can connect that to what we’re doing, that’s what we want. It’s to help the player perform better.
At club level, Borussia Dortmund have excelled since Bartlett’s arrival in 2008 with their financial woes forcing the club to look for a longterm strategy to allow them to compete on both a domestic and continental level.
“It always depends on what a coach wants, of course, in a strategy or the type of tactics he implements. That’s the philosophy of the coach.
Indeed, it could be compared to Barcelona’s footballing philosophy – without the said La Masia conveyer belt, of course.
“But it’s my job to make the athletes able to perform at this level and to this standard, week-in, week-out. For that, you need to analyse the pre-requisites, what is needed from the player, how do you train it and how do you train it
But for Dortmund to be so successful, it requires immense preparation and understanding of each player that is signed to suit a specific role in the team. The Jurgen Klopp football culture requires younger players, eager to learn, with the required dynamics able to perform in Dortmund’s flourishing 4-2-3-1 system. For Kevin Großkreutz, Mario Götze and Mats Hummels, the task of performing at such an intense pace and competitive level is helped by the familiarity to Bartlett’s training methods. The aforementioned trio, plus the likes of Marcel Schmelzer and the new arrival of Marco Reus, have worked with the 43-year-old for around five years in the German setup.
Oliver Bartlett VfL Osnabruck Germany U21 Germany Borussia Dortmund
07/07 - 06/08 07/07 - 06/08 06/08 - 09/10 07/08 - 06/12
Bartlett added: “The most important thing is that the players will allow themselves to do our intense programmes in training and
get adjusted to it and to get them to reach the next higher level. “To be able to do this, and get to the next level, that takes a while.” “That’s one of the things we’ve done very successfully and it helps when I’ve been able to work with them at U21 level, as well as, with Dortmund and the German National Team. It works for me because I’m able to do more and for the players because they can perform better.” And more impressively, the attention to detail in player recruitment under sporting director Michael Zorc needs to be admired. One of Dortmund’s best signings in recent times has been Japanese attacking-midfielder Shinji Kagawa who joined from Cerezo Osaka for just £300,000. The 23-year-old was a perfect fit in the system with incredible dynamism, pace and flair which are integral to allowing nonDortmund trained players to integrate into the starting eleven. But the blow of Kagawa’s transfer to Manchester United has been softened by the incoming Reus who has had the experience of working under Bartlett on international duty and his physical abilities are almost uncanny to Kagawa who has been a revelation in the side. The 22-year-old star from Gladbach has the same dynamism, pace, acceleration and skill as the Japanese midfielder and should be a perfect fit into Dortmund’s attacking line-up. The energy and pace of Großkreutz, Götze and Kagawa have been integral to Klopp’s high-pressing,
BundesligaFootball - Oliver Bartlett - Ross Dunbar
VfB Stuttgart
JUBILÄUM 50 VfB Stuttgart
VfB Stuttgart - Taste of success lingers for ambitious Swabians By Ross Dunbar VfB Stuttgart were one of the leading
to secure their first crown in the new
in the following campaign. The German
sides in Southern Germany in the lead-
format. In an unprecedented campaign,
champions were 3-0 up after the first-leg
up to the formation of the Bundesliga. In
the top five clubs were separated by just
against Howard Wilkinson's Leeds side
the post-war years, the Swabians
three points, with Stuttgart clinching the
but even though they lost 4-1 at Elland
collected two German cups and clashed
crown having scored seven goals more
Road, Stuttgart would have gone
in a fierce rivalry in the regional division
than Hamburger SV.
through on the away-goals rule.
Incredibly, Helmut Benthaus' side failed
However, Christoph Daum's decision to
Despite winning
to win in their last three matches but 18
introduce Serbian defender Jovo
the German
goals in the four matches prior proved
Simanić on 83 minutes - their fourth
to be just enough for the club to win
foreign player on the pitch - meant that
their first Bundesliga title.
Stuttgart had to play a one-off match in
with Stuttgarter Kickers.
twice in the 1950 s, Die Roten were forced to wait two decades after the inception of the Bundesliga
Barcelona against Leeds. In the end, they Their 1991/92 title triumph meant they
were beaten 2-1 by the English side.
would be the first German representatives to participate in the
Icelandic striker Eyjólfur Sverrisson
newly-formed UEFA Champions League
joined Stuttgart in 1989 and made 31
JUBILÄUM 50 VfB Stuttgart
BundesligaFootball appearances in their title-winning
campaign of 1992. The forward talks,
exclusively to Bundesliga Football, about
was good
his five-year spell with the Swabians.
Germany team mates Mario Gomez and Sami Khedira
Christoph "I settled in fairly quickly actually. There
Daum. He
isn't much of a difference and most
worked with
Icelandics are able to settle wherever they
the team
are. After a few weeks, I felt at home.", he
very well
and he is a terrific motivator. He had a big
featured in the
role in the championship we won in
Champions League twice and is still
"Having Asgier there helped make things
1991/92 and the first German champions,
regularly competing for Europa League
comfortable. I learned the language very
in the united country.
within a few weeks. I think that is very
Success for Stuttgart was rare in the lead-
But with Fredi Bobic and Bruno Labbadia
important for any player in a new country
up to the new Millennium with just the
at the helm, the club is aiming to make
that if you can learn the language quickly,
1997 DFB Pokal added to their honours
the lucrative fourth Champions League
you are able to communicate."
list. However, they qualified for the Group
position a
Stages of the UEFA Champions League for
"I came from the second division in
the first time in 2003 under Felix Magath
Iceland and I was the top scorer there, but
and then secured a surprise Bundesliga
coming to the Bundesliga was a huge
championship win in 2007.
quickly so I was able to speak German
competing against the
step. It's a big difference. We had some
likes of
fantastic players, like Matthias Sammer, he
Goals from Thomas Hitzlsperger and Sami
was very skillful. He was a world class
Khedira on the final matchday against
Energie Cottbus secured their fifth
German title. Since then, the club has
and high-spending
Club At a Glance
Stuttgart are a club who continue to develop, now playing at the impressive
Founded 1893
Mercedes-Benz Arena in front of an average of over 55,000 fans fortnightly,
3 Top Scorer Karl Allgöwer
have the infrastructure of to make them a real force in the league.
Stadium Mercedes-Benz Arena 60,441
Bringing through top players such as Sami Khedira and Mario Gomez, perhaps in future Stuttgart will be able to retain players in that mould and achieve their ambitious aims with them at the club.
Hamburger SV
JUBILÄUM 50 Hamburger SV
In the lead-up to the formation of the Bundesliga, Hamburg were at the top of the German game with two national championships in the 1920s, 10 Northern championships in 12 years and a further 15 Oberliga-Nord titles in 16 seasons. Added to that, Hamburg scored over 100
Hamburg legend Kevin Keegan sports a rather fetching perm
times in five of these campaigns in the 1950s and 60s, with the legendary Uwe Seeler at the fore-front of their incredible scoring records ‒ he netted 404 league goals for HSV between 1953 and 1972. The Red Shorts were a sleeping giant of German football until they enjoyed some captivating success in the 1970s. Firstly, in 1976, Hamburg won the DFB Pokal for the third time in their history, before adding the European Cup Winners Cup, just a year
Hamburger SV Current custodians wrestle with significant change whilst protecting proud history of Bundesliga ever-presents.
later. Kevin Keegan s arrival at the Volksparkstadion brought a sustained period of success on the domestic and continental front. Following years of average league finishes, Hamburg soon become a prominent fixture in the German top-flight and they secured their first
Ross Dunbar
Bundesliga championship in 1978 under immensely proud of their 50 years in the
the pragmatic eyes of Branko Zebec. The
most successful clubs will have a
German top-flight which is unmatched by
Yugoslavian coach is well-known for his
double-celebration this coming
any club in the country. In the last few
strict and regimented training
season, commemorating the 50th
decades, they have been dwarfed by the
programmes and Zebec built a side
campaign in the Bundesliga and
stunning domestic success of FC Bayern
capable of becoming one of the best in the
their own 125th anniversary.
but HSV can hold claim to being one of the
The Kings of the North are
biggest clubs in German football.
In domestic terms, they held their own at
Hamburger SV, one of Germany s
the top of the Bundesliga into the 1980s
Hamburger SV
JUBILÄUM 50 Hamburger SV
BundesligaFootball with two consecutive second-placed
Champions League and the development
Arnesen becoming the club s sporting
finishes but they were pipped again in
of German football, economically, allowed
director. Arnesen promised a fresh
1979 by the resilient FC Bayern.
them to expand their Volksparkstadion to
mentality, with an increasing focus on
Keegan s spell in Hamburg had a lasting
a 55,000-seater arena which is now used
youth development, due to the inability to
legacy on the club and the
promise regular Champions League
supporters. The Northern
German side in the end
However, Arnesen and Hamburg
recovered from his departure in
had a scare in 2011-12 with Thorsten
1980, where they lost the
Fink s side locked in a relegation
European Cup Final, and then
battle until the last few weeks of the
lost the UEFA Cup in 1982.
campaign. The club has added a
Arguably, Hamburg s finest
handful of new players but even in
moment in their history came
their historic 50th
when Felix Magath scored a
campaign, their
historic goal against Italian
short-term stay
giants Juventus to secure the
in the
European Cup in 1983.
Bundesliga is far
Their European success came
from secure.
when the club appointed Austrian coach Ernst Happel as
Sporting Director Frank Arnesen [left] and Head Coach Thorsten Fink [right]
their new boss. Under Happel s reign between 1981 and 1987, Hamburg won two Bundesliga titles, a European Cup and the DFB Pokal in his final campaign. They also finished second in the league on two occasions, were
Their unbroken Bundesliga status is
for various football matches, events and
something which the fans
concerts. In 2011, Hamburg opted for a major overhaul of their football operations with former Chelsea director of football Frank
cherish and the current custodians of the club will be fully expected to retain the unique honour.
runners-up in the Super Cup, UEFA Cup and Intercontinental Cup. In the decade after, Hamburg failed to pick up a single trophy and were unable
Club At a Glance
to compete at the top of the Bundesliga or at the latter stages of European competition. The club went through
Founded 1887
seven coaches in the 1990s and only Ralf Schehr ‒ who was in charge for two matches ‒ could manage a win record of
Top Scorer Uwe Seeler
3 3
over 50%. Heading into the new millennium, Hamburg were still without another German Cup or championship after their flirt with success in the 1980s. But die Rothosen became regulars in the modern
Stadium Imtech Arena 56889
1 1
TSV 1860 München
JUBILÄUM 50 TSV 1860 München
The Allianz Arena turns a brilliant blue when TSV 1860 München play
TSV 1860 München Profile Louis John McCaffrey Turn-und Sportverein
club occurred as a result of
The football team within
München von 1860, more
a meeting within a local
the club was established in
commonly known as TSV
Munich pub during the
March 1899 however had
1860 München, are often
time of revolutions. Despite
to wait three years before
discarded in favour of their
the creation of the Physical
playing against other
more illustrious rivals FC
fitness and gymnastics
opposition. 1911 was a
Bayern. Currently the
association in 1848, action
significant year for the
football team plays in
was taken by the Bavarian
team as they further
2.Bundesliga however they
Monarchy to ban such an
established themselves as
association due to what
a serious footballing side.
founding clubs
they described as
The side, as well as the
of Germanys
republican activities being
famous Lion as their team
top football
undertaken by the sporting
crest, adopted the name
league, the
club. It was not until 1860
TSV München 1860, the
that the club became
same crest they use to this
officially re-established, as
are one of the
The founding of the sporting
well as a merger with other sporting associations
1860 Munich started to
within Munich.
play competitive football during the 1920 s,
TSV 1860 München
JUBILÄUM 50 TSV 1860 München
BundesligaFootball featuring in the Bezirksliga
In the post-
Bayern, which was the
war period,
highest association football
1860 Munich
league in Bavaria between
played in the
1923 and 1933. The team
Oberliga Süd,
managed to reach two
and in 1963
national semi-finals
they were
however failed to progress
to the final each time. 1933
league champions. It wasn't
The rest
saw German football re-
just the achievement of
of the 1960 s saw the team
organized by the third Reich
winning the league which
from Bavaria earn numerous
into 16 divisions called
1860 were rewarded with
achievements, such as
Gauligen, TSV were part of
though but also an
winning their second
Gauliga Bayern and
invitation to play in the new
German cup in 1964,
performed well throughout
national professional
winning the Bundesliga title
their time within the
football league, the
in 1966, and finishing
division. They managed to
Bundesliga. One rule the
league runners up the
achieve second place in
governing body enforced
following year.
1934, 1938 and 1939
was that only one team per
however the real ambition
city could feature in the
Despite such positive
was to top the division and
Bundesliga, therefore as a
results in the 1960 s, the
become champions, a
result of 1860 s entry to the
following two decades will
dream that was realised in
league, Bayern Munich were
be remembered for a
refused, much to the
number of relegations and
amusement of their arch
trouble both on and off the
park. 1860 went through a
The King of the Lions, former president Karl-Heinz Wildmoser 1939 - 2010
long period of yo-yoing between divisions, which as a result damaged the
Club At a Glance
commercial side of the club and in 1982 the club were
Founded 1848/1860 Top Scorer Rudolf Brunnenmeier Stadium Alllianz Arena
forced into the third amateur tier of Oberliga Bayern.
1860 were absent
from the Bundesliga for 12 years however that ended in 1994
when they gained promotion. Club president Karl-Heinz
TSV 1860 München
JUBILÄUM 50 TSV 1860 München
BundesligaFootball Wildmoser and team
took the decision to
players who have came
coach Werner Lorant
ground share with local
through 1860 s own
began to change things
rivals Bayern Munich in
football academy. 2011
for their future survival
the newly built Allianz
saw the club again flirting
within the Bundesliga. The
Arena. This decision
with insolvency however
concept of mixing
sparked outrage from
thanks to yet more aid
talented youth players
supporters of both clubs
from Bayern Munich the
with more quality-
as they protested the
club was able to prevent
experienced professional
actions of club officials.
such serious actions.
was quickly adopted, and
Yet more financial
Recently a Jordanian
it came to fruition. 1860
difficulties emerged as the
investor, Hasan Abdullah
managed to turn
team on the pitch failed to
Ismaik, purchased a
themselves into a decent mid-table team throughout the remainder of the 1990 s. European football was the next ambition of the club and they finally got their opportunity to
Hey indeed, Striker Benjamin Lauth models the reversible 150th anniversary top
experience European footballs elite
excite the fans with
majority stake in the club,
competition, the
their performances.
which has given the club
Champions League in
Bayern Munich became
and its fans optimism for
2000 as they finished
unlikely saviours of 1860
the future. From 2008,
fourth in the Bundesliga
as they bought out the
1860 have managed to
clubs stake in the Allianz
stabilise their position in
Arena, which alleviated
2.Bundesliga, and last
some of 1860 s financial
season they finished 6th in
the league.
Modern day 1860
TSV 1860 Munich look to
After managing to establish themselves in the Bundesliga for the
be finally growing closer
last decade, the
1860 have remained in
to a long awaited return
2003/2004 season saw
2.Bundesliga since 2006
to the Bundesliga with
1860 suffer relegation
despite the introduction
relative financial stability
again to 2.Bundesliga.
of several new managers
edging closer and a
With financial issues at
targeting promotion. The
young, home-grown
the club growing, Club
current playing squad is
squad turnout out for The
President Wildmoser
made up of home-grown
Lions each week.
Schalke 04
JUBILÄUM 50 Schalke 04
Schalke 04 Profile Louis McCaffrey looks at the evolution of FC Schalke 04 as the club continue to strive for a Bundesliga success which has thus far eluded them.
Dangermen Raul [L] & Huntelaar [R] The original team colours of Schalke were not the current blue and white but red and yellow. The majority of the playing staff lived locally in Gelsenkirchen, many of which worked within the coal mines, hence
the nickname Die Knappen (Miners). The club recorded its first honour in
Schalke were founded back in 1904
1923 as the team was
with the title, Westfalia Schalke , by a
crowned champions
number of school students. This was an
of the Schalke
amateur team with big ambitions
Kreisliga. In 1924
however they were refused entry into
Schalke took a
official footballing associations and as a
major step in
result played their football within one of
the wild associations of the game in
Germany. It wasn't until 1919, and
various mergers with other sports clubs,
that the club officially started its life
club we
within Germanys football league
today. The
sports club was separated with the footballing side of the club taking the name FC Schalke 04 , as well as changing their team colours to blue and white. Schalke enjoyed immediate local success, dominating the game and reaching their top regional league of the time, Gauliga Ruhr.
Era of Domination
With a new stadium built and the club rising in popularity, the club tried to connect further with their local region and its inhabitants by renaming the club FC Gelsenkirchen-
Schalke 04
JUBILÄUM 50 Schalke 04
BundesligaFootball Schalke 04. Despite not playing a
out to Bayern Munich to finish in 2nd
competitive match in almost six months
for disregarding a strict wage structure,
In the post-war period, German society
Schalke s popularity was at an all time
took a long time to recover. Football clubs
The early 1970s also found Schalke at a
high, and when the team did return to the
were no different, Schalke themselves
new home, the Parkstadion, built
field of play, 70,000 fans flocked to see
took until the 1950s to recreate the quality especially for the 1974 World Cup. The
them. The 1930s saw Schalke begin to
they possessed before the war. After
club went through a difficult period on
dominate the
and off the pitch during
Club At a Glance
German game. After league
the 70 s however they did manage to finish runners
restructuring in
up in the Bundesliga in
Founded 1904
1933, Schalke found
themselves in
Top Scorer Klaus Fischer
the Gauliga Westfalen. Schalke's
within their league was
The 1980s weren t kind on the club from
Stadium Veltins-Arena 61673
1977, behind winners
Gelsenkirchen either, as they suffered relegation to the second tier of
remarkable, and
German football, gained
is still the most
promotion to the
successful period in their history. The team won the league year-on-year and reached 14 out of 18 national finals. Schalke were clearly a cut above the rest, never losing a home game in the league
appearances in the German Cup final and close finishes in the league, Schalke finally secured the national
ever national championship.
within the Gauliga Westfalen.
162 of their 189 league matches, drawing 21 and losing six. The team also managed to score 924 goals whilst only conceding
1997 saw Schalke earn their first major
Inter Milan in the final of the UEFA Cup. This triumph was largely thanks to then
With Schalke finishing in the top four the previous season; they were invited to be one of the founding members of
From 1933 to 1945 Schalke won
repeat its self throughout the decade.
honour since the 1970 s as they defeated The Bundesliga Years
same time period, and even went unbeaten throughout 6 whole seasons
again. This was a habit that seemed to
championship in 1958; this was their last
throughout 11 seasons. They managed to lose just 6 games away from home in the
Bundesliga, then suffered relegation
Germany s new top-flight football league. Schalke didn't enjoy much success in the early years of the Bundesliga; in fact it wasn't until 1972 that Schalke managed to finish in a respectable league position. In 1972 though, Schalke were league leaders for the majority of the campaign losing
coach Hubb Stevens as he transformed Schalke into a strong defensive unit. The system and style Stevens implemented during his time with the club had a last effect not only on the club but also on its fans viewing him still as a hero. The dawn of the new millenium brought about much needed change to the club, particularly as a commercial entity. The
Schalke 04
JUBILÄUM 50 Schalke 04
season. Felix Magath took control at Schalke after turning VfL Wolfsburg into a Championship winning side. Magath lasted two seasons with Schalke and was soon replaced by Ralf
Oops! Schalke general manager "Rudi" Assauer damaged the German Cup in 2002 whilst celebrating
Rangnick. Rangnick made an notable
Head Coach Huub Stevens
impact, which saw Schalke defeat Inter
two seasons between 2010 and 2012.
Milan to progress to the semi finals of
Rangnick announced his resignation
the Champions League in 2011.
from his post at Schalke due to health
Schalke were paired with Manchester
concerns and former manager Hubb
United in the semi-final and despite a
Stevens replaced him.
valiant performance, lost the tie on aggregate. One notable former player club set about establishing itself as one of Germany s major footballing forces. 2001 and 2002 saw back-to-back German Cups as well as second place Bundesliga finishes in 2001, 2005 and 2007.
Modern Schalke
In the 07/08 season, Schalke managed
Last season Schalke
who had a large impact on not only
finished 3rd in the
Schalke but also German football as a
Bundesliga, gaining
whole was Raúl, formerly of Real
them entry into next
Madrid. Upon leaving Real Madrid
seasons Champions
where he played continuously
League. The lure of
throughout his professional career, Raúl
European football
choose to sign for Schalke. This move
continues to progress
was hugely successful for both player
Schalke as they seek a Bundesliga title
and club as he became one of the key
which has thus far eluded them.
players and a fans favourite during his
to progress from the group stages of the Champions League, and then made it to the quarter-finals after beating Porto on penalties. The run was to end there as they were defeated by Barcelona in the last eight. 2006 brought real hope for the future of the club as they signed a sponsorship deal with Russian oil company Gazprom. This deal was to see Gazprom pledge investment of €125 million into the club. The past few years have seen several managerial changes at the club. Mirko Slomka was sacked as headcoach after a string of heavy defeats that included elimination from the Champions League. Fred Rutten was next to be given the hot seat however he too was dismissed after just one
Below: After dogs were released at an earlier fixture between Schalke and Dortmund, Schalke decided to up the stakes by borrowing a Lion from the local zoo
1. FC Nürnberg
JUBILÄUM 50 1. FC Nürnberg Profile
Club fans would like the Stadium named after club legend Max Morlock, However the club have so far ignored these pleas preferring to
use the naming rights as an income source
1. FC Nürnberg Profile Christopher Gallagher It s one of the most
Like most major European
significant cities in German,
cities, it takes pride in its
if not European history. It s
football team. The iconic
twinned with iconic towns like Prague, Venice and
FC Nürnberg or Der Club as its affectionately known is an important part of the
Glasgow. It s
city s makeup. An all-
located in
conquering force in the
Bavaria and
1920 s, it has found success
known for it s culture.... welcome to Nürnberg.
hard to come by in recent times.
Season 2011/12 saw Nürnberg finish in 10th position in the Bundesliga. Having flirted with European qualification throughout the campaign, they missed out by a mere six points. Der Ruhmreiche s current three season run in Germany s top division has seen them grow from relegation
1. FC Nürnberg
JUBILÄUM 50 1. FC Nürnberg Profile
BundesligaFootball candidates to mid table
in the third tier of German
when they adopted the
football in 1996, they set up
phrase "The club is an idiot"
a trust to assist and
which was coined by a local
The club is currently moving
represent their loyal
commentator after
in the right direction but
followers. Since 2000 the
Nürnberg were relegated
the supporters are well
club has employed a fan
from the Bundesliga in
aware they re never far
representative to liaise and
away from becoming relegation fodder once again. A run in the top division between 2004 and 2008 saw the club strengthen, earn
Former club president, michael A. Roth spent over 30 year on the board and in that time seen 15 coaches come and go.
two top ten finishes, win a trophy and qualify for Europe. It also saw them relegated at the end of the
keep a clear communication between the supporters
Demotion to 2.Bundesliga
and the club.
that year was bad enough but an investigation into
2007/08 season.
The fans are a huge part of what Nürnberg is all about. When the club was playing
Known for their self
financial improprieties lead
deprecating humour, fans
to the club being docked six
of The Club have seen it
points and a further
all. Their fun spirit can be
relegation, this time to the
summed up beautifully
third tier of German football.
Club At a Glance Founded 1900 Top Scorer Max Morlock 588 confirmed - est 700 Stadium Stadion Nürnberg 48548
Banishment to the Regionalliga Süd
took its toll on the
club but, with the help of the fans, they
regrouped and within two seasons were back in the top division. The last two decades have seen Nürnberg staggering their
1. FC Nürnberg
JUBILÄUM 50 1. FC Nürnberg Profile
BundesligaFootball time between the
The team celebrate their only Bundesliga victory. After which Manager Max Merkel decided to refresh the squad, a disastrous decision as the team were
Bundesliga and 2.Bundesliga, finding it incredibly difficult to consolidate in the top league.
Der Altmeister did consolidate themselves at the top of the tree in the 1920 s, winning five
three separate occasions
round of
national titles between
defeating Fortuna
matches, they would
1920 and 1932. It may
Düsseldorf in 1936 and
remain there until the end
have been six had it not
losing twice to Schalke in
of the season. It would be
been for the judgment
1934 and 1937.
Der Club s first Bundesliga trophy and their ninth
taken by the DFB to award Hamburg the 1922 title.
The formation of the
German national
Due to injury, the inability
Bundesliga saw Nürnberg
championship overall.
to make substitutions and
invited as part of
referee incompetence, the
the Oberliga
decision was made that as
Süd draft.
Nürnberg were down to
Initially they
seven men they couldn t
continue. The decision
was contested but the
nothing more
Bavarian club renounced
than a mid table
the title in the name of
team, struggling
to really assert
The 1930 s and early 40s was a
The euphoria of 1. FC Nürnberg have the dubious honour of being the only team to be relegated as defending Bundesliga champions and also as reigning DFB Pokal winners.
winning their first, and at this point only, Bundesliga title would be overshadowed a mere twelve months later when, as German
themselves but that
champions, FC Nürnberg
would all change in the
were relegated.
1967/68 season. A positive start to the
period that had In a remarkable campaign,
current Bundesliga
under the guidance of
campaign will likely be
Max Merkel, Nürnberg
taken with a pinch of salt
would be dominant.
by a very unique group of
their peers. Nürnberg
Sitting atop the
fans, so seldom seen in
would contest the final on
Bundesliga after the fifth
the modern game.
a dominant Schalke win the championship more than any of
Werder Bremen
JUBILÄUM 50 Werder Bremen
SV Werder Bremen - Klaus-Dieter Fischer Allan Edgar
From Top Left to Right: Head Coach Thomas Schaaf, fans celebrate the historic Double, players lift the DFB-Pokal, General manager Klaus Allofs,
Werder Bremen
and came on the 1,000th
enjoyed significant success
President talks to
anniversary of the city of
both at home and in
Bundesliga Football
Bremen in 1965.
Europe. Herr Fischer, who is now in his
about striving for success at Werder Bremen, but not at any cost.
Current club President
sixth decade
Klaus-Dieter Fischer kindly
with the club,
spoke to Bundesliga
Football about Werder s
evolution since the advent One of the most
of the Bundesliga. continued
prominent and consistent clubs in the Bundesliga,
Aside from an ultimately
Werder Bremen were the
productive one-year stint
second side to win a
in the second division in
Bundesliga title. The
1980/81, Werder have
success would be the first
been a mainstay of the
of four Bundesliga titles
Bundesliga and have
success to a number of factors, some of which may even frustrate the fans at the Weserstadion
Werder Bremen
JUBILÄUM 50 Werder Bremen
I think it is very important that Werder did not
reserved special praise and credit for the
take part the rapid economic development like
Herr Fischer
fans who have backed their side
some other clubs in the Bundesliga. We have
“I think it is very important that Werder did not take part the rapid economic development like some other clubs in the Bundesliga.”
continually in his reign as President.
never been trend-setters in this field, indeed, we reacted relatively late in this respect. That is partly because of the Hanseatic commercial behaviour that we have here in Bremen.
Fischer s assertions ring true in an era when
The fans always support the calm and reflective behaviour of Werder Bremen, even in difficult situations. You can see that in the situation we have at the moment. After two not- so-successful
Bundesliga clubs, particularly those with European
seasons, there are very few less fans backing the
endeavours, in the last decade can expect to see a
sustainable and substantial income. In the last ten years, Werder have spend approximately €137
When discussing consistency and Werder, Thomas
million on new players, averaging just over €14
Schaaf is seldom far from the discussion.
million each year. In the
Club At a Glance
same period though they have taken in around €160 million in transfer fees showing a positive balance between acquisitions and
Founded 1899
Whilst other clubs have taken significant risks in the same period (both with and without success), Werder have continued to
Top Scorer Marco Bode
Stadium 1
Weserstadion ! ! 42,500
remain a force in the Bundesliga; they finished runners-up to Bayern Munich in both 2005/06 and in 2007/08 and
At 51-years-old, Schaaf has spent a staggering 41 years with the club - his development and
narrowly missed out on UEFA Cup
footballing evolution has occurred exclusively with
success in 2008/09 to cash-rich
Werder. Fischer s praise for the current coach could
Shakhtar Donetsk.
not be higher.
Werder s hierarchy fully support the River Islanders push for domestic success but not at any cost and it is a policy which may frustrate some of their fans. Fischer however
He took over and established his quiet and meticulous way of coaching and as of yet, I cannot see any signs of fatigue.
Werder Bremen
JUBILÄUM 50 Werder Bremen
He always feels up for the
in the first-team. It is a
belief in unexpected success.
new challenges and he stays
decision which has perhaps
We call it
calm in critical situations.
gone on to define Werder
Miracles of the Weser ".
That is typical for Werder
Bremen in the preceding
Bremen as a club also.
quarter of a century.
Fans will cling on to the words of the
Schaaf brought the club
The story of Schaaf and
arguably its biggest success
sporting director Klaus Allofs
hoping for
when they won a domestic
goes a long way to defining
double in 2004, capturing
the modern Werder Bremen.
the Bundesliga title and the
In footballing terms though,
DFB-Pokal. The appointment
2004 will seem a long-time
of the second team coach
to the fans who visit the
Schaaf in 1999 was justified
Weserstadion each week
immediately but in 2004 the
and the current squad seems
coach affirmed his status as
ill-equipped to come close
one of the Werder greats.
such a feat again.
Fischer recalls Schaaf asking
Whilst their fifth Bundesliga
for a new contract in 1987
title seems a long way away,
and looking for an extra 500
Fischer retains faith in a
Deutsche Marks per month,
model that has served their
around £200 pounds, and
club well since the formation
Fischer agreeing on the basis
of the Bundesliga: We have
that he took charge of the
an expression here in
U-17 team as well as his role
Bremen that describes our
miracle in the near future.
When Werder won the double in 2004 they were only the third team to do so. Bayern München and Köln were the others. Dortmund joined the elite group in 2012.
Eintracht Braunschweig
JUBILÄUM 50 Eintracht Braunschweig
Left: The controversial & immensely talented Paul Breitner [C], Friedhelm Haebermann [L] & Uli Stielike [R] Below: The Eintracht Braunschweig squad pose with the salad bowl
Eintracht Braunschweig Allan Edgar Being only the fourth team to Eintracht Braunschweig are one
Bundesliga Football to take us a
of the founding members of
little deeper into the history of
Bundesliga and won the famous
the club.
salad bowl in 1967 - it would be their only top-flight title. It
win the Bundesliga, fans of the Lower-Saxony club proudly sing about the title-winning side at every match in the 67th minute
The memory of 1967 is very
remains to this day the clubs
prevalent but we have to
greatest achievement and is
remember that this success was
fondly remembered by their fans.
over 45 years ago Leppert said.
as a tribute. Clearly the shadow of that success looms large over the club and whilst they have not played in the top-tier since 1985, only recently
Just over 45 years since that momentous victory though, Eintracht ply their trade in 2. Bundesliga and have flirted with relegation to the Regionalliga in recent years. Eintracht Braunschweig historian and author of Ein roter Löwe auf der Brust (A red lion on the chest), Alex Leppert, spoke to
Eintracht Braunschweig
JUBILÄUM 50 Eintracht Braunschweig
BundesligaFootball have expectations been suitably
Bundesliga as 3. Liga champions
to develop these players and
in 2010/11. A respectable 8th
make them into 2. Bundesliga
finish upon their return to 2.
Just as important a date for the
Bundesliga suggests
future of the club though could
Lieberknecht is a promising
With an average age of 25.10 in
be May 31, 2008. The 2007/2008
coach at only 38.
the current first-team squad,
campaign of the Regionalliga was to be its final as the third-tier
Lieberknecht has clearly Leppert enthuses about the
assembled a side developing
of German football with
organically - it is the
the introduction of 3.
only way a club like
Liga from 2008/09. The
Braunschweig can
top two sides from the
attempt to
league would be
compete as they
promoted to 2.
have watched the
Bundesliga. Clubs
likes of 1899
finishing 11th - 19th
Hoffenheim and
would be relegated to
fierce rivals
what would be the
Hannover 96 pass
fourth-tier of the
them by in their
league system.
charge to the Bundesliga.
Braunschweig managed to finish 10th, a mere three goals separating them
Eintracht haven t Eintracht Braunschweig squad displaying their new team badge. The team swapped their lion logo for the Jägermeister stag for a reported 100,000 marks in 1973
from 1. FC Magdeburg who would face relegation. Winning two of their final three matches, new coach Torsten Lieberknecht (who had
club from straying into the fourth-division for the first time in their history.
Braunschweig have improved year-on-year under Lieberknecht finishing 13th, 4th and then finally being promoted to 2.
whilst Hoffenheim,
ethos in which the current regime at The Lions now operate with the emphasis upon developing players.
under benefactor Dietmarr Hopp, have spent around €70
In the recent years, our players had to come from the Bundesliga or have played there before. They were expensive but they were not particularly good. Since 2008
Since those tense final days,
for a player under the current coach
just been promoted as under-19 coach), had spared the historic
paid a transfer fee
though, we have a new way. Now we look for free players or cheaper players, sometimes from the fifth league where nobody knows them. Lieberknecht looks
million in the same period. Despite the clear disparity in financial might and Hoffenheim s top-tier status, both clubs
Eintracht Braunschweig
JUBILÄUM 50 Eintracht Braunschweig
have similar attendances with
Club At a Glance
the Red Lions attracting around 25,000 each home-match in 2. Bundesliga. Hoffenheim can expect an average of 28,000 per week at the Rhein-Neckar Arena in the small town of Sinsheim.
Clearly this difference between the two sides is a concern for fans of Eintracht as they fear a growing gap in finances between
Founded 1895 Top Scorer Ronald Worm
Stadium Eintracht-Stadion 25540
Bundesliga and 2. Bundesliga sides and even between the top and bottom half of the Bundesliga.
Whilst Eintracht fans will never forget their glorious past, they are clearly recalibrating their
Dynamo Berlin and FC Kaiserslautern, Eigendorf opted
Eintracht are a club that have
not to return to the East and
been through testing times on
instead remained in the West
and off the field, and at times
where he would play in the
flirted with the relative
Bundesliga with Kaiserslautern.
anonymity of the Regionalliga
expectations and success is now measured in relative terms.
Eintracht s history though, like many other German clubs, carries with it the scars of a turbulent
and financial ruin. Under their The defection was particularly
current coach though The Lions
embarrassing to the GDR and
look a side comfortable with
particularly their Ministry for
making small steps in the right
State Security who were so
direction that leave them with a
closely linked with Dynamo
sustainable long-term future.
Berlin. In 1983, after only eight games for Eintracht, Eigendorf
Whilst they look back to their
was killed in a driving collision.
glory days in the formative years
20th Century. In 1982, midfielder Lutz Eigendorf would join Braunschweig but only a year later he would die in suspicious circumstances.
In March 1979, Eigendorf defected from the East to the West. After a friendly between
in the Bundesliga and the bigHeribert Schwan s 2000
names signings such as Paul
documentary The long arm of
Breitner from Real Madrid in
the Stasi and the fall of Lutz
1977, the current coach is a
Eigendorf and the 2010 court
sobering influence not only on
testimony by Karl-Heinz Felgner
the clubs hierarchy but also,
certainly suggest that Eigendorf s
crucially, the legions of Eintracht
death could have been
fans who revel in their former
orchestrated by the Stasi
however this has never been proven.
Ottmar Hitzfeld
JUBILÄUM 50 Ottmar Hitzfeld
Left: Ottmar Hitzfeld Below: Paul Lambert Lifts the UEFA Champions League Trophy
Ottmar Hitzfeld talks to Bundesliga Football Ross Dunbar The mantlepiece in the Hitzfeld
Hitzfeld's old clubs - dominating
tell them what do you no. They
household boats some of the best
the Bundesliga landscape. The 63-
know enough.
honours in world football. In nearly
year-old coach knows how much
seven-and-a-half years in Bavaria,
of blow finishing second for two
he won five Bundesliga
seasons running will be.
championships, three DFB Pokal
Apart from that, they have already got a very skillful Swiss national team player
cups and a Champions League
Speaking exclusively to Bundesliga
winners medal.
Football, he said: It is very hard for
And of course, the
this club to end up with no title.
Swiss international
During his first spell in Munich,
They could have won 3 of them ‒
mentioned by the
between 1998 and 2004, Hitzfeld
the Bundesliga, DFB Pokal and
experienced coach
created a super-power in German
UEFA Champions League. At the
is the young,
football and the legacy of his
end, the success wasn't there and
mentally-strong, self-confident
the disappointment huge - since
Xherdan Shaqiri, who
sides are still felt in Munich to this
Bayern is obliged to win at least to
will bring a refreshing
win one title in a year.
option for Jupp Heynckes next season.
But in recent seasons, success has
When asked about how FC Bayern
evaded the 22-time German
should improve for next season, he
However, one of Hitzfeld's best
champions, with a new-look
added: Yet, it is not up to me to
imports whilst at Borussia
Borussia Dortmund - one of
Dortmund was Scottish midfielder
Ottmar Hitzfeld
JUBILÄUM 50 Ottmar Hitzfeld
BundesligaFootball Paul Lambert who helped Die
mates in the dressing rooms,
host of other awards, including,
Borussen to become Champions
taking care of both young players
World Coach of the Year on two
League winners in 1997. The
and those who played under the
occasions, FC Bayern's greatest-
Baden-born coach led the club to
ever coach, UEFA Coach of the
two Bundesliga trophies in the 1990s, as well as, the 1996-97
Year and German Football Coach He was what I call a 100%
Champions League, won in his
of the Year.
future home in Munich.
And despite collecting a plethora Hitzfeld is joined in a select camp
of honours in Germany, Hitzfeld
He was impressed by Lambert
of Dortmund coaches to win back-
feels his successes in Switzerland
during Motherwell's UEFA Cup
to-back titles by current coach
were just as important in his early
clash with Dortmund in 1994-1995
Jurgen Klopp. The 44-year-old
development as a coach.
and just 12 months later, Hitzfeld
secured the club's first title in nine
pulled out all the stops to sign the
seasons before clinching their first-
"Yes, of course, these wins are very
ever double-winning triumph. The
important for any team manager.",
Champions LeagueLambert spent 12
he said.
winning coach is
months in Germany before returning to Scotland with Celtic but he made a telling impact, winning the
"That year in Germany changed my life forever and for the better, and I'll always be grateful for what they did."
Champions League and the Bundesliga in
impressed by what
"However, I do not like listing titles
Klopp has achieved at
in some sort of a top chart. When I
Dortmund over the last
started my career as a team
four years.
manager in the early 80's I gave myself five years to settle in this
He added: They have
Paul Lambert
the same season. His
done very, very well indeed in the
"Lucky enough, I was able to win a
former coach in Dortmund, who
championship. They may have
title with my first ever team Zug,
spent most of his playing career
taken advantage of an early drop
then a title with my second team
with FC Basel and VfB Stuttgart,
out in the UEFA Champions
Aarau, then I could move to the
believes Lambert played an
League, whereas Bayern kept
famous Grasshopper Club in
essential, and under-rated, role in
going on to the final and being
Zurich. So these first wins with
his Champions League-winning
part of three competitions.
small clubs in Switzerland are very
important ones, too." As expectations grow in times of
Being a player, he used to think as a team manager. , he noted.
success Dortmund need to do better on the international carpet, whereas Bayern have got used to it. In the Bundesliga, though, the
Teams Managed SC Zug
those teams again, I am sure. And
FC Aarau
has been
remember, FC Bayern have always
Grasshopper Club Zürich 1988–1991
successful since
given good answers to questions
Borussia Dortmund
he became a
like yours.
Bayern Munich
Between Dortmund and Bayern,
Bayern Munich
Hitzfeld won 16 major honours in
So it is no
way to the victory leads across
surprise that he
coach now. He was a leader on the pitch and outside of it, speaking to his team
German football and racked up a
JUBILÄUM 50 1. FC Kaiserslautern
1. FC Kaiserslautern
1. FC Kaiserslautern Profile Christopher Gallagher Originally playing in the
legendary forward spent
were one of the big
Oberliga Südwest from
his entire career at the
players in German football
1945 until the formation of
club scoring a remarkable
with admittance to the
the Bundesliga in 1963, FC
380 goals in 411
Bundesliga guaranteed in
Kaiserslautern were
appearances. The
crowned champions of the
Kaiserslautern native is
German Southwest league
held in such high regard
Having dominated
on 11 different occasions.
by the club, the stadium
their regional league
The Rhineland-Palatinate
now bears his name. The
so overwhelmingly,
club would go on to lift
Hero of Berne never got
would Kaiserslautern
n a t i o n a l championship twice during this period, in 1950/51 and 1952/53.
The club’s top Goal scorer, Fritz Wlater, didn’t have the opportunity to play in the Bundesliga
the opportunity to
find the same success
on a national level? Sadly
for them the answer is no.
retiring before its
In fact it would be several
decades before the club
from Germany s South The Bundesliga
West would win another
The spirit of Die
Roten Teufel throughout
their regional days could
remarkable 11 titles from a
The 1960 s saw
be summed up by one
possible 18 in the Oberliga
man, Fritz Walter. The
Südwest, Kaiserslautern
struggle in the
Below: Westkurve Kaiserslautern
1. FC Kaiserslautern
JUBILÄUM 50 1. FC Kaiserslautern
Bundesliga with their only
defending champions Bayern
consequential drop to 2.
notable performance coming
Munich, put them top of the
Bundesliga followed. In what
in the 1966/67 season, securing
Bundesliga, a position they
was a bitter sweet season for
a top five finish. The 1970s and
would hold until the end of the
the side, they also lifted the
80s saw the club finish mainly
DFB Pokal for the second time
in mid-table in Germany s top
in their history, defeating
flight but they did have success
It was an exceptional title
Karlsruher SC by a single goal
in the DFB Pokal, making it to
triumph for a club that hadn t
in the final.
the final in 1972, 1976 and
tasted championship success
1981. Sadly they were on the
since 1953. The Kaiserslautern
Starting life in 2.Bundesliga in
losing side on each occasion.
fans, renowned for their
September 1996, no one could
knowledge and passion for the
have predicted they would be
The 90 s would start with a
game, could only dream of
crowned German champions at
bang for the club, as the
such success.
the end of the following
1990/91 season heralded their first ever Bundesliga title
season. In an unprecedented The Highs and Lows
feat, new manager Otto
victory. The previous campaign
saw the club win the DFB cup,
Having competed in the
Kaiserslautern to promotion to
yet avoid relegation by a mere
Bundesliga since its inception
the Bundesliga before winning
point. With no expectation
in 1963, Kaiserslautern were
the title itself.
on their shoulders a great
part of an elite group that had
start to the 1990/91
never experienced relegation.
In a squad which included
championship was
However, in 1996 that all
Swiss midfield maestro Ciriaco
compounded in March
changed when they finished
Sforza, Bulgarian international
when a victory over
16 th in the table and the
Marian Hristov and veteran Andreas Brehme, the quality of the players was balanced by
Club At a Glance
Rehhagel s
Offensive or controlled attack approach. The club lost only
Founded 1900
four matches all season,
2 Top Scorer Fritz Walter
Stadium Fritz-Walter-Stadion 49,780
remaining top of the table on 32 out of the 34 match days. On their return to the
Bundesliga they were crowned champions making history in the process.
The "Westkurve" section of the Fritz-Walter-Stadion was said
1. FC Kaiserslautern
JUBILÄUM 50 1. FC Kaiserslautern
to be comparable to the
shortfall in television
An uninspiring push for
Kop at Anfield throughout
revenue due to the
the season, as the fans
collapse of KirchMedia, as
Kaiserslautern languish in
took on the role of the
well as a cost spiralling
the second division for
team s eleventh man. The
renovation of the Franz-
three years, until the
electrifying atmosphere
Walter-Stadion in
2009/10 season when they
generated by the
preparation for the 2006
gained automatic
Kaiserslautern faithful
p r o m o t i o n .
helped the team record
Kaiserslautern on the brink
Kaiserslautern s run in the
important victories against
of bankruptcy.
top division
Dortmund, Hamburg and Mönchengladbach on
A consortium took
their way to the title.
over the reigns at the club and in
The Cost of Success
order to relieve some
lasted only two
The Fritz-Walter-Stadion was originally called Sportplatz Betzenberg and is built upon Betzenberg Hill, hence its nickname "Betze". The name change took place along with renovations in the mid 1980’s
seasons; they now
themselves facing life in
The Bundesliga winning
financial burden,
season of 1997/98 has
sold the stadium to a
to an abysmal showing
become a distant memory
specially-created company
in 2011/12.
to the fans of the club, as
in which the city, the
they have never hit those
regional government of
heady heights again. The
Rheinland-Phalz and local
Kaiserslautern fans
following campaign the
banks would take shares.
can again only
The Red Devils competed
In a further move to raise
dream of being one of
in the Champions League,
funds the club sold the
Germany s top side, they
making it as far as the
transfer rights of Miroslav
need only to look back on
quarter-final stage before
Klose to the regional
the glorious 1990/91
being humbled by
branch of lottery company
campaign for inspiration.
compatriots Bayern
Lotto, for €5 million.
For the moment though, 2.
Munich by six clear goals on aggregate.
once more due
Bundesliga is The Red The perilous financial
Devils reality.
situation took its toll on The departure of Otto
the team with the quality
Rehhagel in 2000, as well
of player being recruited
as some key players, would
dropping significantly. The
see the Rhineland-
fears of the fans were
Palatinate club start a slide
recognised as the club was
down the Bundesliga table
relegated from the
from which they wouldn t
Bundesliga at the end of
recover. To add to the
the 2005/06 season.
woes on the field, a
Fritz Walter with the world cup after the Miracle of Berne
Marco Haber
JUBILÄUM 50 Marco Haber
Marco Haber talks Kaiserslautern Christopher Gallagher
The ‘91 Kaiserslautern squad celebrate their victory
Marco Haber spent six years with Kaiserslautern from 1989 till 1995. During his time at Die roten Teufel the Grünstadt native won the Bundesliga title and the DFB Pokal. The former German International is currently team manager at The Red Devils and looks back at his playing days with the club affectionately.
Bundesliga Football: What is your fondest memory of your time at Kaiserslautern?
MH: In 1991 we won the German championship and our fans went totally nuts. Believe me, starting in Cologne where we won the last match, during the long ride home and then for more than a week, it was like the worlds biggest party in one of the smallest football towns. Bundesliga Football: The Kaiserslautern fans are notoriously passionate, what was it like playing in front of the famous Westcurve? MH: I was born close to Kaiserslautern and played for the club s
Marco Haber
JUBILÄUM 50 Marco Haber
youth teams. As a young guy I myself was one of the spectators on the Westkurve. It is like a natural force to play in front of them and as a player you sometimes feel a push of energy rushing through your veins anytime the crowd is extremely passionate. Bundesliga Football: What players did you enjoy playing with most during your time at the club? MH: I enjoyed playing with many players but not one in particular. We always played as a team and were successful as a team. This is what FCK is famous for, being a real team and fighting until the very end. Bundesliga Football: Having won the Bundesliga in the 1997/98 season and then playing in the Champions League the following campaign, can you ever see theclub hitting those heights again? MH: To be honest, football has changed an awful lot and the business side of the game becomes more and more dependent on money and economic factors. We are in a very good position, due to the fact that we modernised the club down to the core, but to be as successful as we were years ago? I don't see it in the near future. Bundesliga Football: The 2011/12 season saw Kaiserslautern relegated to the2.Bundesliga. How equipped are the club to regain promotion to theGerman top flight? MH: We have done our homework and are going to fight for promotion. Bundesliga Football: The upcoming season will be the Bundesliga's 50th anniversary, how do you think it compares to Europe s other top leagues? MH: If you take a close look at the Bundesliga, you'll see that it s the most professional, most successful, most attractive and most competitive league in Europe an football and possibly the world. Maybe the Bundesliga doesn't have the worlds greatest players in it but the stadiums are class A and nowhere else are so many spectators attending the matches. Even with the recent economic downturn, the Marco as coach [above] and in his playing days [right]
Bundesliga is prospering.
BundesligaFootball - Marco Haber- Christopher Gallagher
Karlsruher SC
JUBILÄUM 50 Karlsruher SC
Karlsruher SC - Sean Dundee Allan Edgar
15,343, the club attracted
The 1990 s is perhaps one of
Karlsruhe struggled in the first
the most fascinating eras in the
five years of the Bundesliga,
development of the modern
not managing any better than
Bundesliga; reunification of
a 13th place finish before
East and West re-introduced
being relegated to the
an old dynamic, the TV boom
Regionalliga Süd in 1967/68.
under Premiere Sports and
They would not return to the
success at both the 1990 World
Bundesliga until 1975 and
Cup and in Euro 1996 made
consistently dropped between
German football once again
the Bundesliga and the newly-
formed 2.Bundesliga before
an average gate of 28,833 in the 1994/95 campaign.
Sean Dundee joined Karlsruhe from TSF Ditzingen at the start of the 1995/96 campaign; the South-African forward spent 16 of his 17 years in professional football in Germany and spoke to Bundesliga Football about his time at Karlsruhe.
settling into a top-flight Despite being one of the
continuity under head coach
original members of the
Winfried Schäfer.
goals in 34 Bundesliga Süd games made him an attractive
league, Karlsruher SC (based in the south-
Karlsruhe s relative success in
west of Germany)
the mid-nineties Bundesliga
would make this era
may have been modest but by
their most successful
their current standards, it could
one after three
be defined as a golden-era.
decades in which they struggled to remain at the top-tier of the
professional game.
Dundee s prolific record of 24
Compared to last season s average attendance of
proposition to Karlsruhe but the forward was as excited by the move as his new employers.
As a young player playing for a team where one of my heroes played was a moment in my career I'll never forget. Before leaving South Africa I had
BundesligaFootball - Marco Haber- Christopher Gallagher
Karlsruher SC
JUBILÄUM 50 Karlsruher SC
BundesligaFootball pictures of Thomas Häßler on my
secured a seventh place finish in
fans a glimpse at the level
wall at home so going to
1996 and sixth in 1997 to
expected of top-
Karlsruhe then was a dream and I
secure European football
tier sides.
looked up to so many players
as well as suggesting a
that played there when I was
long-term stay in the
Dundee returned
there and learnt a lot.
to Karlsruhe in 2004 and began
Häßler joined Karlsruhe in 1994
Karlsruhe, though, were
after spells with Juventus and
unable to take their
to notice changes which Sean Dundee : “ ... football in Germany has got a lot better ..”
Roma in Serie A. The midfielder
momentum into the
he can see to this
was German Footballer of the
1997/98 campaign, in
year in 1989 and 1992, winning
which, a promising start
the 1990 World Cup before
did not continue and by March
somewhat surprisingly moving
1998, the club hero Schäfer was
to Karlsruhe in a record-deal in
relieved of his duties as the club
1994. The previous year,
hovered above the relegation
Germany has certainly got a lot
Karlsruhe reached the semi-finals
spots. The change in personnel,
better, the development of
of the UEFA Cup including a
though, would not herald a
young players is paying off and
stunning 7-0 aggregate win over
revival and the club were then
every season there are groups of
Valencia. Clearly, Karlsruhe were
relegated in 1998.
young players coming through
day in the German game
a team looking to define
and how it is viewed.
Well I see that football in
and doing well. Even in South
themselves as one of the top
Since that relegation in 1998,
Africa it's becoming very
sides in Germany.
Karlsruhe have spent 11 of the 15
popular, during the
subsequent years in the
Euros the amount of
Dundee would go on to score 33
2.Bundesliga with a brief two-
people that spoke
goals in 61 games for Karlsruhe
year spell in the Bundesliga again
about German
between 1995 and 1997. KSC
between 2007 and 2009, giving
football had increased since the
Club At a Glance
World Cup.
While German football as a
Founded 1894
whole is well-set to remain at the top of the game for the foreseeable future, the same
Top Scorer Emanuel Günther 139 Stadium Wildparkstadion 29,699
cannot be said for Karlsruhe. One
of the founding members of the league will look to return to the second-tier this year - the heights of the Bundesliga and glory nights in Europe now a distant memory.
Hertha BSC
Hertha in the Bundesliga - Instability to rely upon Ross Dunbar Hertha Berlin may not have been one
Hertha s timeline was postponed until
championship s with Tennis only two
of the top sides in the Bundesliga for a
sporting institutions were giving
triumphs coming in 1932 and 1941
few decades now but The Old Lady has a
permission to re-form in
rich history of triumphs to add to their
the late 1940s.
But, even though the
Before the Second World War, Hertha
war had concluded in
were by far the most successful team in
1945, Hertha s location in
Berlin with 12 Oberliga Berlin
the capital, when Berlin
championships and a further four Berlin
was split between the
Cup victories. The era of the Third Reich
Allied Forces meant there
and the years
of war meant that
against the dominant Old Lady.
The Olympiastadion was built for the 1936 summer Olympics and has been Hertha Berlin’s home since 1963
were significant political
The long-term dominance of Hertha BSC meant they were awarded entry to the newly-formed Bundesliga in 1963. After a spell of consistent football and success, Hertha s history
barriers that had to be hurdled in order to
faced another hurdle when they were
play football. The Blues found a sturdy
demoted from the top division in 1965
local opponent in Tennis Borussia Berlin
for bribing players to play in the hostile
when they were banned from competing
city, following the erection of the Berlin
against East German clubs in the 1950s.
Wall. Despite a return to the league in
Tennis Berlin collected a host of
1968-69, Hertha were involved in more
honours in the fifties including 16 Berlin-
controversy, as part of a match-fixing
Landespokal s which is a record, to this
scandal in 1971 where the sale of their
day. However, Hertha were still on top
former ground
when it came to Berlin league
Hertha BSC
raised enough finance to keep the club afloat. The seventies, though, brought
Club At a Glance
some of Hertha s greatest sides under the management of Georg Kessler and Kuno Klötzer, with four UEFA Intertoto Cup victories, a second-placed Bundesliga finish in 1975 and a place in two DFB
Founded 1892 Top Scorer Michael Preetz
Pokal finals, in the space of three years at the end of the decade. At the heart of this positive era were the likes of Erich Beer, Ludwig Müller, Norbert Nigbur and
Stadium The Olympiastadion 77,166
Karl-Heinz Granitza ‒ all of the former were voted into Hertha s Team of the Century in 2011.
and the club invested heavily in
New boss Jos Luhukay, who led FC
international stars, such as, Brazilian
Augsburg to the Bundesliga last season,
be continuous though. They spent much
attacking-midfielder Marcelinho. Jürgen
has been handed the task of leading
of the 1980s in the 2.Bundesliga with 13
Röber s tenure at the Berlin
Hertha back to the top-flight over the
of 17 seasons in the second division.
Olympiastadion took Hertha into the
next 12 months. The Old Lady have not
However, led by head coach Werner
UEFA Cup and in 1999, the UEFA
been shy in showing their ambition with
Fuchs, they returned to the Bundesliga in
Champions League where they faced
the likes of Sami Allagui, Ben Sahar and
1990, just months after the dramatic
Barcelona and Chelsea in the group
Sandro Wagner joining the club over the
events in the centre of Berlin. They
stages. Two of the current coaches in the
close season.
returned to a league where East German
Bundesliga, Huub Stevens and Lucien
sides were not playing against their
Favre, had successful stints in Berlin with
20 years in the second
Western counterparts.
the current Borussia Mönchengladbach
division since the
coach, Favre, leading Hertha to a fourth-
formation of the
place finish in 2009.
Bundesliga, this
Hertha s relative success would not
It was a brief stay in the league though as the romance of the capital side did not translate onto the pitch, they
Since then, Hertha have bounced
Having spent well-over
will be familiar
were relegated in the same season. Like
between the top and second divisions,
territory to the
many other clubs in Germany, Hertha
returning to the Bundesliga in 2011
most successful side
suffered some financial difficulties in the
under Markus Babbel and then dropping
from the German
mid-90 s and they plunged into 10m DM
back to the 2.Bundesliga this season,
capital. Berliner s can again
(around €5.10m) worth of debt before
following the controversial promotion/
look forward to a derby between
returning to the Bundesliga in 1997.
relegation play-off against Fortuna
Hertha BSC in the West and FC Union
Dusseldorf in May 2012.
Berlin in the East.
The millennium brought a change in direction and ambitions for The Old Lady
JUBILÄUM 50 SC Preußen Münster
SC Preußen Münster
SC Preußen Münster Christopher Boud
Münster fans eager for a look at the 100,00 mark line
Hundred-ThousandMark Line , a precursor to the likes of the Galácticos of Real Madrid. This was a forward five consisting of: right winger Felix Fiffi Gerritzen, Borussia Dortmund legend Alfred Adi Preißler, striker Rudolf Schulz, left wing Joseph "Jupp" Lammers and inside forward Siegfried "Sigi" Rachuba. Briefly included in the group was Altona 93 s impressive forward, Werner Erb. Erb Although known as
ranks with German
couldn t reproduce the
Die Adler (the Eagles),
Football tradition and
form he had shown for
at one time SC Preußen
decided to augment
the Hamburg club
Münster had a good
and improve the team
though and only
claim to Bayern
with the purchase of
managed four starts in
the year he spent with
München s now famous nickname, FC Hollywood. It was during Hollywood s own Golden Age that the Prussian club broke
The significant break
from amateurism
The Hundred
started in the 1940 s
Thousand Mark
under suspicion and by
moniker was an
1951 this spending
indicator of just how
resulted in the
valuable this all-star
formation of what
ensemble was, rather
became known as the
than actual cost to
JUBILÄUM 50 SC Preußen Münster
SC Preußen Münster
assemble the players. Bringing the stars of the day in what was still an amateur environment required some ingenuity on the behalf of the Prussian club s board; the player contract statute of the day meant players could be offered a maximum of 320DM a month including a 10 DM match-day bonus (around £458 today). Led by club chairman and engineering magnate Josef Granpa
Above: a ticket from one of Münster’s 1.Bundesliga games, a 0:2 defeat to Eintracht Braunsweig. Helmut Hosung and Hans-Georg Dulz scored in the 83rd and 87th minute respectively
Oevermann who had helped forge the Prussia-ring a group of local businessmen
change to SC Preußen Münster took place. The
willing to provide incentives for players to ply
club became the first team [along with their
their trade for Münster. The club supplemented
opponents] to have one of its games broadcast
incomes with rent-free, furnished flats and
live on German radio ‒ they played Arminia
offered to help provide future careers for players
by helping set up businesses, from painting companies to petrol stations. According to Adi Preißler (petrol station proprietor) they also received some additional benefits:
With the restructuring of German Football that took place under the Nazi regime, Preußen found themselves in the Gauliga Westfalen, one of the 16 topflight leagues that were created
"After the training we were given a bottle of milk
throughout the country. In what was an
and a sausage with potato salad.
indicator of their, soon to be, elevator-club status between 1933 and 1941 the club were
Innovative, controversial and initially successful, Münster were one of the greatest German front lines and managed to make it all the way to the national final in 1951 where a fantastic 1.FC Kaiserslautern defeated them. 107,000 spectators watched as Münster took the lead only to lose to a second half resurgence from a team that included five of the future Miracle of Bern team.
relegated twice. After the Second World War had ended they managed to return to the top flight to what was now the Oberliga West. The club s reemergence in the 1948-49 season tied into the teams period of
The final in Berlin s Olympiastadion was one of
spending. After impressive
the club s finest moments. They had humble
second and fourth place
beginnings, formed as FC Preußen in 1906 by a
finishes the club settled into a
group of students at Johann-Conrad-Schlaun
mid-table placing. To the delight of the club s
Grammar School. The team quickly tasted
supporters those results where enough for Die
success becoming Westphalia Champions in
Alter to be included in the inaugural Bundesliga.
1914 and again in 1921. It was in 1921 the name
pattern of
JUBILÄUM 50 SC Preußen Münster
SC Preußen Münster
That first season started reasonably well for
than one occasion during the 1970 s the club
Münster, the opening game of the league was
have spent most of their subsequent seasons
located in the Preußen-Stadion as Die Alter faced
moving between the second and third-tiers of
Hamburg SV. In another set of firsts, it was the first
German football. In 1994 the team lifted the now
ever-recorded Bundesliga match and also the
defunct German Amateur Championship, with a
only sell out of the first round. The match ended
1-0 victory over Kickers Offenbach.
in a one-all draw with Preußen striker Falk Dörr In their centenary year, 2006, the team had the
grabbing a late equaliser. Unfortunately for
misfortune to be relegated to Germany s fourth-
Münster fans the rest of the season was not so enjoyable; the team only managed seven victories
tier, the decisive defeat [a 2-1 reverse against Wuppertaler SV Borussia], took place on the very
that year and suffered a number of poor results
day of the association s 100th anniversary.
such as the return leg against Hamburg, where Preußen were destroyed 5-0. Finishing 15th in the
After that embarrassing event the club tried to
16 team league they shared the dishonour of
emulate the success of the 1951 Hundred-
relegation with 1. FC Saarbrücken. They do not
Thousand-Mark Line team by spending,
however share with anyone the dubious honour
relatively, big and bringing in players with
of being the only founding Bundesliga
experience of playing in the second and third-
member to have
tiers. It was an expensive failure as the team failed
played just one
to gain promotion. The board took a new
season in the
direction and installed the young Roger Schmidt
as head coach. Schmidt rejuvenated the side,
Although coming close to promotion to the Bundesliga on more
utilising younger, less expensive players. The team showed gradual but marked improvement and the board continued this trust in youth policy replacing Schmidt with Marc Fascher, and Fascher with Pavel Dotschew, both young managers who have continued
Club At a Glance Founded 1906 Top Scorer Siegfried Rachuba 97 Stadium Preußenstadion 15,050
Schmidt s good work at the club. Fascher gained the side promotion to 3.Bundesliga in the 2010-11 season and he and Dotschew managed to secure a
No Bundesliga, German Cup or European Trophies.
solid 12th place finish this season. SC Preußen Münster fans will hope that with continued hard work they may see their team once again grace the heights of the Bundesliga.
1. FC Saarbrücken
JUBILÄUM 50 1. FC Saarbrücken
Above: Tony Yeboah Left: FCS fan set off flares at SV Eintracht Trier 05
1.FC Saarbrücken Profile Ross Dunbar There is not a club, like 1.FC
War, 1.FC Saarbrücken returned ‒ but
representing the region in UEFA
Saarbrücken, who can symbolise the
in the French league system. With
Competitions and winning the
fractured nature of Germany s
Saarland still occupied by French
Ehrenliga in 1951.
political and football history.
forces until 1957, die Molschder had a
Saarbrücken is the capital of the
spell in the second division across the
Saarland state which lies precariously
The rest of Germany had been planning for the inception of the Bundesliga for a number of years, to on the German and French border with just over one million inhabitants
Progress was being made in mending in the region. broken relationships
replace the Although Saarbrücken won the French Ligue 2, they were denied entry to Ligue 1, possibly to avoid the embarrassment of having a German team win the French Championship
Before the First World War, Saarland
with the German FA
did not exist and the population was
but Saarland became
split between Prussia and Bavaria. It
an autonomous
did unify with the rest of the German
region, establishing
states in 1935 but was soon at the
their own FIFA membership and
heart of the struggles between the
competing in the Olympic Games and
two neighbouring countries in the
World Cup of 1952 and 1954,
1940 s.
respectively. At club level, Saarbrücken were obviously the
After being banned by the authorities in the late years of the Second World
dominant force in Saarland,
complex regional system that had been in place for nearly six decades.
Herrmann Neuberger was the influential figure in, not just the league s formation, but securing a place for Saarbrücken, amongst the
1. FC Saarbrücken
JUBILÄUM 50 1. FC Saarbrücken
BundesligaFootball 16 other clubs ‒ even though, they
Hamburg (3-2) in back-to-
were weaker than a number of other
back matches in March.
rivals from Saarland.
Roland Stegmeyer scored 35 Bundesliga goals in his
Despite being one of the founding career and netted four members, Saarbrücken s spells in the against the Bavarians in German top-flight have been limited, their home win. with just five seasons there since 1963. The club was relegated in the
Their following season in
first year of the Bundesliga, finishing
the Bundesliga would
bottom of the table after 30 league
eventually end in relegation
but many fans might have been content given that
Saarbrücken returned to the Bundesliga in 1970 s and spent two
Krafft s side defeated FC Bayern (2-1), Hamburg (2-1) seasons under the stewardship of and Schalke (2-1). Manfred Krafft. In 1976/77, they Germany vs Saarland Program
After a short spell in the Amateur
provincial German
Oberliga s, Saarbrücken returned to
clubs. They failed to
the end of the
the Bundesliga for two more spells in
meet the DFB s
campaign. Although,
1986 but dropped back to the second
division in tame fashion. Having been
requirements in 1995 and were forced
up some
relegated in 1993 from the Bundesliga
to drop back into the regional leagues
in their most-recent period in the top-
which proved to be an immense blow
flight, Saarbrücken plunged into a
for the club.
survived by just a few points, finishing in 15th place at
Saarbrücken did pick
victories, hammering FC Bayern (6-1) and
financial crisis, like many other
They have yo-yoed between the 2.Bundesliga and Regional Divisions
Club At a Glance Founded 1903 Top Scorer Herbert Martin 253
for the last two decades, spending four years in the second-tier, including an eighth-place finish in 2001. The introduction of the 3.Liga came as a welcome boost for die
No Bundesliga, DFB Pokal or Major European Trophies.
Molschder who have become a solid mid-table side in the third-tier since 2010. That said, in their first campaign
Stadium Ludwigsparkstadion 35303
in the 3.Liga, they finished in an excellent sixth but fell another four places at the end of the following season.
JUBILÄUM 50 The Future of the Bundesliga
The Future of the Bundesliga
The Future of the Bundesliga Allan Edgar whole reality. Last year, there were a number of In our own short-time covering the Bundesliga, we have been continually reminded by our readers and listeners of the strengths of the German model of
protests by different sets of top-flight supporters to defend the affordable pricing structure offered by clubs.
football. Fans of both Borussia Dortmund and Hamburger SV It is easy to see why; the regularly cited benefits including a more fan-orientated, cost-effective and welcoming environment for the fans. There is a real feeling amongst football fans in other parts of Europe, most notably for us in the UK, that we are merely consumers.
With such vocal support from beyond the borders it is easy to be swept up in the idea of a Utopian football structure and league. That however is not the
were appalled at the ticket hikes, of up to 54% percent, for their match at the Imtech Arena last season. Fan-backing is vital to the clubs even although ticket sales are not quite as lucrative as they are to their European counterparts.
Should the primacy of the fan in the Bundesliga pyramid be altered, they key difference between
The Future of the Bundesliga
BundesligaFootball German football and other
JUBILÄUM 50 The Future of the Bundesliga
European leagues may well be blurred. An average of 44,293 fans attended each Bundesliga match last-year, the closest competitor in Europe was the
Logo of the The ‘Kein Zwanni‘ Protest - no to €20 campaign
English Premier League with an average of 34,601 at each match. The last trophy for the German Whilst Bundesliga clubs are now run on a more sustainable business, it is a continual fight
national side came at the 1996 European Championships, held in England. The impending era of UEFA s
between securing a long-term future and achieving success. Bundesliga coaches are as expendable as their peers in neighbouring leagues and are subject to the same pressures.
Since the dawn of the new millennium, German success in Europe has been sparse with
Although German sides have
Financial Fair Play (FFP) has
continually populated the
been largely welcomed by
latter stages of European
German clubs, feeling their
competition, it is an area which
relative prudence (against
they have been unable to excel
European counterparts) may
in. Spanish sides have won 10
now have a tangible and not
of 26 possible UEFA honours
just morale benefit.
(Champions League and UEFA/ Europa League) since 2000.
sceptical of the ability of UEFA Bayern s 2001 Champions League victory the only European trophy success. Since that success, Bayern have finished runners-up
Whilst many have been
That volume of success dwarfs
to enforce a level financial
what Bundesliga sides have
playing-field, the early signs
been able to achieve, relying
are perhaps encouraging. 23
heavily on the continuity of
clubs, including Europa League
Bayern Munich to maintain a
winners Atletico Madrid, had
German presence in the latter
prize money withheld as they
stages of Europe s premier
club competition, the Champions League.
twice whilst Bayer Leverkusen also lost out in the 2002 final. There have been UEFA Cup (and latterly Europa League) runners-up spots for both Borussia Dortmund and Werder Bremen since 2000.
Although the funding gap which may be required to achieve European success will need to be bridged somehow, fans groups will continue to fight to ensure they are not the only source.
The DFB Pokal
The Future of the Bundesliga
JUBILÄUM 50 The Future of the Bundesliga
Reus, Höwedes and Götze the young stars of Germany who promise a bright future failed to pay out important sums to other clubs, employees or national authorities. The development of the Bundesliga has not always Such a move appears to suggest that UEFA, on the
been as forward-thinking and productive as the last
face of it at least, are determined to impose more
decade but the fact that it is at that stage now
responsible financing upon clubs. Clubs will be able
suggests the Bundesliga s status as one of the most
to circumvent the rules, particularly the top-end
successful professional sports leagues in the world is
clubs but the new moves could possibly see an
aggregate improvement for German clubs who are, at least somewhat, better equipped to welcome the new climate.
Despite only now celebrating a 50th professional anniversary, German football could be described as a market-leader in a number of fields including structure, solvency and crucially, product.
English-Language Websites: •
English Podcasts: •
German-Language Websites: •
Books: •
Tor! ‒ Uli Hesse
Englischer Fussball ‒ Raphael Honigstein
Robert Enke: A Life Too Short ‒ Ronald Reng
Kicker Sonderheft ‒ 2012/2013