WANG Yifan Portfolio for MLA I

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for Havard GSD MLA I

Wang Yifan


Academic/2014/4th year studio Landscape Design and Planning Instructor Prof. Kongjian Yu, Peking University Coopertating with Hongru Cai on investigation, strategy discussion and texts; all pictures presented here are individual works.

GROWING COMMUNITY The site of this landscape architecture design is located in Xiyuhe Village, in the Nanshahe River basin. Based on several investigations on the village's morphological transmutation, a historical understanding was gradually formed, both environmental and functional. Since 2010, Xiyuhe became Arrival City for a large external population, the conscequence of which is the growing number of illegal constructions. According to this characteristic of land usage, this project demonstrates a self-organizing strategy for commune building — Growing Community. After taking the contrast of ecological carrying capacity of different areas, various residential density in the future are arranged in four stages. The anticipation of this project is to build a relationship of Comrades of the residences inside the community, by provide opportunities of space cooperation in the prefabricate mechanism. Through landscape and space design, I tried to appreciate the living picture of people in this site, and envisaged to assist them with their endeavour to blend themselves in to Beijing.


Functional Zoning

Annual Change of Housing Construction As a typical village at urban fringe, the Xiyuhe Village experiece a process of intensity increase within the boundary of the village. Using data from google earth, the process of housing construction can be retrived. A large number of illegal constrctions can be observed as the tiny blocks occupying the yards, most of which were rented by office workers in Zhongguancun, China's IT center.

Cultivated land Garden plots land Forest land Pasture land Transpotation land Water bodies others Residential/ industrial/ mining land

Site Issues & Themes on the Site Dating back from the angle of time series, we can see the activities on the site is always closely connected with the historical themes. Same information can be collected from interviews with residents. One of the most apparent increase of population happened around 2010. External population brought a new way to make living for the villagers, meanwhile, Xiyuhe Village became their Arrival City while they were edging their way to an urban life.

the Worse Surroundings

Spreading of Built Environment

Villages and Waterways

Affairs during Development

Regional Context

Population Alteration











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Analyzing Framework




Nansha River

Village Site


Comparison of housing construction Accumulation of Migrating Population

Income Change Village Annual

Vanishment of ditches and village expansion Change of lifestyle


Direction and Pressure of Urbanization

Expansion of Hardeland Lose of Local Character Deterioration of Life Quality

Planning Goals

Control urban Sprawl Leviate population pressure

Control Polluted water Water Resource Reserve



Achieve Low-Impact Development Transfer to "Arrival City"

Modes of Land Development in Different Intensity Accoriding to the overall plan, the whole area is divided into two categories, the un-utilized and utilized area. The first category is further classified into four types, each has different construction intensity. The second category concerns with conversion of current village to ecological use, through the method of density destruction. r nst










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The Arrival City Based on the previous discourse, the whole Nansha River region and Xiyuhe Village will be served as the first stop for new urban citizens. The side that play this role specifically is on the east side of the whole site, where the land will be developed from unutilized to middle/high density community.



Land Rehabilitation









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Land Rehabilitation


Land Rehabilitation



Spatial Cooperation The felxibility of community growth allow people to use space creatively, and makes cooperation between people possible. For example, a balcony could be shared for commercial uses among neighbor of up and down stairs.

Accessories & Funtional Units







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Anti-entropy System






A lot of accessories are disigned to be attached to the modules, including solar energy battery, windpower generator, stairs, lamps and chairs. Units of the same size can also be designed to take other functions like windpower generator, plantation or solar power battery.

De-characterized by Landscape Urbanism, any construction is considered as landscape in broader meaning. Botany, Energy & Road are designed as coopeartive spatial elements, providing access, support and regulation. They are also connected with underground to make sure the community is self-sustainable.


Overview Perspective The construction will generate public space without clear boundary, which provides the residents with bigger possiblity for communication. The outcome of the spatical cooperation will be a connected system attached to the outter layer of the architecture, e.g. roof and platforms shall be connected. These mechnism will form small groups of societies within which people have a tighter link and beneficial relations.










Phasing of Construction










Four phases of construction are design every five years, creating different landscape in each period: 1) 2) 3) 4)

Original residents are spread evenly; Co-centric development toward public center; Co-centric development in each blocks; Evenly distributed expansioon.






Growing Trend of the Block The phasing of the whole area can also be seen on the block scale. The range does not represent the actual construction of the housing, but rather a general trend of the growing.

phase I the original residents are separated on the site in an average and low density phase II aggregation towards the public center with huge service facilities.

phase III growing of the single blocks phase IV mature of the block as a self-supported community.


Unique Urban Experience The design is to show how landscape architecture can be a tool for regulation in utopian life. A small but ideal world is created in special form of physical environment. The urban experience here is a part of the so-called Meta Narration. Meta Narration reveals urban process as part of a bigger picture in local context. Flexibity of residential is achieved via precast module; design style faces the future. Simple rules can give rise to complicated phenomenon, producing intriguing results. Uncertain but predictable form, full of possibility, will be generate in the growing. Spatial currency, institutionalized media of spatial interaction, is adapeted. The mechinics is aimed to trigger accumulation of social capital by conflict, negoation and cooperation.


Academic/2015/Seminar Wie Wollen Wir Leben Instructor Prof. Hans Sebastian Von Bernuth, Architecture Institute, RWTH University, Germany


Individual work, with text Mis[t]ery written by Ali Jones, Churchill College, University of Cambridge, UK

CROSS ANNOTATION This project is part of the program Wie Wollen Wir Leben? (How do we want to live?) for students in Kolleg Europa Solidarisch Denken. Ali’s surrealistic poem is a criticism work aginst the delirious modernity. While reading this poem, I noticed the differences between the linear medias, such as poem and music, and non-linear medias, such as image and dancing. Some similar words or phrases appeared several times in the poem, whose imageries were enhanced by themselves, at the sametime, by the various contexts they encountered. This interesting situation produced two ways of understanding, both of which shared a relation of Cross Annotation with each other. This project visualized quite a few analogies and symbols in Ali’s profound literature, and let them met again in the image. Through this process, new meanings and metaphors were generated.


Linear Poem Phrases with similar meanings are connected. The power of metaphors here derives from language and cultural conventions, which makes literature understandable to some extent.


Linear Image Not only words, the imageries of same things just repeated in our minds when we are confronted with a linear media.


Non-linear Imagination A personal little world was created in the reader's mind, where the imageries are free to come across each other, and three-dimensional space is opened to imagination. Not only the repeated words are integrated as one, but these re-organized subjectis can creat new metaphors and meanings themselves associated others. Modern people are crushed by the racks of mechanism, falling into the digital ocean; golden birds, however, have found their way back to Jesus. Here's new criticisms and answers brought by imagination.


Academic/2015/M1 Project Wohnlaube Instructor Prof. ir. Wim van den Bergh, Lehrstuhl und Institut für Wohnbau und Grundlagen Architecture Institute, RWTH University, Germany


Individual work

MIRROR OF THE FOURFOLD Kleingarten, community garden in America, is one of the most typical things in German’s life, It is a plot of land made avilable for individual, non-commercial gardening or growing food plants. The site of this project is Seebach, a peaceful town in the Central Germany, which has gradually lost its attraction to young people because of its traditional living conditions. Considering this form of living resembles what Heidegger depicts in his “Building, Dwelling, Thinking”, a white serpentine corridor was design for Seebach. Walking in it, people recollect their memories of the essence of living. While the gardens of labouring share the Heterotopia metaphor with Foucault’s carpets, gardening people and visitors in the corridor can mirror through the glass walls, completing a two-way exhibiting and contemplating. The community gardens are obligated to open to public, that’s why this modern construction are anticipated to bring cultural vitality to the site, and at the same time, arouses the enthusiasm of getting back to the Earth of both dwellers and visitors.


Land Ownership as Local Historical Memories Land Ownership is invisible, which is, in this sense, similar to the philosophical relationship between dweller and the Earth. The inheritance and transaction of land effect the morphology of cities and towns, incluiding the shape of the roads, the area of the garden community, etc. M. R. G. Conzen did a detailed morphological study on English market town of Alnwick, and revealed this underlying human’s memory.

Plan of Kleingarten Community of Seebach

Land Ownership Map of Seebach

As for Seebach, this memory goes on in the subconsciousness of people, just like their sense of nature or living. What’s more, this type of memory is quite local, that can be only shared place-based.

Generating Diagram The corridor is composed by three main parts: shading roof (sky), walking floor (earth), and the spaces where the roof and floor are overlapped (human) which are enclosed as interior space for leisure and exhibiting.

Land ownership and site

Old Town of Alnwick in 1921, Conzen

20 ways of winding were taken into consideration and made comparison with each other. There were 4 principles controling the general shapes: 1) 2) 3) 4)

three possible conventional entrance on the left of site; make the most of the flat area; remove as few existing gardens as possible; keep the best line of view, Lombard line, with the largest altitude difference.

“Unfold” the Fourfold sketch 14

Plan 2000




Bird Eye View Besides roof, floor and interior space, there lies a circle waving up and down interacting with people, which is roof, floor and entertaining seat at the same time. Corridor in this shape keeps the longest and the most beautiful rows of gardens untouched. Meanwhile, exhibiting and leisure space on the heights of the hill provides visitors a fantastic view of the valley.

Site Effect


Vision View “Mortlas dwell in that they save the earth—taking the word in the old sense still known to Lessing. Saving does not only snatch something from a danger. To save properly means to set something free into its own essence. To save the earth is more than to exploit it or even wear it ou. Saving the earth does not master the earth and does not subjugate it, which is merely one step from boundless spoliation.” ——Buidling, Dwelling, Thinking, by Heidegger


The site of this Urban Design Studio located in the south gate of Yuanmingyuan Park (Old Summer Palace), which is a typical urban contradictory complex at the intersection of “Historical heritage – Urban village – City expressway”. This situation of supervision deficiency produced the intense sense of contrast. In this project, I assumed that Bernard Tschumi illustrate a “Old Summer Palace Transcripts”. Adopting Tschumi’s deconstrctivism perspective, I reexamine this place with special historical meanings and deconstructed this Lost Place. By rearranging the functional zonings of the site, this project attempted to mediate the negative contact between “Urban history – Urban Fringe – Urban infrastructure” by embedding active public space.

Academic/2013/3rd year studio Urban Design Instructor Prof. Tianxin Zhang, Peking University


Individual work



Site Plan

Old Summer Palace Transcripts 1—3

Old Summer Palace


Tsinghua High Sch

Peking Unviersi


Tsinghua Unviersity

Zhongguancun North Road


Old Summer Palace Transcripts 4—7


Function Zoning Generation

Bird Eye View The scattered results of deconstruction are combined with site’s decided function — a park for teenagers. The site is surrounded by three schools (two university and a high school), however, it has long been a Lost Place insulated from all dynamics. This deconstruction is both theoretical and functional. Because this area has long been drowned in the functional chaos, this intervene of totally novel activity can be an intense stimulation to it.


Scenarios of Activities


Competition/2014/ASLA Student Entry Instructor Prof. Bin Lu, Peking University


Cooperating with Yifu Liu on strategy discussion; all pictures presented here are individual works; all texts presented here were written by Liu.

CITY AS PLATFORM The project intents to facilitate rubbish treatment by re-organizing the traffic through Magezhuang Villiage, Beijing, utilizing the existing modules and units in the site. Dispersed transportation is organized moving rubbish outside and inside the site, which allows the system working as a flow line maximizing the efficiency and profitability of rubbish treatment and minimizing its Negative externalities. The concept of “sharing with efficiency” provides a unique paradigm of urbanization in a fast developing China. China is undergoing drastic urbanization. With the experience from other parts of the world, we know urbanization sometimes can be wasteful and inefficient. With the giant population, China cannot afford to waste. The design is deeply rooted in Chinese reality, with the consideration of public ownership and the big government. Michael Speaks defines “Design Intelligence” as “Practices [that] allow for a greater degree of innovation because they encourage opportunism and risk-taking rather than problem solving.” We hope the project can be a start of creative designs that creates a new China, instead of another version of America.


Locational Analysis & Necessity of Design Rubbish is besieging Beijing City. It has been a serious problem for great cities, but for Magezhuang Village, an industrialized village in suburb Beijing, it is the opportunity. Magezhuang Village is located in East Beijing, 19 kilometers (12 miles) to Tian’anmen Square. It is adjacent to Gao’antun Landfill and Rubbish Treatment, which treats approximately 10% rubbish from the city of Beijing. Because of the proximity, the rubbish recycling industry has gradually grown in the village. With the central government introduced the plan for “Newtype Urbanization”, China is stepping into a stage of fast urbanization. Megezhuang Village, as a village near the capital, is doomed into the urbanization process. Thus, creative design is in need to avoid the negative consequences that happened in history, such as homogeneity, inorganization, and inefficiency.


ROUTE 1 Organic and Unrecyclable Material

Circulation External traffic: Trucks carry raw materials into the site. After several times of unloading and loading, they exit fully loaded, and head to next destination. Carrying idler is controlled to a minimal level through the process.

Zone 1 – Zone 2 – Zone 1 – Incinerator & Landfill

ROUTE 2 Bulky Waste Zone 1 – Zone 2 – Zone 3 – Zone 6

ROUTE 3 Metal, Glass, Plastic & Fabric

Internal traffic: three scale of traffic are happening in the site:

Zone 1 - Zone 2 – Zone 4 – Zone 3 – Zone 5 – Zone 6

Site Scale: material between different zones are delivered by external trucks in containers. Trucks go between decks to load and unload. Three routes are provided according to different processes; Zonal scale: racks are raised to transport goods inside each zone. They circulate through different groups in order to deliver containers between groups and decks; Group scale: materials are circulated in bulk with transfer belts, allowing manual sorting and processing. Belts are constructed according to the original texture without destroying the old building.




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Conveyor Belt Material in Bulk Circular or Flexible

Transporting Rack Contained Material Flexible


Bird Eye View


Arena of Ceremony Academic/2013/2nd year studio Architecture Design and Site Plan Instructor Prof. Fang Wang, Peking University Individual work

Result of study and design following Tadao Ando.



The “Gnomon�


Competition/2014/Entry of VELUX

Invitation/2014/Drama Memorial Independent Art Festival

Instructor: Prof. Tianxin Zhang

Cooperating with CHUIPU Society

Cooperating with Tairan An, Hongru Cai

Bringing the interests of time to Beijing's CBD public space.

Exhibition of Art Experiences Academic/2015/Seminar Michelangelo: Inspiration and Reconsidering

Completing this paper-and-light-based installation featuring the theme A Libation.

Logo & Cover Design for CHUIPU Society

Poster Design & Painting

Individual work/2015, consulted by CHUIPU Society

Designing poster for Prof. Meng Li's Francis Fukuyama symposium; Pencil Sketch of David of Michelangelo.

Individual work/2015

Instructor: Prof. Andreas Gormans Individual work

Rearranging the artworks of Michelangelo's followers chronologically based on the logic of Sistine Chapel.


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