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Corrugated FFG Printing Cylinders
Whenitcomestomagneticprintingcylinders,nobodyelsecanofferthewidevariationsofsizes, designs,andfeaturesthatBUNTINGcan. Ourrangeextendsfrommassive144”widejumboflexo printcylindersforcorrugatedFFG’sprintingcorrugatedsheets,tosmall2”widedryoffsetmagnetic cylinders for printing on egg cartons. Every printing cylinder manufactured by BUNTING is a custom job. Every custom job starts with our inside sales team reviewing everything from dimensions, to material requirements, to packaging and shipping. Our design engineers then create a technical drawing with dimensions and tolerances for yourspecificcylinderrequirements. Oncethejobisapproved,ourmanufacturingengineers,job schedulersandpurchasingpersonnelprocessthejobtogetittoourmanufacturingfloorquicklyand accurately.
BUNTINGdevelopedthefirstmagneticcylinderforcorrugatedprintingoninlineflexofoldergluers (FFGs) back in the 1970s working with RR Donnelley. Since then, Bunting has made more magnetic cylinders for FFGs than any other company. Today, we are the last remaining manufacturer with the scope of product knowledge required to make these behemoth cylinders on a regular base.
Ranging in size from 144” in length and 24” in diameter down to approximately 60” in length and 8” in diameter, the FFG cylinder has recently made dramatic returns to the marketplace. The transition from one-color jobs to 6-color jobs reduced demand for the magnetic FFG cylinderduetodifficultyintryingtoregistermultiplemagneticcylinders. Recent returns to one-color jobs for online order shipping (think Amazon shipping boxes) has brought new life to the use of the magnetic cylinder.