2016 - 2017
Guide to Greek Life
Digging Deeper into Greek Life A Note From the StafF: Considering membership in one of our Greek organizations will provide you with the opportunity to learn how these organizations can help you excel as a student at Baylor University. Whether it is through academics, leadership, service, friendship, or spiritual growth, being Greek at Baylor offers a unique opportunity to succeed. Joining a Greek organization is one of the most significant experiences offered to a college student. It is our hope that you enjoy your experiences as you explore Greek Life and take advantage of the Greek community. Greek Life is a valuable and respected part of campus life across the nation. Many of our key administrators and faculty members are alumni of the Greek community. Membership provides you with a unique challenge for personal growth, so take full advantage of it! Remember to utilize the resources of the governing councils or the Greek Life staff if you have any questions. We look forward to meeting you soon as a member of our Greek community! For more information, visit www.baylor.edu/greeklife. Sincerely,
The Greek Life Staff “Baylor Greek Life”
Scholastic Achievement • • •
Research shows students who belong to a Greek organization are more likely to graduate from college. At Baylor, the All-Greek GPA is consistently higher than the All-University GPA. In 2015, the All-Greek GPA was 3.35 and over 70 members maintained a cumulative 4.0 GPA.
Brotherhood Sisterhood • • •
Spiritual Growth • • •
As a member of one of our Greek organizations, you will find a place to grow in your faith throughout your college career. Baylor Greeks are active in various churches in the Waco community. Many Greek members participate in mission trips to other parts of the country and world, as well as small groups within their indvidual chapter or church.
The friendships our members make within their chapter last a lifetime. Brotherhood and sisterhood are bonds of unity and friendship unique to the Greek community. By becoming a member of a fraternity or sorority, many experience an easier transition to college and gain a “home away from home”.
Service & Philanthropy • •
Many of the Greek organizations host All-University events to help raise awareness and support for their philanthropies. Going Greek affords members the opportunity to get involved with the surrounding community through chapter-sponsored activities as well as individual or small group activities. Greek organizations at Baylor anually contributes hours of service to the community and money to local and national charities.
Leadership •
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Within each chapter, members have a chance to assume a wide variety of leadership roles ranging from treasurer, to recruitment chair, to intramural chair, and even president. Each chapter provides resources for members to develop as leaders through educational programming. Many serve as leaders in an array of campus organizations from Student Government and Hispanic Student Association to Baylor Religious Hour Choir and Student Foundation.
Questions WHEN CAN I JOIN? Baylor policy states that, a student must have completed 12 Baylor hours and earned a 2.67 cumulative GPA to join a fraternity or sorority. However, many organizations require potential new members to have a higher GPA to join their individual chapter. GPA’s are calculated as an exact number and do not round up.
What if I’m a transfer student? A student is classified as a transfer during their first semester at Baylor if he or she has attended a college or university during the fall or spring semester after high school graduation. If the only college work completed is dual credit or advanced placement, the student is not considered a transfer. Transfer grades are evaluated based on academic transcripts from the previous instution, not the credits that transfered to Baylor. In order to join during his or her first semester, a transfer student must obtain a minimum of 24 hours and a GPA of 3.0 or above. Grades are not rounded up in determining eligibility.
Interfraternity Council Alpha Tau Omega Beta Theta Pi Delta Tau Delta Kappa Alpha Kappa Sigma Lambda Phi Epsilon Phi Gamma Delta Phi Iota Alpha Pi Kappa Phi Sigma Chi Sigma Phi Epsilon Tau Kappa Epsilon
The Interfraternity Council (IFC) is the governing and representative body for the inter/nationally affiliated fraternities that commonly associate with this council. These organizations are dedicated to leadership development, academic achievement, brotherhood, and service to the Baylor and Waco communities. Some activities of these groups include intramural sports, All-University Sing, the Homecoming parade, Steppin’ Out, philanthropy events, mixers, take-a-dates, formals, and community service projects.
How to join and what to look for: • • • •
Any first year or transfer student can start looking for IFC recruitment information throughout campus in the fall and spring. Any interested man should be sure to register for recruitment at the beginning of the semester they are eligible. Each fraternity has a different selection process, so students should familiarize themselves with each. For more information, visit www.baylor.edu/greeklife. For chapter & council updates be sure to check each group’s Connect portal.
Multicultural Greek Council The Multicultural Greek Council (MGC) was created to encourage community service and philanthropy, support high academic standards, develop campus community leaders, and to educate all Baylor students about the importance of diversity. The council is comprised of six sororities and three fraternities. MGC strives to unite its member organizations in order to share ideas and resources, promote mutual respect and equality, and provide a support network for involved students.
How to join and what to look for: • •
Students can explore interest by attending recruitment and information events such as MGC Showcase at the beginning of each semester. MGC organizations have their own recruitment weeks, intrested men or women should keep an eye out for MGC Recruitment Week announcements on the Baylor Horizon or through marketing on campus. Attending events like Mosaic Mixer, Late Night, and multicultural organization mixers, all held at the beginning of the semester, will put students in contact with many groups within MGC. For more information, visit www.baylor.edu/greeklife. For chapter & council updates be sure to check each group’s Connect portal.
alpha Kappa Delta Phi Beta Kappa Gamma Delta Epsilon Psi Delta Kappa Delta Gamma Alpha Omega Kappa Delta Chi Kappa Phi Gamma Omega Delta Phi Sigma Iota Alpha
National Pan-Hellenic Council The National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) is the unifying and governing body for the historically African-American fraternities and sororities chartered at Baylor University. The activities of member organizations range from community service projects and step shows to leadership development and educational programming.
Alpha Kappa Alpha Alpha Phi Alpha Phi Beta Sigma Zeta Phi Beta
NPHC sponsors mixers, forums, guest speakers, service opportunities, and cultural events throughout the year. The council also awards an annual scholarship to an unaffiliated undergraduate student excelling in these areas.
How to join and what to look for: •
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Each NPHC chapter has an independent membership selection process and its own GPA criteria. They also hold individual informational sessions to meet prospective members. NPHC hosts Greek 101 at the beginning of each semester, an informational session designed to answer questions about the intake process. To get involved students should research the various chapters, attend the informational sessions to indicate interest, and meet with the individual chapters. For more information, visit www.baylor.edu/greeklife. For chapter & council updates be sure to check each group’s Connect portal.
Panhellenic Council The Panhellenic Council is the unifying, coordinating, and governing body of eight inter/national women’s fraternities on campus. When you join one of the eight PHC sororities, you not only become a member of that group, but a member of the greater Panhellenic community at Baylor, across the country, and beyond. Membership in a PHC sorority enhances your college experience through leadership development, academic support, social events, service opportunities, and a network of friends and sisters.
How to join and what to look for: • • • •
Formal recruitment is the main process our sororities use to recruit new members in January. The recruitment process starts in the fall with orientations, registration, Panhellenic Previews, and various other opportunities to meet sorority members. The registration process starts in September and ends in early December. During the recruitment events, women will have time to ask questions about sorority events, financial obligations, new member programs, scholarship, community service, and sorority life in general. For more information, visit www.baylor.edu/greeklife. For chapter & council updates be sure to check each group’s Connect portal.
Alpha Chi Omega Alpha Delta Pi Chi Omega Delta Delta Delta Kappa Alpha Theta Kappa Kappa Gamma Pi Beta Phi Zeta Tau Alpha
Local and Independent Chapters Local Kappa Chi Alpha Kappa Omega Tau Phi Kappa Chi Independent Beta Upsilon Chi Sigma Phi Lambda
Local and independent chapters are included in Baylor University’s diverse Greek community.TheseorganizationsareinvolvedinallaspectsofcampusandGreeklifeandwork to support the university and Waco communities. Local chapters are found only on Baylor’s campus, while independent organizations are national, but do not affiliate with a council. Chapter activities include: intramurals, All-University Sing, Homecoming, Steppin’ Out, community service projects, all-university philanthropy events, and social activities.
How to join and what to look for: • • •
Students should research each organization to determine individual recruitment processess. Local and independent fraternities participate in formal recruitment with IFC each fall and spring. For chapter updates be sure to check each group’s Connect portal and for more information, visit www.baylor.edu/greeklife.