Celebrate Mercy-Prophet of Balance

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About the Speakers Imam Omar Suleiman is from New Orleans, Louisiana and has been the Imam of Masjid Abu Bakr there for several years. He has two Bachelor's degrees in Islamic Studies and in Accounting. He studied in the UAE under Ustadh Tariq Rajah and in Jordan under Shaykh Omar Sulayman Al Ashqar. Since 2008, Imam Omar has been under the tutelage of Dr. Salah As-Sawy and Dr. Hatem Al Haj. He teaches online with Mishkah University and a member of the ICNA Shariah Council. Imam Omar worked for ICNA Relief in Hurricane Katrina and ICNA Relief Louisiana. He was awarded for "Outstanding Civic Achievement" by the Major and City Council of New Orleans in 2010. He obtained his Masters of Islamic Finance with the Institute of Islamic Finance in the UK, and his currently pursuing his PhD in Islamic Studies from the Islamic University of Malaysia. Mufti Hussain Kamani was born and raised in Elizabethtown, Kentucky. After completing the memorization of the Qur'an in Buffalo, New York, he went on a complete rigorous 8-year Alim and 'Ifta course at Darul Uloom Bury located in the United Kingdom. His studies are based on the traditional Darse-Nizami curriculum of Islamic education and under some of the world's greatest scholars such as Shaykh Yusuf Motala and Shaykh Bilal Bawa. Following his graduation with top honors, Mufti Hussain went on to earn his post-graduate degree in Business Management & Strategy at the University of Coventry (RDI). Currently, he resides in Chicago, is the Imam at Islamic Center of Chicago and holds various programs for Muslim youth. He is also an instructor in the Sacred Learning program headed by Shaykh Husain Abdul Sattar and a favorite at Darul Hikmah's Islamic Science programs. Ustadh Ubaydullah Evans is ALIM's (American Learning Institute for Muslims) first Scholar-in-Residence. He converted to Islam while in high school. Upon conversion, Ustadh Ubaydullah began studying some of the foundational books of Islam under the private tutelage of local scholars while simultaneously pursuing a degree in journalism from Columbia. Since then he has studied at Chicagoland's Institute of Islamic Education (IIE) under the rectorship of Maulana Abdullah Saleem, in Tarim, Yemen, and Al-Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt, where he is the first African-American to graduate from its Shari'a program. Ustadh Ubaydullah also instructs with the Ta'leef Collective and the Inner-City Muslim Action Network (IMAN) at times.


Asma Hanif is a nurse, community health activist, a professor, student and entrepreneur. In 2005 she was elected as the first female Chairperson of the Coordinating Council Muslim Organizations, (CCMO) of DC/MD/VA. She is presently operating a holistic health center, mentoring Coppin State University nurse-practitioner students, providing, and organizing volunteer health services in public schools, providing health services to marginalized communities and individuals, as well as organizing community based outreach programs. Dr. Hassan Elwan originally from Egypt, he came to the US in 1997 to complete a Ph.D. program at THE Ohio State University. He was the MSA president at OSU and was one of the founders of Ansar Relief, a refugee aid organization based in Ohio. He obtained his PhD in microelectronic in 2001 and is currently working in the field of chip design in southern California. He is also with Orange County Islamic Foundation and is active with many Islamic organizations in the field of da'wah and Islamic education. Arsalan Iftikhar is a Legal Fellow at ISPU, global media commentator and founder of TheMuslimGuy.com. Additionally, Arsalan is a regular weekly political commentator/legal analyst for the National Public Radio (NPR) show "Tell Me More" with Michel Martin and he is also a regular contributing writer for Esquire Magazine (Middle East edition) and CNN Anderson Cooper 360 on domestic and international issues affecting our world today. His interviews, commentaries and analyses have regularly appeared in virtually every major media outlet around the world. Arsalan graduated from Washington University in St. Louis in 1999 and received his law doctorate from Washington University School of Law in 2003. A native of Chicago, he specializes in international human rights law and is licensed to practice law in Washington DC. Hosai Mojaddidi is the co-founder of MH4M (Mental Health for Muslims). She has been actively involved with the Muslim community in the San Francisco Bay Area and southern California for nearly 20 years. Working for several non-profit organizations and schools including Islamic Study School, Zaytuna Institute, Islamic Networks Groups, Peace Terrace Academy, and Northstar School she has worked in various administrative and leadership capacities as well as a Qur'an teacher and lecturer. She also volunteered her time with other local and internationally recognized groups. Through her years of work and activism, as well as her monthly halaqas, Ustadha Hosai has been able to gauge the mental health issues of the larger community firsthand by serving as a private mediator, advisor and mentor to many.


About the Performers Brother Dash is an author, writer, and poet whose work focuses on identity, culture, society, love, gender dynamics and spirituality. As a poet he has performed at conferences such as Global Peace & Unity for 25,000 in London and at the British Library to universities such as Yale, NYU, and Rutgers to events and concerts such as MuslimFest in Canada, ISNA and others. He has been a subject on two BBC specials, featured on Al-Arabiya, Islam Channel, Ebru TV and interviewed on several radio stations around the globe. He has released three albums of poetry, published several articles and is now working on his first novel. He can be reached on the usual social media spaces under brotherdash and via his website www.brotherdash.com. Mouaz Al-Nass, of Syrian descent, was born in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. He studied Inshad (religious songs) and Maqamat under foremost munshideen in Syria while completing a degree in Management Information Systems. As an expert singer and drummer, Mouaz has been involved in may musical performances in the USA, UK, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Saudi Arabia. Mouaz also studied tajweed and Fiqh under his father Shaykh Samir alNass.

Baraka Blue is an emcee, spoken word artist, and author residing in Oakland, California. A member of the Remarkable Current Musicians Collective, Baraka Blue has performed all over the US as well as the Middle East, Africa, and Europe. In addition to his performances he has taught classes and led creative writing workshops internationally. Baraka Blue is currently pursuing his Masters Degree with a focus on Sufism and Psychology. He is also a cultural ambassador and tours with Remarkable Current's Hip Hop Ambassadors program through US Embassies around the world.


All Timings Listed are Central Standard Time (New York Time Minus 1 Hour)

Register to View the Program Online at www.CelebrateMercy.com/Balance Bonus: Online Viewers Receive 10-Day Access to All Recordings

Friday’s Sessions Only: FREE Livestream Friday Khutba and Opening Session View at www.CelebrateMercy.com/live


Friday, April 11th Jummah Prayer Khateeb: Imam Omar Suleiman

1:10-1:45 p.m.

"By their Fruits, Ye Shall Know Them" Men & Women Around the Messenger (‫)ﺹص‬ One of the greatest proofs of the Prophet Muhammad (‫ )ﺹص‬are the people he left behind. As a "walking Quran," he transformed everyone around him with his light and character, making allies out of staunch enemies, saints out of slaves, and martyrs out of war criminals. On-Site Registration

5:30-9:30 p.m. Location: MAS Center


6:30-7:30 p.m. Location: MAS Gym

Maghrib Prayer

7:30 p.m. Location: MAS Building

Qur’an Recitation & Opening Remarks Shoeb Sadiq; Spring Camp Co-Heads & CelebrateMercy

7:50-8:20 p.m. Location: MAS Banquet Hall

Spring Camp Preview

8:20-9:00 p.m.

Spoken Word by Brother Dash Short talks by Hassan Elwan and Hosai Mojaddidi Keynote Address Speaker: Imam Omar Suleiman

9:00-9:30 p.m.

Endangered Sunnahs Forgotten Pillars of the Prophet (‫')ﺹص‬s Character There are character traits of the Prophet that are often the most neglected. But they contain they keys to a more fulfilling life, as individuals, families and communities.

Spoken Word & Nasheed Performance

9:30 p.m.

Baraka Blue and Mouaz al-Nass Isha Prayer Entertainment Sessions Brothers: Open Gym Sisters: Sisters Social/Open Mic Night

9:45 p.m. 10:00 p.m.- 2:00 a.m. Location: Brookens Gym Location: Asian American Cultural Center


Saturday, April 12th Fajr Prayer

5:45 a.m. Location: CIMIC

On-Site Registration & Breakfast

9:00 a.m. Location: 314 A/B Illini Union

Open Q & A with Speakers Omar Suleiman, Hosai Mojaddidi & Hassan Elwan

9:15 a.m. Location: 314 A/B Illini Union

What Would You Do? Ethical Dilemmas Before lectures begin, conference attendees will be asked how they would respond in controversial scenarios that pose ethical dilemmas. We will then turn to our panelists for their advice. Get ready for a very exciting and thought-provoking dialogue!

Main Session I Qu’ran Recitation by Osama Basheer Speaker: Imam Omar Suleiman

10:00-10:45 a.m. Location: 314 A/B Illini Union

Developing a Personal Relationship with God: Prophetic Lessons from Mecca In Mecca, the Prophet (‫ )ﺹص‬equipped the early Muslims with spiritual tools that transformed them into spiritual giants. Giants whose very lives were threatened, names insulted, and bodies tortured, while remaining steadfast in their relationship with God. In this session, we will learn how to develop a personal relationship with Allah that will anchor us in all of life's storms. Moderator: Hafsa Siddiqui

Nasheed Performance by Mouaz al-Nass


Main Session II Speaker: Imam Omar Suleiman and Hosai Mojaddidi

11:00 a.m.-12:10 p.m. Location: 314 A/B Illini Union

Panel Discussion: The Unhappy Modern Muslimah & the Male Response For nearly five decades there has been an increasing downward trend of happiness among western women despite their many advances professionally, politically, and economically. What are the potential spiritual causes, implications, and ramifications of this decline? Can women redefine and find true happiness and still “have it all”? Where does companionship fit in? After Ustadha Hosai's presentation, we will then hear Imam Omar Suleiman's response from the male perspective before opening it up for a lively discussion with the audience. Moderator: Uzma Ahmad

Poetry Performance by Baraka Blue Lunch

12:20-1:30 p.m.


1:30 p.m. Location: Main Quad

Main Session III Qu’ran Recitation by Yousha Siddiqui Speaker: Hassan Elwan

2:00-2:50 p.m. Location: 314 A/B Illini Union

How Does One Love the Prophet (‫?)ﺹص‬ We learn that we should love the Prophet (‫ )ﺹص‬more than our families and our own selves but how do we make that a reality in our daily lives? Even though the Prophet has passed away physically, can we still connect to him spiritually? Moderator: Zuheir Kotob

Nasheed Performance by Mouaz al-Nass


Main Session IV Speaker: Hosai Mojaddidi

3:00-3:50 p.m. Location: 314 A/B Illini Union

Know Yourself to Know God & His Messenger (‫)ﺹص‬ How do we know Allah (swt)? Can we strengthen our relationship with Him if we don’t have a strong grasp of ourselves? Where is the starting point in knowing ourselves, so we can better know our Lord? Moderator: Uzma Ahmad Nasheed Performance by Mouaz al-Nass

Main Session V Speakers: Arsalan Iftikhar & Hassan Elwan

4:00-4:50 p.m. Location: 314 A/B Illini Union

Repelling Evil with Good: Prophetic Responses to Hate A cornerstone of Prophetic behavior is to repel evil with good. His universal kindness and calmness, even during perilous storms, transformed everyone around him. In our modern context, how can we respond as individuals and communities when hatred is shown to us, our faith, and our Prophet (‫?)ﺹص‬ Moderator: Nabiya Arshad

Poetry Performance by Baraka Blue

Main Session VI Speakers: Asma Hanif & Hosai Mojaddidi

5:00-6:00 p.m. Location: 314 A/B Illini Union

Finding Peace through the Comforter (‫)ﺹص‬: The Sunnah of Service We live in a day and age where narcissism is on the rise and empathy on the decline. What lessons can we learn from the life of the Best of Humanity about the importance of caring for others, serving others, and creating a culture of communal healing that benefits all? Sisters Hosai and Asma Hanif will not only discuss these Prophetic principles but also draw from experiences in their own work in counseling and social work. Moderator: Eqra Sattar

Nasheed Performance by Mouaz al-Nass 9

Asr Prayer

5:50 p.m. Location: Main Quad

*Carpool Pickup: If you need a ride to the MAS Center, please be at the front of the Illini Union (Green St.) at 6:15 p.m. sharp in order to be accommodated inshAllah. Dinner

6:30 p.m. Location: MAS Gym

Maghrib Prayer

7:30 p.m. Location: MAS Building

Main Session VII Speakers: Hassan Elwan

7:50-8:50 p.m. Location: MAS Banquet Hall

The Soul Behind the Sunnah: The Heart of the Prophet (‫)ﺹص‬ When discussing the Sunnah, Muslims often focus on the Prophet's outward practices: how he dressed, worshipped, and governed. However, without properly understanding the Prophet's essence, his heart and intentions, we can grossly miss the whole objective of his message. This talk will discuss incidents from the Prophet's life that reveal the inward aspects, the Heart, of the Sunnah that we often overlook. Moderator: Zuheir Kotob

Poetry Performance by Baraka Blue Isha Prayer

9:10 p.m.

Bonfire Entertainment

9:30 p.m.

Performances by Brother Dash, Ustadha Hosai, Mouaz Al-Nass & Baraka Blue Seerah Stories by Hassan Elwan and Mufti Kamani


Sunday, April 13th Fajr Prayer

5:45 a.m. Location: CIMIC

On-Site Registration & Breakfast

9:00 a.m. Location: 141 Wohlers Hall

Open Q & A with Speakers Mufti Kamani, Hosai Mojaddidi & Hassan Elwan

9:15 a.m. Location: 141 Wohlers Hall

What Would You Do? Ethical Dilemmas Before lectures begin, conference attendees will be asked how they would respond in controversial scenarios that pose ethical dilemmas. We will then turn to our panelists for their advice. Get ready for a very exciting and thought-provoking dialogue!

Main Session VIII Qu’ran Recitation by Owais Siddiqui Speaker: Mufti Kamani

10:10-11:00 a.m. Location: 141 Wohlers Hall

Love & the Beloved: The Prophet (‫ )ﺹص‬as a Spouse and a Father Let's take a journey inside the Prophet (‫' )ﺹص‬s home. How did he interact with his wives, children, and grandchildren? How did he handle challenges within his own family? How can we strive for a more Prophetic home? Moderator: Shoeb Sadiq

Nasheed Performance by Mouaz al-Nass


Main Session IX Speaker: Ubaydullah Evans

11:10 a.m.-12:15 p.m. Location: 141 Wohlers Hall

Turbans & Bowties: Exploring Hassan bin Thabit - Where Culture & Sunnah Meet "Say (O Prophet): If you truly love God, then follow me." What does following the Prophet (‫)ﺹص‬ mean? In the west, does the Sunnah equate with social awkwardness? Should it define how we act, eat, look and dress? This talk will address these questions in light of the story of Hassan bin Thabit, the Prophet (‫' )ﺹص‬s poet. Moderator: Ahamed Milhan

Nasheed Performance by Mouaz al-Nass

Main Session X Speakers: Asma Hanif, Hosai Mojaddidi, Hassan Elwan, & Ubaydullah Evans

12:20-1:10 p.m. Location: 141 Wohlers Hall

Timeless Gems from the Prophet (‫')ﺹص‬s Life In this farewell session, speakers will each choose one incident from the Prophet (‫')ﺹص‬s life that contains deep lessons for our post-conference lives. Moderator: Nabiya Arshad

Nasheed Performance by Mouaz al-Nass Closing Statements and Du’aa Spring Camp Co-Heads and CelebrateMercy; Hassan Elwan

1:20 p.m. Location: 141 Wohlers Hall


1:35 p.m. Location: South Quad

Spring Camp BBQ

2:00-6:00 p.m. Location: Illini Grove


Venues Central Illinois Mosque and Islamic Center (CIMIC) 106 S. Lincoln Ave. (entrance on Busey Ave.) Urbana, IL 61801 MAS Center 2011 Brownfield Rd. Urbana, IL 61802 Illini Union 1401 W. Green St. Urbana, IL 61801 Brookens Gym 1776 E. Washington St., Pod 400 Urbana, IL 61802 Asian American Cultural Center 1210 W. Nevada St. Urbana, IL 61801 Wohlers Hall 1206 S. Sixth St. Champaign, IL 61820 Illini Grove Corner of Lincoln & Pennsylvania Ave.


Parking at Spring Camp From 5:00 p.m. Friday through 6:00 a.m. Monday, the following lots are available for parking free of charge: -Lot B-1 on Springfield Avenue between Goodwin and Mathews (5 min walk to Illini Union) -Lot C09 on Chalmers and Sixth (5 min walk to Illini Union) From 2:00 p.m. Friday through 9 a.m. Sunday, the CIMIC Parking Lot will be available for parking free of charge for all out of town guests. *YOU MUST OBTAIN A PASS TO PARK AT THE REGISTRATION TABLE.*

Places to Eat on Campus (all locations are within walking distance of the Illini Union) Mia Za’s 629 E. Green St. Champaign, IL 61820

Noodles & Co. 528 E. Green St. Champaign, IL 61820

Antonio’s Pizza 619 E. Green St. Champaign, IL 61820

Potbelly’s Sandwich Works 501 E. Green St. Champaign, IL 61820

Casablanca Kabob House (serves zabiha) 623 E. Green St. Champaign, IL 61820

Lai Lai Wok 402 E. Green St. Champaign, IL 61820

Flat Top Stir-Fry Grill 607 S. 6th St. Champaign, IL 61820

Ambar India (serves zabiha) 605 S. Wright St. Champaign, IL 61820

Chipotle Mexican Grill 528 E. Green St. Champaign, IL 61820

Panera Bread 616 E. Green St. Champaign, IL 61820


Acknowledgements We would like to thank our volunteers without whom this weekend would not have been possible: Shura Zuheir Kotob Nabiya Arshad Shoeb Sadiq Eqra Sattar Uzma Ahmad Ahamed Milhan Hafsa Siddiqui Hospitality Heads Irma Raouf Habib Bilfaqi Aamina Khan Akram Ibrahim Publicity/Media Team Sidra Ismail Amna Owais Akram Ibrahim Registration Shazia Siddiqi Bilal Khan Sarah Safe Zahra Siddiqui Shayaq Masood Junaid Sandozi Sarah Bakir Mazen Syed Najah Bhatty Food/BBQ Dolly Ahmad Gehad Taha Fayyaz Ahmed Ahmad Shams Mudassir Khan Umama Mahmud Haleema Sadia Ahsan Ali

Haadi Shakir Mohammad Salem Sidra Ismail Aisha Saqib Saher Khan Marya Jan Mohsin Ismail Thair al-Saqri Rameez Siddiqui Irfan Vora Arsal Manzoor Usman Hussain Daanish Siddiqui Ahmad ElKhatib Shahzad Ahmad Decorations Bana Zayyad Zoya Siddiqui Zohah Beg Fatima Khan Yasmeen Nadhimi Zarin Sultana Abhiya Ahmed Asif Bhat Fizzah Hasan T-Shirt Omar Dawood Omar Ahmed Momina Shaikh Aminah Darabu Owais Siddiqui Akram al Masri Sisters Entertainment Loujain Fouly Gehad Taha Umama Mahmud Aminah Darabu

Saher Khan Brothers Entertainment Muzammil Ali Mudassir Ali Waleed Aldadah Security Mahmoud ElRakhawy Mohammad ElRakhawy Atef Kotob Layla Fattash Maha Tolba Sameha Martini Recitation Shoeb Sadiq Owais Siddiqui Yousha Siddiqui Osama Basheer Mohammad Manasra

Usaid Siddiqui Haris Rehman Atif Uddin Fera Aisyah Akram al Masri Momina Shaikh Maha Anwar Samra Matin Zaid Ahmed Ahmed Abouhessein Aroob Askari Fariha Driving Committee Ahmad Shams Atef Kotob Aisha Saqib Gehad Taha Marya Jan Usman Hussain

Bonfire Omar Ahmed Ahmad Shams Ahmad Hamdan Mudassir Khan

Set-Up Crew Sana Khadri Zarin Sultana Huda Mirza Alonso Avila Amish Khan Sarah Safe Sarah Bakir


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