Face, Neck, Decollete, Hands Antiaging Mesotherapy What is mesolifting? On face, can be applied to wrinkles that emerged under the influence of sun damage and years, can also be applied to skin that has not yet damaged the in order to maintain well-being. Mesolifting can be applied in which areas except face? Mesolifting, except the face can be applied to neck, dÊcolletÊ and hands also to all parts of the body that had been at genetic infrastructure damaged by environmental factors or have high possibility to damage. Which active ingredients are used in Mezolifting? Medicine or mixture of medicine that will be used to Mesolifting determine individual specialist physicians. Ingredients like vitamins, minerals, amino acids, coenzymes, antioxidants, hyaluronic acid, salmon DNA, DMAE used at mesotherapy. While antioxidants fight oxidative stress in the tissue, vitamins and minerals are strengthens structure, amino acids also enables the formation of the protein chain. DMAE and salmon DNA play role in increasing the collagen reserves of tissue. The hyaluronic acid is a tissue building blocks that increases the skin’s moisture retention capacity. How to apply Mesotlifting? The mixture prepared according to the person administered by injection in small portions with fine and small needle. Is mesolifting or facial mesotherapy application painful? Before application, the application of local anesthetic cream to the area, and waiting for 15-30 minutes and is http://www.burcuyamangokturksolak.com
Hair Mesotherapy Hair loss and hair mesotherapy Determination of the cause of hair loss and for this reason should be planned treatment. Hair loss, thyroid dysfunction, lack of certain vitamins and minerals, some diseases that can cause anemia and anemia, among the reasons. Sometimes the results of all tests performed for any reason can not be identified. In these situations, season passes or distress, such as stress factors should be remembered. One cause could not be determined, our way to help the scalp and hair follicles is the hair mesotherapy. What involves hair mesotherapy? Hair mesotherapy that applied for hair loss may include, vitamins, minerals, amino acids and tissue regulators with antioxidants. At hair loss, what does it do hair mesotherapy? With hair mesotherapy application increases blood circulation of tissue, thereby increase the nutrition of hair follicles. Follicle that increase its nutrition starts to lengthen the residence time in the tissue. Can be observed increase in hair and roots which not lost. At hair loss, how to apply hair mesotherapy? The mixture prepared according to the person administered by injection in small portions with fine and small needle. Is hair mesotherapy application painful? In implementation of Hair Mesotherapy, the use of mesotherapy gun make the process painless and provides both the patient as well as to live a more comfortable treatment processes practitioner physician.
Care for acne skin Acne, oily skin care – mixed skin care : When you wake up in the morning if you feel lubrication on your skin, if you complain of shining face despite of being cleaned, if you have any acnes(pimples) or if they come off on your face ever and anon, if you have blackheads probably you have an oily skin. Therefore, the skin care that is applying to you, should provide the oil moisture balance of your face. The excess oil and the skin surface should be cleaned good, but moisture must not be lost. Cleaners, tonics and moisturizers which you should use in your daily routine should have been chosen according the skin type Akneli ( sivilceli ) yagli deri bakimi- karma deri bakimi : Sabah uyandiginizda cildinizde yaglanma hissediyorsaniz, temizlemenize ragmen gün içinde yüzünüzde parlamadan sikayet ediyorsaniz, akne ( sivilce ) leriniz varsa yada zaman zaman yüzünüzde akne ( sivilce ) çikiyorsa , siyah noktalariniz varsa muhtemelen yagli bir deriye sahipsinizdir. Dolayisiyla size uygulanacak cilt bakimi yüzünüzün yag nem dengesini saglayabilecek özellikte olmalidir. Fazla yagin ve deri yüzeyinin iyi temizlenmesi ancak nemin kaybolmamasi gereklidir. Günlük rutinde kullanmaniz gereken temizleyiciler, tonikler ve nemlendiriciler de deri tipinize uygun seçilmelidir.