Innovative flowmeter for winery applications

FLOWAVE APPLICATIONS FOR WINERIES 1 // Grape Press Pump will usually be connected to a float switch on press juice tray Output // flow totaliser First Press Cut using flow totaliser to close Valve 1 and open Valve 2 once selected volume has been reached Second Press Cut Output // ATF to detect juice/water interface and divert at specified dilution to drain Water divert to drain 2 // Water push through at end of press cycle
5 // Wine and Juice + heating/cooling 3 // RDV Rotary Vacuum Drum Filtration Output // ATF to detect juice/water interface and divert at specified factor to juice tank Water divert to drain 4 // Barrel Filling Output // flow totaliser and flow rate Barrel is filled to set volume, as fill approaches for eg: 10% of total volume, flow rate is reduced until barrel is full Once first barrel is filled, totaliser/batch is reset and valve is switched to fill second barrel. While this is occurring, first filling unit is repeatemptytransferredmanuallytonextbarrelforofprocess
6 // Wine Blending 7 // Additive Dosing Output // Temperature Control VSD either speeding up or slowing down product velocity to allow efficient and effective heat exchange Output // Flow totaliser for batch control for blending Batching of additives to wine/juice // Volume for Tank A is different to Tank B. When totaliser for addition to Tank A reaches pre-set value, valve closes and valve to Tank B opens. Volume for Tank B is a different pre-set value to Tank A. i.e. two different batch volumes Output // flow totaliser TankTankA B
Bürkert’s unique flow measurement technology
Surface Acoustic Waves (SAW) occur in nature during seismic activities. We have used these effects in a patented technology for in-line flow rate measurement of liquids. There are no sensor elements coming into contact with the media in the measuring tube, and clear application advantages are provided over the entire product life cycle. SAW technology Interdigital transducers* are triggered by an electrical signal and generate the surface acoustic waves. These waves spread over the pipe surface and couple into the liquid at a specific angle. The waves thereby generate reception signals with single and multiple passes through the liquid. This takes place both with and against the flow direction. The run-time differences are proportional to the flow rate. The comparison of single and multiple waves running through the liquid enables excellent measurement performance and additional evaluations with respect to the type and characteristics of the liquids. transducer
(Transmitter/reciever)(IDT)* Interdigital transducer (Transmitter/reciever)(IDT)* Interdigital transducer (Transmitter/reciever)(IDT)* Received signals: Wave groups A0 direct 2 WG 4 WG 1 WG 3 WG 5 WG Surface Acoustic Waves (SAW) Technology
for your flow management
After each batch process, you rinse the pipeline with a cleaning agency. Ultimately, this comes into contact with the raw produce and can be the cause of many litres of the end product going to waste. Furthermore, costs are incurred for waste water treatment. FLOWave determines density continuously. This is a temperature compensated measured value. If it changes, FLOWave recognises that a different liquid is flowing. This fast and precise measurement reduced rejects and increases the efficiency of your winery. offers
Flow measurement for greater efficiency
SignalTriggeringInterdigital transducer (Transmitter/reciever)(IDT)* Interdigital
AU | 06/2022 Bürkert Fluid Control Systems 15 Columbia Way Norwest Business Park Norwest NSW 2153 Australia Phone 1300 888 686 Fax 1300 888 When it comes to dealing with liquids and gases, Bürkert is a sought-after partner all over the world. Why? Probably because we have been learning for, and from, our customers for more than 70 years. This enables us to always think that crucial step ahead – or even sideways. We make ideas flow. We learn from you every day Including when we think outside the box